Mystery’s Openers
Here is a list of some of Mystery’s openers. Some of these are good, some aren’t, but these are openers that you won’t have heard on the show. If you interested in learning the Mystery Method I suggest reading Magic Bullets.
Other great recources to learn openers is our previous post “The Ultimate Opener Collection“or the hugely popular Joseph Mathews book on openers, “The Art of Approaching.”
“What’s your name? Oh, may I call you sally? you can call me Mr. poo-pee pants.” – great is the girl is a 10!
“if I follow you home, will you keep me?”
“so how do you like me so far?”
“the voices in my head told me to come talk to you.”
“hello Suzy, your mommy couldn’t make it this afternoon. she asked me to pick you up and take you home. my that’s a pretty dress. would you like some candy?”
“you have an interesting figure.” – good if the babe is a 10!
“shh! people can see us!”
“you drank too much last night didn’t you?”
waiting for the subway – “don’t fall onto the tracks – you’ll make me late for work”
For more of Love System’s and Mystery’s openers click here.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.