Breath and Energy Exercises
How To Use Breath And Energy To Immediately Set You Free!
Now, here is the next exercise to do: As you know, I talk
alot about a spot on the body located about 2-3 inches below the navel, between
the navel and the public bone. If you’ve studied any martial arts, occult or
“esoteric” disciplines, this spot is called different names: the kanda, the t’an
t’ien, the hara, etc. Without getting into intricate explanations, you just
need to view it as a major power center in the body and a major awareness center
as well. So….stand upright. Feet planted about 2 feet apart. Take a deep
inhale, and as you do, imagine the breath is moving in a soft line of energy
feeling down the front of your body and swirling in the t’an t’ien. It doesn’t
matter if it is clockwise or counter-clockwise. Find out which works best for
Exhale by pulling your belly toward your spine and as you do, send strong line
of energy from the small of your back up the center of your spine, out through
the top of your head.
Do this breath about ten times. you go through your day,
whenever you talk to people, focus on that inhale going to the hara, and put
your focus and awarness there as you feel the energy swirl. You don’t need to
work about the exhale, except when you are alone, doing the ten breaths.
Out in the world, just focus on your awareness and breath in the hara. Notice
how it changes your awareness and perception of people. Don’t change anything
else in your behavior. Just notice what you notice:
What patterns of response/behavior do you notice in yourself? What patterns of
response/behavior can you notice in yourself, BEFORE they actually get
manifested in your behavior…can you catch some “auto-pilots” that are now just
considerations that you can actually put aside? Don’t try to MAKE this
happen..just notice if it does?
What patterns of response/behavior do you notice in other people? What
specificly do you notice about how they respond to authority/power and how they
exert authority/power with others? Can you notice which of their behaviors are
“auto-pilot” and which appear more freely chosen?
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.