Yahoo Groups March 24 2006 “Inner Game and PUA gimmicks”

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:07:51 -0000
From: “Steven”
Subject: Inner Game

To all my AFC’s who have taken the first step to recovery, i offer
these musings:

The bottom line for most true players is that the only game is inner
game. Once you come to a level of self-realization that you are one
hell of a man, one that any woman would and should want, then and
only then does your game truly get tight.

Learning openers, routines, patterns etc, is great for those making
the transition out of AFC status. You will find, however, that you
are still not truly “in the game” if you have not worked on you at
some point-preferably before the transition period. Without inner
game, you may collect thousands of phone numbers, have hundreds of
dates, and even get laid a few times, but have you really mastered
anything? No, what you have done is only increase your opportunities
to get laid, increased your numbers, so to speak. And while “the
game” really is a numbers game, the more the better, the master
player is able to massage most situations from the beginning into
a “win”, however you might define a “win” (getting laid, getting an
interesting new girl in his stable or harem if you please, getting a
stable full of 10s rather than the oneitis 5 girlfriend you have
grown accustomed to, or, preferably, all the above!).

Thus, while the AFC in the transition phase to player, may have 50
opportunities in any given time period to approach, number close,
etc, HBs, and may convert 3-5 of those into bed mates, the true
master of the game will convert a higher percentage, say half or
more, because a) he is good at pre-qualifying and may leave a great
many “numbers” on the table because he knows the bullshit is coming
and is not worth it and 2) he is SO good at “one” because his inner
game is SO tight.

Inner game is all about painting NJ confidence, developing a sense of YOUR OWN
style, and self improvement. That is how the PU community CAN be
good beyond just teaching a few guys how to “get their jollies” by
laying a few extra HB. For a truly developed player is a confident,
strong, insightful human being, and these qualities transitions well
into other areas of the players, whether its work, school, other non
pickup social interactions, i.e., networking, or at least it

To be sure, learning routines and lines will help you get better at
the game. And as you gain success at picking up women through the
use of these routines, etc, one hopes you will also become more
confident, naturally. But the best players I have found are guys
who, one way or another, a) know how to play the game and b) have a
great deal of across the board confidence.

That kind of confidence can only come from you becoming the best
you, you can be (I know, it sounds a little too Dr.Phil-like, but
it’s true).

So, for instance, one of the long standing debates in the PUA
community is do looks- the PUA’s looks that is- matter? The answer
is yes and no: the best looking guys are often still AFCs who don’t
get laid any more than an ugly AFC does. On the other hand, the
Average to below average looking guy who takes time with his
appearance, who hits the gym and who understands how what you wear
can attract a woman, AND, who knows game will get laid the most-yes,
even more than the good looking AFC guy. That person, that so-called
average looking guy, is likely to be more confident, comfortable and
interesting than even the “pretty boy” and these are three things
that turn on any woman, confidence, comfort-within his own skin- and
being interesting, even though he may not be the best looking person
in the room.

In essence, he is being the best person he can be in one area- his
looks- with what God gave him. And he is only getting better because
along with tightening up his appearance will come more compliments
and more interest by HBs which will ALSO serve to boost his
confidence (I do stress ALSO, since a true player does not let a
woman, any woman, except maybe his mom, determine his mood, attitude
or self-confidence level).

The bottom line is, you have to work on inner game before you will
truly have any game.



Message: 2
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 20:03:56 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Bouncing members?

— In, “David Caswell”
> — In, “George” wrote:
> >
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > I’m thinking about cleaning up the list and removing those members
> > whose emails are bouncing. They’re really not reading the group and
> > therefore I feel comfortable with deleting them.
> George, some of the people are probably reading the group, but their
> mail provider is sending out faulty bounce messages. On the other
> hand, anybody can get a gmail account that works for free (just email
> me) so I say drop them.
> — Dave

Thank you Dave, Erikk, Eek, Mike, Chun and the rest of you who have
emailed me. They have been dropped.



Message: 3
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 21:10:39 -0000
From: “hsvtiger04”
Subject: Suggestions for Gimmicks…

Okay guys I pulled a clip of Style off limewire from double
your dating. He noted like 10 areas of his life he would like
to learn, 10 things he wanted to change about himself and 10 things he
wanted to rid himself off.

I made out my own list. I will not bore you guys with that list but
one thing I definately would like to learn and even outside of terms of
seduction is handwriting analysis. Anyone on this board learned that?
what is the best most efficient way to learn that for those who have

Any other gimmicks and suggestions out their for guys who have tried
this stuff? I have several other things I would like to learn this is
just the start.


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 08:04:29 +0800
From: “Firebat” <
Subject: Re: Bouncing members?

Probably. They don’t open emails anymore.

But like me, I don’t reply much, but reading it religiously and keep all the
useful information in my PC’s Separate hard drive.

Tracking best interest, this is where I started to succeed.

But bouncing member… I am 100% sure they are not reading the emails anymore.

Just an opinion.

Best Regards.

—– Original Message —–
From: George
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:25 PM
Subject: [seduction_dating] Bouncing members?

Hey guys,

I’m thinking about cleaning up the list and removing those members
whose emails are bouncing. They’re really not reading the group and
therefore I feel comfortable with deleting them.

Your thoughts?



Message: 5
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 00:03:55 -0000
From: “insidious”
Subject: Hottest. Girl. Ever.

Sup Fellas – back from down under, stories to tell, but those’ll have to

I’d like to think that my 10 is reserved for that rare 4 – 7% of the
population, the ones that I can’t take my eyes off of.

This girl was an eleven.

The progression of observation.

1 – I see her at the gym with her bf, I stop breathing and have to
remember that I-am-at-the-gym-to-lift-weights-not-to-pick-up-women.
(This idea is about to go out the window, again.)

2 – Few days later, I see her again, by herself, this time alone. Not
breathing aside, I notice a small gold ring on her left hand – I think,
hmm…ring’s in the right spot, but doesn’t look like a wedding ring to
me (what do I know?).

3 – Two days after that (today) I see her again, this time with her bf.
I make a note to look at her hand – hmmm…no ring this time. Much more
interesting than that – I catch her looking at me – in the mirror – as I
walk by – hmm…maybe wishful thinking, or maybe I invoked it, who knows
– women have been known to look in my direction before.

The question to you guys:

How would you approach this, or would you bother (remember: 11)? I’ve
got a couple of irons in the fire so to speak, she trumps them all.

Thanks fellas –


Oh yea – the legwork – I thought about starting off talking to her bf
about lifting or something, to provoke her interest, I’m just not sure
how well this will work out.


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 00:20:50 -0000
From: “insidious”
Subject: Minor successes.

Alright – vacation stories.

I’m sitting in a hostel, and notice a hb8 sitting at the dinner table
by herself, eating. I positiion myself at the end of the table to do
my reading. (The idea was to ask her something, anything at some point).

I got some help – a couple had some leftovers, and asked if I wanted
to finish them off. Not one to turn down home cooked meals – alright
– plus this is my excuse – “hey hb8, mind if I eat with you?” She
didn’t, and we started talking.

Alright, so I don’t have the fastest game (we already know not the
best) – turns out that she’s living in this small town for the month,
working. As she loves this town, I start teasing her about there
being nothing to do in small towns like this (bait). She protests
(hook). I say show me, I’ll be back Saturday (I was passing back
through) – she says, oh I’ll show you…(alright, I’m in…well, sort of)

Saturday comes and she keeps her promise, we (meaning her, me, her
friends (like 4 people), my friend, and a couple of people staying in
the same room with me) all head out to the clubs. I play it cool – I
tease her about this being it – I dance with her, but not too
agressively – She moves closer, I follow her lead – and by the end of
the evening, we’re walking arm in arm, waaaaaay behind everyone else.

I’m going to summarize the rest of this, as it’s not too exciting.
Basically, we hang out for awhile, everyone goes to bed, conversation
was good, and following her lead still, we lean in and kiss (for
awhile). It was good. Now of course, it’s after here that it gets
all aucked up.

She sez – I’d better go to bed. I sez – I don’t know if I’ll get to
see you after this (true, as I was leaving, leaving). We kiss again,
and then she goes to bed. I didn’t feel right trying to stop her – I
didn’t want to look desparate.

So, any opinions as to what happened?

I did get an email from her later saying something along the lines of,
“Sorry, I was being really stupid, and I’m sad that I didn’t have the
chance to explain myself before you left…”

I wrote back, something like, “…I didn’t understand what happened
that last night, I thought you were mad or something…sorry I
couldn’t say goodbye, but we should stay in touch.”

Of *course* I haven’t heard from her.

Any thoughts?



Message: 7
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 01:04:37 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Gimmicks…

Having been introduced to the PUA community through the game, I’ve
picked up a lot on what Style says in the book. I haven’t learned
anything on handwriting analysis because I think it can take a little
too long to get a girls attention with it. I have learned things on
the shape of a person’s face which can be used to tell a lot about a
person. A lot of the magical/ horoscope kinda stuff is great material
to learn and use. I’ve also picked up a small book on the chinese
birth signs ( the tiger, dragon, goat, etc.). Anything that can allow
you to make a cold read or a read based on very little information is
great stuff. A lot of these cold reading books, surprisingly enough,
can be found in the checkout line of a grocery store. I’ve found a few
of these little books on cold reading that way.



Message: 8
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 01:11:28 -0000
From: “hsvtiger04”
Subject: Reporter Drill Day 3…

Well guys I went to the mall again tonight and went one for two. I
find that right before I go out in my mind I come up with excuse after
excuse not to go but I know that is just my subconscious not wanting

I would have prefered to do a few more approaches but just alot of
young girls there to young so not alot of great candidates.

I did approach with ease a girl at the cell phone kiosk and actually
talked to her some after the interview. She gave me tips on when the
best time was to work the mall so she was helpful.

I did get a turndown as I was leaving she said she had to go meet her
parents but so what.

Here is the results.

1) Name three characteristics you look for in a man

2) If you were to see a man that interests you, what would capture
your attention?

3) On a first date would you prefer a dinner at a nice restaurant or a
casual date over drinks out (if you are drinking age)?

4) If you were to notice a guy that attracted you, would you be more
likely to approach him or wait for him to approach you?

5) What is the most unusual date you have been on?

6) What is the best date?

7) What is the worst

Girl # 9, White, 24-26, Alesha

1) Attitude, Humor, Attractive
2) The Way he treats other women. That is the first thing I noticed
about my husband which is the way he treated his sister and mother
3) I don’t drink to dinner
4) I wouldn’t approach him
5) Nothing really unusual
6) An outing at the driving range since its laid back and fun
7) Nothing really

Girl # 10 , 21-23, turndown


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 02:13:26 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Bouncing members?

— In, “Firebat” wrote:
> Probably. They don’t open emails anymore.
> But like me, I don’t reply much, but reading it religiously and keep
all the useful information in my PC’s Separate hard drive.
> Tracking best interest, this is where I started to succeed.
> But bouncing member… I am 100% sure they are not reading the
emails anymore.
> Just an opinion.
> Best Regards.
> Firebat

Done. Look at the counter.



Message: 10
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 13:32:30 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Reporter Drill Day 3…

I went out to do my reporter drill today and I was totally psyched out
again. Just COULDN’T DO IT. Like I’ve already done 30 girls, but now I’m
stuck again. But…

I noticed something interesting – I was observing my psyched-outness in real
time as I walked around. First of all, I realized that I was looking for
girls in isolation with nobody sitting near them (there was virtually non).
Then I realized that this was something to do with SHAME.

Like I was looking for a situation where if I went in and she said no
thanks, NO ONE WOULD SEE OR HEAR. In this current state, approaching sets of
2 or more girls seems impossible, but when I first started I had no issue
with sets.

I’m going to keep persisting though, going out every day. If I can do
nothing, then I fry in the nothing.

Disgusted with myself, I went back to the park later and saw a girl sitting
on her own, so I went and sat next to her and attempted to start a
conversation. She was reading so wasn’t into it. But at least I did

I hate this state. It is hell.



Message: 11
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 03:53:26 -0000
From: “Dean” Subject: LeeLee Sobieski

Just thought i’de share this story.
Just now i was coming back from the Doctor’s then went too the
supermarket doing some quick shopping.
Walking past the end of an isle this trolly nearly takes me out. I
look up an its LeeLee Sobieski,(cept for a just noticable 1 inch scar
on her right cheek and wrong country) Aussie bronzed and in ass
showing shorts it was her twin. The best i came up with was “I’ll give
you a speeding ticket next time”, stepped aside, and walked 3 paces
without even thinking, an then thought why didnt i carry on. I had her
in front of me, but my main thought was got the children tonite they
need dinner.
I suppose im trying to say expect the unexpected be in the right frame
and ready for anything you cant plan everything, what happened was an
automatic response, but i couldn’t follow up. I was in a frame of my
needs there and then….so she gets in the q some old lady behind her
an i dont feel the oppertunity is right, sorry it ends there. But it
is a small town i will look out for her…


Message: 12
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 07:32:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: RE: Reporter Drill Day 3…

— “Hart, Simon” wrote:

> I went out to do my reporter drill today and I was
> totally psyched out
> again. Just COULDN’T DO IT. Like I’ve already done
> 30 girls, but now I’m
> stuck again. But…
> I noticed something interesting – I was observing my
> psyched-outness in real
> time as I walked around. First of all, I realized
> that I was looking for
> girls in isolation with nobody sitting near them
> (there was virtually non).
> Then I realized that this was something to do with
> Like I was looking for a situation where if I went
> in and she said no
> thanks, NO ONE WOULD SEE OR HEAR. In this current
> state, approaching sets of
> 2 or more girls seems impossible, but when I first
> started I had no issue
> with sets.
> I’m going to keep persisting though, going out every
> day. If I can do
> nothing, then I fry in the nothing.
> Disgusted with myself, I went back to the park later
> and saw a girl sitting
> on her own, so I went and sat next to her and
> attempted to start a
> conversation. She was reading so wasn’t into it. But
> at least I did
> SOMEthing.
> I hate this state. It is hell.
> S

Hey Simon, I hear you…like you I am also stuck. I’ve
been running around like a madman for the past few
weeks doing approaches that I feel it’s like I’m
pushing with all my might against a brick wall and not
moving an inch. It’s like I approach and run my
routines and then these girls are like “so what”. I’m
not reaching the hook point.

Approaching is constantly on my mind. Sometimes I feel
over-anxious that I even go out on the weekends. I’m
starting to lose my friends. I think I maybe burnt
out. Anyway, it’s time to take some time off and go to



Message: 13
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 13:54:10 -0000
From: “hsvtiger04”
Subject: Question for Chun or others…on jealous gf….

You mentioned you didnt like Style’s opener how do you set up jealous
gf ….refresh my memory how does jealous gf go again…I looked
online and read the game but I dont remember…I plan on attempting
that in the field tonight…


Message: 14
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 07:59:24 -0800 (PST)
From: John Starnes
Subject: RE: Reporter Drill Day 3…

Chunwah Ho wrote:

— “Hart, Simon” wrote:

> >
> I noticed something interesting – I was observing my
> psyched-outness in real
> time as I walked around. First of all, I realized
> that I was looking for
> girls in isolation with nobody sitting near them
> (there was virtually non).
> Then I realized that this was something to do with

I have felt that before. I just walk around the mall with a tape recorder but
I am employed at a bank next to the mall to I know many of hte mall employees so
their are times I dont want them to see what i am doing. Or I just want to
approach single ladies not sets.
> Like I was looking for a situation where if I went
> in and she said no
> thanks, NO ONE WOULD SEE OR HEAR. In this current
> state, approaching sets of
> 2 or more girls seems impossible, but when I first
> started I had no issue
> with sets.

> Approaching is constantly on my mind. Sometimes I feel
over-anxious that I even go out on the weekends. I’m
starting to lose my friends. I think I maybe burnt
out. Anyway, it’s time to take some time off and go to

I agree all I think about is approaching now. Like if I have not approached
at least a couple of ladies a day I feel like I have accomplished nothing.

Also I have had all turndowns on actuall mall customers all my drills with
success have been employees.


Message: 15
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 09:40:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Steve Reynolds
Subject: Re: Bouncing members?

What is meant by “bouncing”?

George wrote: Hey guys,

I’m thinking about cleaning up the list and removing those members
whose emails are bouncing. They’re really not reading the group and
therefore I feel comfortable with deleting them.

Your thoughts?



Message: 16
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:08:44 -0600
Subject: Re: Hottest. Girl. Ever.

Remember: NO ONE FEMALE IS WORTH LOSING YOUR COOL OVER. The mindset must be “I
will approach any woman who is just as hot, so this one does not really matter.”
With respect to the approach, i offer two schools of thought:

1) “Lead the woman by leading the man”. Meaning: i have walked into sets that
appeared to be boyfriend girlfriend situations (i didnt care if they were) and
lead the men in the set with great stories about, say, meeting some professional
athlete on the elevator that day or, one of my favs, “I just saw ____________
(fill in the blank with a beautiful actress) getting out of a limo yesterday and
she actually spoke to me for a few minutes!” This last line serves two
functions,; if boyfriend overreacts to it, GF gets pissed (at some level even a
minor one) and the chink in the armor, albeit small, is there. It also gives me
status as it leads to the obvious question (or questions) why did the beautiful
actress talk to him…what’s up with him? What did they talk about…etc. If you
hook the BF into thinking you are SO COOL (AFC mistake) then you immediately get
status with the GF, if in fact she is a GF. (frankly, almost sounds like your
girl might be married and the possible BF does not know it-thus the ring
dissapearing act).

2) Direct Approach: When she is alone again, walk up to her (remember to breath)
and introduce yourself. You see her there all the time, why not? “Hi my name
is….”, “I noticed your work out routine (notice, u dont say u noticed
her…never tell a beautiful woman, even indirectly, that she is beautifu) do
you find that it is helpful with your (pecs, abs, whatever)” “Do you think women
work out differently then men?”..”HOw ofter are you here, i mean to get maximum
results from your work out, how frequently do you think you need to come”.

I dont know where you are in the game, how comfortable you are in your own
player status/methodoloy, but once i strike up this bs conversation, i lead it
quickly into a veiled-sexual discussion of the “energy” and “passion” from and
for working out…the “heat” of the burn from exercising a particular muscle.The
“pure hot energy and the feeling of being spent and exhausted, but somehow
totally satisfied after a good hard workout” in other words, i “sexual
methaphor” the hell out of this situation, and i have done this on many
ocassions- if you got ioi from a woman, and you lay (pardon the pun) this stuff
on them, the doggie dinner bowl look comes real quick (and by the way, i love
gyms for pick ups…i actually belong to two gyms, one i use to do pick ups, the
other, cheaper, manly man gym, i use for actual workouts). I seldom leave gym
“one” without a phone close or two…and typically these closes have lead to sex
faster than club p/u (which i hate anyway). Good luck

ps: Logisitcal word of advice: bring a cell phone into the gym with you the day
you make ur approach because if you make a number close, you will want a way to
put her number down and you dont want to have to go to the front desk to get a
paper and a pencil…

> —– Original Message —–
> From: insidious
> To:
> Subject: [seduction_dating] Hottest. Girl. Ever.
> Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 00:03:55 -0000
> Sup Fellas – back from down under, stories to tell, but those’ll have to
> wait.
> I’d like to think that my 10 is reserved for that rare 4 – 7% of the
> population, the ones that I can’t take my eyes off of.
> This girl was an eleven.
> The progression of observation.
> 1 – I see her at the gym with her bf, I stop breathing and have to
> remember that I-am-at-the-gym-to-lift-weights-not-to-pick-up-women.
> (This idea is about to go out the window, again.)
> 2 – Few days later, I see her again, by herself, this time alone. Not
> breathing aside, I notice a small gold ring on her left hand – I think,
> hmm…ring’s in the right spot, but doesn’t look like a wedding ring to
> me (what do I know?).
> 3 – Two days after that (today) I see her again, this time with her bf.
> I make a note to look at her hand – hmmm…no ring this time. Much more
> interesting than that – I catch her looking at me – in the mirror – as I
> walk by – hmm…maybe wishful thinking, or maybe I invoked it, who knows
> – women have been known to look in my direction before.
> The question to you guys:
> How would you approach this, or would you bother (remember: 11)? I’ve
> got a couple of irons in the fire so to speak, she trumps them all.
> Thanks fellas –
> inSid.
> Oh yea – the legwork – I thought about starting off talking to her bf
> about lifting or something, to provoke her interest, I’m just not sure
> how well this will work out.


Message: 17
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 10:15:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Question for Chun or others…on jealous gf….

— hsvtiger04 wrote:

> Chun,
> You mentioned you didnt like Style’s opener how do
> you set up jealous
> gf ….refresh my memory how does jealous gf go
> again…I looked
> online and read the game but I dont remember…I
> plan on attempting
> that in the field tonight…

Sure, there is a few variations of it but the basic
idea is you know somebody (your friend or roommate) is
seeing this girl but also talking to his gf from
college. One day, she is cleaning his place and finds
a box full of love letters and photos. She confronts
him and tells him not to talk to her again and to burn
the box.

You have a choice of either delivering it all at once
or breaking it into segments and then asking “what do
you guys think about that?” I personally prefer the
latter because it serves as a bait to slowly get them
to invest in me over time.

You will also need to root the opener. Which is the
reason why you are asking her: I’m doing a poll or my
friend and I are having this debate and need a females

The way I deliver it is messed up because I’m using
some of my own material from the reporter drill mixed
in so it doesn’t even make any sense but then again
chicks are not logical.

P.S. don’t forget to neg her also. Have fun.



Message: 18
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 17:46:43 -0000
From: “David Caswell”
Subject: Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…

— In, Chunwah Ho

> Hey Simon, I hear you…like you I am also stuck. I’ve
> been running around like a madman for the past few
> weeks doing approaches that I feel it’s like I’m
> pushing with all my might against a brick wall and not
> moving an inch. It’s like I approach and run my
> routines and then these girls are like “so what”. I’m
> not reaching the hook point.

She’s looking at you and thinking: So what does this guy want?

What’s the answer to her question? What is it you want? Maybe your
hook and approaches aren’t communicating this very well. Tell us more.

How do you know she’s hooked?

What is it you want to do with this chick, and why are you waiting
until she looks “hooked” to proceed? She’s probably thinking: I’m
bored, am I going to get some, or is this going to talk for the rest
of the evening? In other words, if you’ve got some sexy chick in front
of you, why are you wasting your time trying to mindread what she’s


Message: 19
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:55:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…

— David Caswell wrote:

> She’s looking at you and thinking: So what does this
> guy want?

I think most girls know at least in the back of their
heads what’s up when a guy approaches them. Question
is is she willing to play along or not.

> What’s the answer to her question? What is it you
> want? Maybe your
> hook and approaches aren’t communicating this very
> well. Tell us more.
> How do you know she’s hooked?
> What is it you want to do with this chick, and why
> are you waiting
> until she looks “hooked” to proceed? She’s probably
> thinking: I’m
> bored, am I going to get some, or is this going to
> talk for the rest
> of the evening? In other words, if you’ve got some
> sexy chick in front
> of you, why are you wasting your time trying to
> mindread what she’s
> thinking?

There’s not much to tell Dave. I’m trying to melt her
initial shield with my routines and negs. Sometimes I
am successful and need to learn more material in order
to escalate into the next level. But if her shield is
too hard, I get discouraged and give up prematurely. I
uses her IOIs as my guide for when I can move to the
next step.



Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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