Study Break with Susy Alexandre
With the summer almost ending and the beach days coming to and end, it is time for you young ballers to start thinking of going back to school. I know…I know it sucks, but it’s inevitable that you will be back there soon cursing the campus, buying books, drinking beer or whatever you do there these days.
That being said, we are gearing up more and more here at TSB for all the College Content you will need to get you through the semester. I am going to start with a little section I call “Study Break”. When you are all back in the dorms working hard on becoming successful and rich I urge you to randomly take a “study break”. From time to time TSB will bring you random college hotties that we dig up around the internet and possibly on campus…
Today I would like to start with Susy Alexandre
Susy is a sophomore currently serving time at the university of toronto. Her major? English, great another potential fuc*in teacher. Is it me or is everyone you know these days becoming a teacher? When I was young and in school I never imagined that I would want to be a teacher, now you have people I wouldn’t want serving my food teaching our youth.. (side rant)
Back to our “study break”.. Check out these pics of Susy, the bathing suit in the snow just does it for me.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.