25 Random Things About Me: 25 Ways to Benefit From the Latest Facebook Craze
No, this post won’t be a list of 25 random things about Bobby Rio. If you want that you’ll have to befriend me on Facebook.
This is post discussing the possibilities that Facebook’s unstoppable chain letter have opened up. It seems that every media outlet is covering Facebook’s 25 Random Things… so I thought I would step in and shed some light on how I believe this can be used to benefit of a PUA.
You’ve probably seen them pop up all over your Facebook page the last week. You’ve probably even read a few. (If you’re like me you’ve read the lists of just about every one of your female friends) Maybe you’ve even created your own random list. In this article I wanted to talk a little bit about how you can take advantage of this craze.
1. You can gather information on girls you are pursuing.
2. You can use it as a tool for flirting. These lists open up tons of opportunities for cocky FUNNY comments. Funny is the key word. If you’re going to comment make sure its way more funny than cocky.
3. Gives you an excuse to connect with someone you haven’t messaged in awhile.
4. Lets you tag a girl which makes her feel special.
5. You get to see which girls tag you, which displays some indicator of interest in you.
6. It is a hot craze, and a great conversation topic.
7. Gives you ammunition for future interactions.
8. Great way to come up with rapport building nicknames for girls you’re flirting with.
9. Some girls will reveal way too much…
10. And you’ll get to see which girls are too crazy to date anyway…
11. Some guy your competing with is liable to take himself out of the game by saying too much.
12. It gives you the opportunity to make jokes at other people’s expense.
13. Girls will reveal some of their insecurities… can you say “NEG?”
14. Girls will reveal the places they’re most likely to hang out at… can you say “STALK?”
15. Your list will be jam packed with demonstrations of higher value.
16. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get noticed by some of your female friends.
17. If done right your list could be a powerful tool for attraction.
18. It gives random girls an excuse to talk to you.
19. The right list could make you look alpha, sexy, vulnerable and funny -all at the same time.
20. If you’ve got a couple of wingmen helping you- the list could open up a great dialog that draws women in.
21. If you want to be direct… you can announce a crush on a girl on your list. Must be done right, and must have previously established massive value. Works best if you say “Freshman year i had a crush on…”
22. Good opportunity to find a mutual interest with a girl… which makes a good excuse for date. “I see we’re both training for the marathon… wanna go running sometime?”
23. You can craft your list in a way to target a particular girl.
24. A great way to end it with a girl you’re no longer interested. “I’m known to just disappear”
25. A great way to drop a hint to a girl you’re dating “I expect threesomes on a semi regulary basis from the girls I’m dating”
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.