This Week in Game: Drama, Drama, Drama

And no, we?re not talking about Johnny Chase from Entourage, although if his character?s not the first thing to come to mind when you hear the word ?drama,? may god have mercy on your soul!

Anyway, welcome to my column. The purpose of this column is to keep you up to date on what?s going on in the community, primarily dealing with theory and techniques but at times there will definitely be some gossip related stuff that will have no bearing on improving your game but may factor into who you chose to learn from. I am not an unbiased party, but I will try to remain as unbiased as possible in presenting the facts so that you can decide who to believe.

These last couple of weeks there weren?t too many new techniques to come out, as the focus of the blogosphere was primarily around 2009 wrap ups and Top 10 lists. The controversy I will touch on here revolves around Sinn, who TSB put the number one pickup artist on its Top 10 list. Sinn put his own Top 10 list out, while at the same time also putting out his Top 7 Charlatans list with a podcast featuring Cameron Teone that can be found here. The Charlatan list was as follows:

7. David Wygant

6. Sean Stephenson

5. Erika Awakening

4. Dr. Paul

3. Papa from RSD

2. Johnny Soporno

1. Thundercat

I agree with some of these and disagree with others, but if you are interested in taking a program with any of these people, you should definitely get all of the information you can on the person before making an investment of that magnitude.

Just because Sinn has taken a dump all over a bunch of these guys and been rated No. 1 doesn?t make him free from criticism of his own. Erika, for example, claims that Sinn is bitter because the two of them made out but she wouldn?t have sex with him. He doesn?t mention this at all in his podcast, but if you?re interested you can take a listen and decide for yourself.

All of the negativity is something that a lot of people really despise about the PUA community, and El Topo published a post about Sinn and his own shortcomings which can be found here (Full Disclosure: both Sinn and El Topo are both featured in the ?Conversation Escalation? product which can be found here, and I am a former student and personal friend of El Topo?s).

In other community news, I had the pleasure of seeing Brad P speak on Sunday in NYC, which I enjoyed a lot. He is a guy who has been on every list for the last two years and has probably made more of a contribution to the instruction of pickup than anyone since Mystery. His 30/30 club started the major 2009 trend of long term coaching programs, and he has trained coaches at every major company in the states. He gave out a couple of new openers, including the ?Sexy Shoes? opener which is similar to his famous ?Horse Girl? opener, and the Rufie Opener, which I am definitely going to use. I hope Brad doesn?t mind that I?m giving these out, but he didn?t explicitly say not to so here you go.

Rufie Opener (Warning: only use on HOT girls, 9s and 10s)

PUA: Hey, someone just gave me this drink but I think it might have a rufie in it. Can you try it for me to make sure it?s alright?

Sexy Shoes Opener

PUA: Hey, you have a lot of shoes don?t you?

(HB answers)

PUA: When I used to work at [blank], there was this girl who had over 200 pairs of shoes. She would bring in 10 different pairs of shoes to work and change her shoes every 10 minutes. She would walk around the office in her clear 6 inch heels and slowly walk past my desk flirting with me like ?Hiiiiii Brraaaaadddd.? We called her the sexy shoe girl. She always wanted to date me and I went for her. The thing is, you look just like her.

HB: I?m not her.

PUA: I?m about 90% sure you?re right, but just in case you are her, I want to tell you that I?m sorry. You see, I had just broken up with my ex and wasn?t ready for a serious relationship, and you know, we worked together and stuff. But you were really sweet and it?s not you, it?s me. Can you ever forgive me? (Hug it out)

Anyway, play with those and let me know what you think. I didn?t create these and have not field tested them myself, but if Brad P says they are legit, I?m inclined to believe it.

Until Next Week,


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About Hammer Standing in at 6’2” and skinny, Hammer is a PUA out of New York. An Ivy League graduate, he works at a tech company in the Flatiron District and is a self proclaimed nerd. Highly opinionated, he loves to debate and create controversy. He practices radical honesty as much as possible without getting fired, and in his mind-mouth filter is very thin. Game has been a major element in his life since August 2007 when he discovered the community, and he writes about his experiences in a blog at

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