Must-Read: Take A Cue From Redford

We don’t tend to talk about style and fashion as much as we would like to around these parts. (Know any good fashion-centric writers, by the way?) But it’s not because we’re not thinking about it. While our old style followed the time-tested formula of “going to Target and seeing what they have on their racks this season,” we’ve tried to grow a bit recently and take a more decisive and intentional role in what we wear. Meaning, we have been on the lookout for clothes to purchase and wear. Which is why today we’re highlighting this story from that praises Robert Redford for being the fashion icon he truly was/is.

Yes, we should probably keep the spotlight off of him, seeing as he threw out the Opening Day first pitch for the hated Chicago Cubs (hated by some of us, at least), but c’mon. How can you deny his style?


Tips from the article:

Dress The Redford Way
If there is one thing that every aspiring Redford wannabe must own, it is a high-quality leather bomber jacket. The bomber is a classic: It is handsome, casual and, like Redford, represents the best of American style. However, the easiest way to dress like the original Brad Pitt is to visit Park City?s Sundance General Store. The store, which was founded way back in 1969, is a one-stop shop for the kind of clothing that Robert Redford wears: rugged and American, almost utilitarian in design. Twenty years later, in 1989, Sundance launched its first catalog of products that represented the Sundance lifestyle; it is still available today. A less expensive — but equally cool — alternative to the leather bomber is Grant?s Ike jacket, a piece Redford has been seen wearing for years at Sundance.

So, then. Who are some of your favorite icons you look up to when choosing how to dress?

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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.

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