Must-Read: Recovering from Injuries

Recently, a good friend of mine was hit with a devastating injury. She can’t move her shoulder or her foot or really much of her left side. Nothing’s broke, but it’s still a tough setback and one that she’s struggling to overcome. But every day is better, and with the physical therapy in no time she’ll be back doing what she does. But there’s is an emotional part of coming back from an injury. After sustaining a tough one — whether it’s an injury playing a sport, or an injury in an accident, or simply an injury of the heart after getting hit with one of life’s challenges — it takes awhile to get back into the swing of things. Luckily, there is a bit of a blueprint.

So today we’re heading over to Men’s Fitness where they have a list of things to consider as you’re trying to recover from one of life’s tough moments. For example, among their list:

After an emotional setback, like getting laid off or suffering a death in the family?

?Training will release endorphins that can boost your mood more effectively than antidepressants. So no matter how bad you feel, make the gym a regular appointment. Tell yourself ?I am tough? and ?I will get through this.??

After a big life change, like having a child or moving to a new city?

?Dive right in. Set a regular time to train, no matter what. Don?t worry about intensity or the fact that you?re tired or not as strong as you had been. Do what you can. Remember that 15?30 minutes is better than nothing, and it adds up.?

Head on over to the link, seek out what problem you’re experiencing, and go from there.

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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.

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