How To Deal With The Midnight Scramble
The Midnight Scramble is that (not so) golden hour at a bar, club or party when guys start going all out in a desperate, last-ditch effort to bring a girl home.
Now to be clear, this usually doesn?t happen right at midnight. It will start at about 1 a.m. and continues right up until everybody gets kicked out.
If you?ve ever seen the lights come on at a bar, you know what this scene looks like. It?s guys just throwing out crazy Hail Mary passes to try and get what girls are left at the bar.
It?s a sad sight, awash in pathetic, drunken, desperate pleading.
And yet it happens every single night out. So how do you avoid being ?that guy? at the end of the night?
I?ve said it once and I?ll say it again. A little bit of alcohol for confidence is fine. But getting too drunk will turn you into an emotional, desperate, low-standard bearing mess of a man.
Alcohol does this funny trick called, ?lowering your inhibitions.? Maybe you?ve heard of it?
That means it has the ability to plummet your standards into the toilet, just to satisfy your little baby ego for an hour.
If your friends are?leaving, you?re leaving. This will stop you from sticking around for when those dreaded house lights go up.
If you?re the kind of guy who simply can?t resist staying longer than you should, you’ll have?somebody making the decision for you, and saving you from potential embarrassment.
So, that’s how to avoid it. But is there an upside to all this?
I had never thought of this until last summer, when a friend of mine showed me?a?technique of his in action.
Actually it?s the basis of his entire routine for getting girls every time he goes out to the bar.
Check this out.
When you first get to the bar, start planting seeds with girls. Flirt, build rapport, sexual tension, the whole nine.
Don?t worry about getting rejected. You?re just getting on girl?s radar as a fun, sexy, funny guy.
When the Midnight Scramble starts, you do nothing. Go hang with your friends and have another drink.
Timing does matter here, because there’s no reason to not continue flirting, escalating and trying to close the deal?before the Midnight Scramble.
This technique is for when the clock runs out, and?the Midnight Scramble is in full effect.
This is slightly easier said than done. Because, you might really be feeling that desperation pushing you to go talk to girls. Ignore that.
If one or two of your earlier seeds gets scooped up, it?s a write off, she wasn?t the one for you anyway.
But chances are they won?t. Chances are any girl worth your time can’t swat off desperate, drunken beta males fast enough right about now. Making you look 100x better in comparison.
In fact, she?s probably starting to wonder where you are.
And they totally will.
This technique works like magic. After seeing my friend do it, I was amazed at just how little effort he was putting into getting girls to flock to him. And it was more or less based all off of his timing. I started trying it out myself and sure enough, at those busy nights at a bar or club, it works exceedingly well.
It works not only just because you show complete confidence in comparison to a sea of desperation, but because you?re using the push-pull technique.
You?re offering girls something good, and then immediately taking it away, just when all their terrible secondary options start coming forward.
You?re creating desperation in them. You?re making them pull the Midnight Scramble on you.
It fulfills one of my favorite tenants of game. Whenever possible, flip the script.
It?s like sexy ju-jitsu.
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About David Maitland David Maitland is a writer living in Vancouver, Canada.