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All posts by Alex Anthony


    PUA Vs. Closer

    As I?ve become more acclimated with the dating industry, I?ve noticed a distinct difference in the viewpoint of the majority of writers, teachers and instructors. They?re teachings ...


    How to Get Laid in Vegas

    Writing as I pack My Bags? I really should?ve titled this article ?How to Get Laid in Vegas without Paying for it,? but I?m sure you guys will get the point. Vegas is the Real De ...


    Summer’s Around the Corner: Let’s Make It Happen

    I can imagine it now. Drinks on the beach. Telling stories to each other to pass the time as we watch the 5am sunrise. Partying day and night without a care in the world. That?s ri ...


    The Key To Approaching Women

    Many guys wonder why they keep getting deaded when approaching girls and they immediately assume it?s because of what they said. Although it does matter what you say initially, wha ...


    Step Your Sex Game Up!

    This article was entirely inspired by my sexcapades from the past weekend, so I?ll just start off with the mini story: [caption id=\"attachment_32316\" align=\"alignright\" widt ...


    Learning From Mistakes And Creating a Monster

    I?m sure there?s been a number of times where you?ve been running game on a chick, things didn?t work out like you had them planned and you go home and say to yourself, ?I don?t ge ...