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What It Takes To Become a Master Seducer

So what really is game? How do we define it, and how exactly do we go about getting it? It?s these two questions that I want to dive into in today?s article. You see, game is a pretty illusive concept. For instance, just because you know a hundred different openers and a few dozen routines

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3 Ways To Tell If She’s Lost Interest

Is She Still Into You?  Here’s 3 Ways to Tell… Wondering if a girl is still into you can be borderline torturous. Even if you haven’t succumbed to a terrible case of ‘one-itis’, you might still be scratching your head over whether or not you should move on. Indecision is completely understandable in these instances.

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#1 Reason She Won’t Hook Up with You (even if she wants to)

It’s not a good experience when you’re at the peak and she’s going to say YES, but suddenly all was coming down to nothing. You know she wanted it to happen, but what’s the main reason a lady won’t hook up with you? Is the problem with you or is it with her? It is

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8 Signs Your Gal Pal Has Sexier Intentions in Mind

A pretty easy way to tell how well you get along with someone is to dually try and put together an Ikea bookcase or hit seven stores in an effort to find the right hot sauce for dinner?and not feel annoyed. If she starts showing up for more and more low-key nights or starts slipping

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4 Ways to Tell if She’s GF Material

A lot of guys want to become good at meeting new girls, hooking up and scoring dates, because they’re actually looking for a really cool, fun and hot girl to be their girlfriend. And mostly because?they compromised a lot in the past. Compromising on yourself is bad. The?foundation to?a healthy, happy relationship is finding a

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