Setting Up Dates

I absolutely love BadBoy’s views on dating. Be a fucking MAN!!! He is so right. Check out this short article below and don’t forget to look at some of his products here. I also recommend Deep Phone Seduction for those interested in improving phone game.

How to Set up Dates by Badboy

Seems like some other guys are starting to get what we've been talking about all along. Don't ever forget that you are a fucking man Act like it.

When you call a girl on the phone, DO NOT immediately ask her out or try to set up a date, because you may come off as aggressive or desperate. Calibration is important here.

I prefer to call, talk with her a few minutes and wait for verbal IOIs and THEN tell her I would like to see her during the week over a cup of coffee. I usually don't go for it directly. I will play it like it's not a big deal and I just decided to ask her out based on the fact that the phone call has gone well. The illusion is that I wasn't necessarily planning on asking her out when I called. The phone call was actually still part of me screening her. I like her, I want to see her again, but I don't care too much about it. I am the prize.

It makes them wonder. And that is an excellent state for her to be in where she is thinking about you more than you about herself.

Then I wait a few days and call or text to set up an actual time and place to meet.

Over phone and text-message you must seem like you did during the initial pick-up; Calm, Relaxed, Interesting. Don't let your guard down on the phone and think that you've achieved some sort of victory because you have her number. You haven't achieved anything until she's in bed with you. The game continues one

Read his Ebook

Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls

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Exactly What To Say To Make Her Want You

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.
