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I really like this free seduction article alot, mainly because it focuses on something that I had a problem with in the past. I tended to believe that the only place to pick up girls was in the bars and clubs. That is entirely wrong. Mike’s article dispels that myth and gives you other methods for picking up chicks.

How to Pick Up Women Alone 

Maybe there’s something to be said for going out with your
buddies to work the bars and pick up women, but notice how
rarely it ever actually seems to succeed? Girls go to the clubs
in groups for safety and to make it difficult for all but the most
aggressive males to pluck them away from their circle of friends
and make a powerful first impression. But it puzzles me as to
why GUYS feel they need to run in packs the same way.

Do you draw confidence from your male comrades in a club
situation? Does the competitive spirit make you better? Or are
you even MORE afraid to take a chance with a critical audience
of snickering baboons watching your every move (AND screw
up)? You probably don’t know what the hell you’re doing when it
comes to approaching women TO BEGIN WITH… will somehow
demonstrating this humiliating deficiency of your male skills in
front of your goofball buddies make it any better?

Understand this: most of your genuine chances to pick up
women won’t ever happen when you’re out with the boys in a bar
— there are far too many distractions and way too much
competition for her attention. This is a situation where no one
crowd has any advantage. Most women in this ‘party mode’ are
only there to drink and dance and act nutty anyway. Only the
most top dog male in the joint has any prospect of breaking
through this goofy ‘fun trance’ and getting a rise from his
suggestive behavior. You? You’re just the sort of invisible
shmuck she completely ignores; nothing but background clutter.
The same way that you ignore all the fat chicks in the crowd and
focus in on only the hottest looking babes. Right?

Your ‘modus operandi’ has to be completely different.

In order to keep a safety zone around your fragile ego, a complex
NON-verbal interplay must occur before you can ever speak any
words to her with confidence. This takes time and requires a
situation where the two of you can focus at least some
*attention* on one another without having the trance broken by
other people around you (preferably strangers, and not engaged
in doing anything particularly important i.e., like library readers for
instance). The very same girl that would immediately brush you
off in a bar can be wide open to your advances in AN ENTIRELY
DIFFERENT SITUATION — one where you can monopolize her
attention. That’s why you must always keep your antennae out
and be looking for opportunities in the most unlikely of situations!

In any case, the absolute WORSE situation for trying to meet
women happens at some wild event where her guard is up like a
silver cross to ward off all the drunken losers suddenly “full” of
liquid courage (low status males). You’ll do *much better* when
you learn how to establish a bit of playful, unspoken
communication in places where her guard is DOWN and you
have a chance to disarm her with your male presence and
charm. It’s really not all that difficult once you understand that
what she needs to see from you is just one little sign of
Dominant Male behavior.

The good news… you can easily learn how to *fake* the most
key HSM (High Status Male) attitudes until they become second

Seductions are a lot like *sporting contests* in that you never
know what unforeseen twists and turns may happen on your way
to victory. You can’t allow yourself to be handcuffed by the need
to keep looking over your shoulder to make sure you’re not doing
anything that will make you the butt of jokes and mockery from
your “crowd” for weeks to come. A lot of times, you’ll have to
scrap the game plan and make changes to your technique on the
fly — and these adjustments don’t always fit the image of what
your leering buddies probably think is cool.

Look, don’t play the loser’s game of going out to work the clubs
with your “gang”. Not when you’re serious about hunting for
women, anyway. Bad experiences will only sap your confidence
and make it more difficult than ever to effectively play the “real”
game… the one where you try to win the desire of a beautiful

You know… the ONLY game that actually matters.

Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls

In this FREE Manuscript:

Exactly What To Say To Make Her Want You

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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