How to Have a Threesome

How to have a threesome 

Threesomes: This is one of the most sought after fantasies and have been the ultimate pleasure and fond memory for many. Both men and women daydream about how and what it would be like to be pleasured by at least two people at the same time. Yet few men knows the tricks of the techniques to use to snag their threesome and fulfill their secret fantasy. If you want to bang not one, but two girls in one night, at the same time, then I suggest you pay attention to this article. Before long you wont have to wish you could.

This is a Team Seduction Strategy. This means that you have already a sexual partner and have already agreed and discussed the possibilities of having a threesome.

Ok here is step by step what you need to do:

Tidy up your bedroom, and your whole house, before you leave just in case. Burn some incense to get rid of odors if necessary. If this is not possible (eg. you live with your mother) then depending on your budget get a nice hotel room.
Have ample supply of wine, liquor, champange, whatever.
Make sure you have at least 6-8 towels, just so you wont run out in the middle of the action.
Have handy at least one sex toy to enhance and increase your pleasure together.
Before you leave your house, put on some seductive romantic music to set the mood as soon as you return. And program your stereo to repeat the CD.
Wear nice and sexy seductive underwear and lingerie.
You must be nicely dressed, smell good and dont forget to smile.
So How Do You Plot Your Threesome? First thing you do when you leave the house, is pickup your female partner and decide on the venue. You want to chose somewhere nice and trendy, maybe a trendy bar or some place similar. Try to avoid a places where people know you well. Why be given that advice? More than likely, if this threesome happens with a friend or someone you know in the area, some jealousy and resentment will occur. You also want to get there early so as to get a nice table where you can overlook the whole bar. Remember your goal is to look for prospective girls, so if you sit at the bar itself you will be only facing the bar tender, and that will definitely decrease you chance of spotting the best chicks!

Your eyes must be those of eagles. What you’re looking for is a couple of single girls sitting together. These girls should be, preferably, in their early or mid thirties. Women, when they start to reach that mature age are when they are at their horniest! Besides, its highly likely they are in the bar to flirt or even looking to be “picked up” or to “pick someone up.” This will obviously increase your odds!
Usually you’ll find these girls close to the bar, since that’s where most guys go to purchase drinks. If you don’t see any girls there just look around or wait for them to arrive. Unless ofcourse, you chose a bar where all the low life loser guys go that cant lay any women.

After you spot your threesome preys you must ofcourse approcah them. Dont bring your female partner with you. Shes just going to sit and watch as you stike up a conversation so you can at least develop some rapport with the girls.

The Approach: Some guys are good at this some are not, so let me give some tips.
1) You MUST smile.
2) Confidence is also a must.
3) You must make the girls feel comfortable to be around you.

This is important because if they feel uncomfortable they will just leave, which will ruin your chance of having your threesome.

Here is one way to make your approach:

You: What are you girls drinking (with a big smile)?

Girls: Wine, vodca, whatever (dosent matter, all you want to do is get the conversation going)

You: Should I order the same for my girl? (Then point at your female companion)

This will establish that you are obviously accompanied so they they wont have to feel you’re hitting on them. This will substantially lower their defenses! At this point, your main aim is to develop rapport with the girls, crack silly jokes and get them more comfortable and attracted to your company. Then as soon as you realize they are enjoying your jokes, feeling really happy, laughing and having a good time you want to “pull the carrot away”. Just apruptly say “It was REALLY nice meeting you girls, have a great time tonight” and return to where your female companion is. Now they have to be thinking and talking to themselves…”Wow…that was a really nice guy…he’s so funny!

You’re not done yet. Keep reading, this is all part of the game guys. You want to wait about 3 to 5 minutes and then the two of you walk up and approach the two girls again. Introduce your partner to them and from there let her take over. It is the goal of both of you to establish a nice friendly rapport going full of laughs and fun and great conversations. Something women are good at anyway!

The first step: Once a good rapport is established it is now time to do what we call some “fishing”. This sequence is very important, so follow it carefully. Turn to the girls with a most genuine voice and say: “Do you guys come here often?”

If they say yes, then you want to follow that up with; “…so you are familiar with how it works here right?”

If they answer no then say: “Do you know what night is tonight?”

Most likely they will say: “How do you mean?” Or “No What night is tonight?”

Now follow up with: “Well, every day there’s a different thing happening here isn’t it?”

Again most likely you will get a blank stare…

Then follow with: “Well, we do not come here often but we learned on the internet that Tuesdays (Or whatever the day may be) it is a night for couples….that’s exactly why we came here today!”

At this point they will be still a bit confused, so you might need to elaborate.

“We heard that tonight this is the spot where swingers go for a drink to meet other couples?”

We usually get a grin or a hysterical laugh of disbelief…

So we ask: “Is this true?” or ” Did you know that?”

Do you see how we transition the whole conversation to a new topic without abruptly changing topics? Take note.

“So, you didn’t know about this?” we insist…

They will still be surprised, however you have already established that you guys are a couple and are ready to play!

They might be unaware but you planting those threesome seeds deep inside their unconcious will most likely result in hot steamy sex tonight!

Your next step is to keep the “fishing” strategies going and ratchet up the “reeling in” process. You have already established that they’re cool with the swingers subject and its most likely they are game. Now is the time to gradually switch from innocent questions to more intimate and sexually oriented questions. See my sex talk article. Everything geared to the topic of swingers, couple swapping and bisexuality should be the topic at hand, and ofcourse this is appropriate since this is swingers night right :). Whatever you have to do to keep the fire burning, make sure you do it.

Once both you and your partner get a sense that the time is right to be direct, either one of you would say something like:
“Have you girls ever done something with another woman?”

The most common response I get is…they will laugh and then they will either admit they have or they will say no we have not. Guys, I hope you’re paying attention and realize that if you have managed to get them to this point you can now reel them in alot faster. What do I mean? Now you can move on to more specific questions: “How?”, “When?”, “What Happened?” Make it fun, laugh liberally and keep them talking about it, because the more they reflect on it and talk freely and openly about it, the more relaxed they will feel together with you and most important, the more they will begin to realize how much fun and excitement it was, or can be. In the event that they will respond negatively you want to reframe their thoughts to think about the experience in a good way. So you would come back with something like:

“Under the right circumstances, I’m sure you wouldnt mind considering it, (then continue talking) and if its done in a more comfortable setting, I’m sure you WILL feel alot more comfortable relaxed and open!” They might shake their heads giving you a maybe, sort of answer…That is enough. What that means is if you play your cards right, you’re in.

(Please Pay attention because the next step is going to be a very important step…)

Before you proceed to this step, be certain that the four of you are still in rapport and that the atmosphere is already of mutual respect and trust.

You say: “It’s Weird how we just started talking so openly and freely about this naughty subject…my partner (girl, wife whatever) here saw you and she told me that you girls were kind of cute and as we thought tonight was swingers night she send me to check you out…:)

Then follow with: “Do you girls find her cute?” At this point we normally get a “yes”, since we have already planted the seeds of curiosity.

After this moment the conversation must be mostly on female bisexuality. Take note of how the conversation goes at this juncture so you can reel them in a bit more. As soon as you see that the ladies are on their toes with curiosity you lead them into the next phase.

The Third Milestone in this threesome seduction strategy is “THE KISS”. Your goal here is to get either of the girls to kiss your partner. The ones I find work the best for me are the following: The truth or dare approach. In the same rapport, trusting, comfortable mode, dare the girls to kiss your parther. If you’re successful, which wont be hard considering everyone is on the same page, there’s going to be lot’s of pussy to go around!

After this moment its all downhill! Before asking the girls to join you for a drink at home, ask the bar tender for a round of “sexy drinks” , below I have included a few examples.

Creamy Bush: 1 1/2 oz Bailey’s Irish Cream, 1 1/2 oz Bush mills Irish Whiskey,

Sit On My Face: 1/3 oz Kahlua Coffee Liqueur, 1/3 oz Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur, 1/3 oz Bailey’s Irish Cream,

Buttery Nipple: 1 oz DeKuyper Butter shots, 1/2 oz Irish Cream,

Cunnilingus: 1/4 oz Bailey’s Irish Cream, 1/4 oz Peach Schnapps, 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice, 1 1/2 oz Whipped Cream,

Tight Snatch: Ice, 1 shot Absolut Vodka, 1 shot Peach Schnapps, 6 oz Orange Juice, 1 splash Cranberry Juice,

Get Laid: 3/4 oz Raspberry Liqueur, 1 oz Vodka, 6 oz Pineapple Juice, 1 splash Cranberry Juice,

If you notice I only list drinks that are female related. This is obviously because it keeps the conversation going to the direction we want to take it!
After we finish our drinks, excuse youself to the bathroom and secretly pays for all drinks. In the mean while, your partner invites the girls to come home for a drink. When you get back your partner will simply suggest to you “why don’t we continue our conversation together at home, I have already invited the girls over”, and you simply say: “Good idea!”

When the girls ask for their bill the bar tender tells them that its already taken care of they will thank you very sweetly, bonding you together even more.

Taking The Girls Home is a very important step that should also be systematically planned. Your strategy is to have have all the girls, including your partner, follow you home together in one car, whilest you lead in another automobile. The most painful mistake I see some guys make is letting the girls drive back on their own without either them or their partner in the car with them.
The last thing you want is for them to get cold feet and a sudden mood change. That’s why you need to be there with them keeping that “girlie” talk flowing. Once youre home, break out the wine glasses, get the music going, and you know the rest. Happy Seducing!

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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