Yahoo Group March 15 2006 “Simple Rules and Club Issues”

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 09:17:15 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Guys I need help

>>Anyway, I did my workout as usual and before I left I asked her why she
decided to workout. She told me in turn because she gained weight I looked
at her smiled in a you gotta be kidding type of way and I did mess up by
telling her I dont see where. Anyway she smiled and I said see you next
week.. she usually comes in once a week. Anyway folks I do this with a lot
of the girls there say hi and ask one question of them and leave.

The only thing I’d add so far is this (this is what I’d do), after trying to
start a conversation with a girl, the next week I would just say “hi” and
look busy, or even act like you don’t remember her. Then maybe a couple of
times later I’d try again.

The reason?

In an environment where you see them on a regular day, hitting on the same
girl ever time you see her transmits what? That you are keen, interested,
and that you have probably been waiting all week for another “chance” to see
her. And you don’t want her to be thinking “every time I go to the gym now,
this GUY is hitting on me!”

There is a girl at my gym who I like, and I’ve been deliberately making it
so there are no patterns in our interactions. Some days I’ll talk to her,
other days I ignore her because I’m busy doing my thing.



Message: 2
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 23:36:06 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: current progress

— In, “mws5872” wrote:
> Why does it
> seem so hard to approach?
> Mike

Are you aware of what you’re telling yourself when you see a girl
you’d like to approach? What goes on in your head? Figure this out and
you’ll be more than 50% closer to your goal.



Message: 3
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 00:41:29 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: Re: simple rules, give me feedback

Like David said, you are limiting yourself way too much by
categorizing people. The only real rule you might want to follow is
not messing around with a friend’s wife or something along those
lines. Don’t disqualify yourself with a girl before you even meet
them. It just sets a bad mind set.



Message: 4
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 00:38:34 -0000
From: “miles0029
Subject: Re: Guys I need help

I like hitting up the gym quite a bit so I’ve even come up with my own
little gym routine for a girl that has been giving me the looks. You
might wanna try this out because it seems like you have no problem
approaching women which is half the battle in my mind. The approach
takes the most confidence, and I think the gym is such a hard place to
confront women because the atmosphere is not biased toward seduction.
You’re confidence seems pretty good, but the only thing I would not do
is ask a women’s name because when she asks yours, it is an IOI, and a
strong one. Don’t shake their hand either unless she puts it out
there, I’ve kinda had experiences where they have led me to believe
when you shake a girls hand when you first meet them you are
automatically putting yourself in the friend category. So anyway,
here’s what I do when I see a hottie in the gym.

I’ll generally see her working out on a machine, and during her
workout I’ll ask her if she’s almost done with a smile. She’ll
generally say “Yeah almost done” or something meaningless like that.
She’ll get off and I’ll say something like “I’ve never seen you in
here before, are you new?” That’s just something to get a conversation
going. In your case you can leave that out. I’ll put a time restraint
on by saying “Well, I better get back to my workout.” I’ll leave it at
that for the first day. After that I may see her in there the next
week, and pull the same routine while she’s on a machine, asking her
if she’s almost finished. She’ll smile remembering that I asked her
that last time. She’ll finish up, and I’ll say something witty like
“You seem to be taking all my machines, are you stalking me?” She’ll
generally start to laugh and say something like, “I think you might be
stalking me.” Depending on what kinda vibes I’m getting I might say:
“Well, I would stop if I could get a name and a number.” If you’re not
feeling the vibes though, just respond by saying something such as,
“Yeah, maybe you’re right with a sarcastic look on your face.” If this
is the scenario, leave it at that and wait until next week, or the
week after to talk to her again. This time say, “I keep seeing you at
the same time, and you are always on my machine, so I think I should
get your number so I can call you and make sure you won’t be on the
machine at the same time as I plan on it.” From there, take it where
you will, if she says no, don’t sweat it and move on.



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 00:58:52 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: simple rules, give me feedback

— In, “googleisbetter80013”
> I made some groundrules before dating someone you know well. First, no
> rebounds until they have been out of the relationship for two months.
> Second, nobody who is in a relationship and is serching the “playing
> fiel” at the same time. Third, nobody that you work with. Fourth,
> nobody who feels they must be in a relationship, they must be content
> with being single, but open to the idea of a relationship.
> Give me some thoughts, advice I’ve read other people’s posts is really
> good, actually if this list is good, let’s add to it.

It’s a damn good idea to KNOW what you want and know your criteria
what you will and will not accept. This WILL come out as confidence
during your interaction with women. Stick with your rules AND get them
to qualify themselves to you.

It’s rather obvious that I don’t see this as limiting in any way shape
or form, isn’t it?

Here are some of mine (incomplete)

*If she brings up how she had been REPEATEDLY abused in the past.
*If she has anger issues(toward men specifically)
*If she has drug or booze problem.
*If her life is drama 24/7
*If she “must” have someone in her life to feel complete.

In short, is she “damaged goods”? If she is, don’t try to be her
therapist because this will backfire big time. If she needs help AND
she asks you for her, find her a good therapist. She is not ready to
date anyone and to have a good relationship.

There’s more, but I’ll stop there. What’s important to know is what
you will and will not accept. Then stick with it and you’ll find your
life a lot simpler and more enjoyable.

When I was a kid, my grandfather’s friend told me (paraphrased) “there
are some women you play with and there are some you date. Choose wisely.”



Message: 6
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 01:17:00 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: Re: simple rules, give me feedback

I agree with what you are saying Goerge, but I also feel like no
matter where that person has been or what they have been through, or
are currently going through, that doesn’t mean they aren’t good
people. I think that everyone can change and everyone deserves a
second chance. Say for example a woman you meet has been abused in the
past, that doesn’t mean at all that she isn’t the woman of your
dreams. Even someone with a drug problem can be changed. There are
plenty of people that got in with the wrong crowd that just need some
guidance. I’m not saying that there aren’t those bad seeds in the
world that can absolutely ruin your life, but I feel like I’ve gotten
to a point where I’ve learned the little secrets along the way that
allow me to manipulate words and emotions to shape women. Like I said,
there are those bad seeds out there, but I think that putting women
into a category like that limits your chances of finding that “one” if
that is what you are looking for.



Message: 7
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 01:29:10 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: simple rules, give me feedback

— In, “miles0029” wrote:
> I agree with what you are saying Goerge, but I also feel like no
> matter where that person has been or what they have been through, or
> are currently going through, that doesn’t mean they aren’t good
> people. I think that everyone can change and everyone deserves a
> second chance. Say for example a woman you meet has been abused in the
> past, that doesn’t mean at all that she isn’t the woman of your
> dreams. Even someone with a drug problem can be changed. There are
> plenty of people that got in with the wrong crowd that just need some
> guidance. I’m not saying that there aren’t those bad seeds in the
> world that can absolutely ruin your life, but I feel like I’ve gotten
> to a point where I’ve learned the little secrets along the way that
> allow me to manipulate words and emotions to shape women. Like I said,
> there are those bad seeds out there, but I think that putting women
> into a category like that limits your chances of finding that “one” if
> that is what you are looking for.
> Miles

It may seem that way, but being MORE selective you have more choices.
Paradox? You bet. I challenge *any* player to prove this wrong.

This is my experience from the field.



Message: 8
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 02:01:19 -0000
From: “David Caswell”
Subject: Re: simple rules, give me feedback

— In, “George” wrote:

> *If she brings up how she had been REPEATEDLY abused in the past.
> *If she has anger issues(toward men specifically)
> *If she has drug or booze problem.
> *If her life is drama 24/7
> *If she “must” have someone in her life to feel complete.

> In short, is she “damaged goods”? If she is, don’t try to be her
> therapist because this will backfire big time.

Doesn’t the “is she fun?” rule capture what’s important about this? By
the way, I believe that men and women do complete each other. Things
fit together perfectly. The yin and the yang. Do we really all need to
be playing the “we’re not interested” game 24×7?

By the way, none of this is meant to imply that I disagree with you. I
just think that the way we describe it is a little bit different.

Not that long ago some chick shared parts of her messed up life with
me. I made it obvious I did not appreciate it at all; my whole body
langauge changed towards her. There was a message on my answering
machine apologizing a few hours later. And in my mind, she is on


Message: 9
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 02:26:42 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Step by Step (day 9)

Well i read your recomendations (opnyrmind2 and chun) tkx for them, a
real think about it and today i just do one mission like opnyrmind2
recomended. I asked 11 girls for directions and some of them in groups
like chun recomended.
In relation at smile’s mission i will use a strategy based in chun’s
idead of bieng relaxed. I just will start to do smile’s mission all
the time that i feel in a high confidance state. And what i will do to
get it? Is simple…i just will do my “ask for directions”‘s mission,
and in the moment that i feel that i’m being productive i will use
this state and change the mission to the smile’s mission.
Let’s see if it work. Tomorrow i will tell you.


Message: 10
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 19:13:00 -0800 (PST)
From: dee fex
Subject: Re: Re: simple rules, give me feedback


Compulsive Category Marker Category…

I used to fall into that Category…i couldn’t get much
done back then though. I was too bizi analyzing and
labeling everything… :O


David Caswell wrote: — In, “googleisbetter80013”
> I made some groundrules before dating someone you know well. First, no
> rebounds until they have been out of the relationship for two months.
> Second, nobody who is in a relationship and is serching the “playing
> fiel” at the same time. Third, nobody that you work with. Fourth,
> nobody who feels they must be in a relationship, they must be content
> with being single, but open to the idea of a relationship.
> Give me some thoughts, advice I’ve read other people’s posts is really
> good, actually if this list is good, let’s add to it.

This all sounds like a total waste of time. Go to your favorite gas
station and ask them if they forbid selling to people who feel they
must have gasoline. Ask them if they wait for people who are just open
to having some.

How about if instead of responding to you, I decide to copy your style
and put you into a category instead? How does the Compulsive Category
Maker category sound? Is that useful for anything?

A date is just a date. How about looking for someone you are attracted
to and have fun with?


Message: 11
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 19:35:50 -0800 (PST)
From: dee fex
Subject: Re: Re: Club issues


Just to add to George’s prespective & suggestions:

It won’t matter if they think you are drunk or buzzed
if you can engage them fully and build rapport easily.
In general the more fun you appear to be having, the
less people will take any interest in wether or not you’re
drinking. And if any one gives you shit for not being
/ getting drunk just say something like

“sorry I didn’t realize it
was amateurs night tonight. No wonder I can’t find
any one who I can really chill with…” 😉

Body language & posture helps, especially if you
have a hard time making yourself heard over the musik.
I usually sway & bob to the musik where ever I am
inside a club – wether it’s in line for the bathroom
at the bar or sitting in a booth.

Trying to rap with a girl on the dance floor is not all
the easy or worth the effort.

If anything it’s good to use the dance floor as a way
to begin building rapport. dance for a few mins, smile
or make eye contact and then try to strike up
conversation in another part of the club.

Cheers and let us know what goes on. I wish I had
your problem at the clubs I frequent…it’s usually
sausage party central. 😀

George I’ll put your tips to use as well!


George wrote: — In,
> I’ve been out sarging two nights in a row until late (which is a new
> thing for me; I’m going to try to do it regularly, then do more) in
> this great club I’ve discovered near me. The girls are AWESOME and
> there are heaps of them, but there are two problems I’ve encountered
> in the last two nights and I am not sure what to do about either:
> First, the place is LOUD. Like so loud my ears were ringing for hours
> after I came out. You have to kind of yell into girls ears, so that
> means that conversations are NOT happening. No idea how to get around
> this, I was doing quite well with one girl just by bumping asses with
> her and dancing ass-to-ass in a cheeky way, and then she was yelling
> something in my ear for a while, but then her friend took her away.

Almost every club and bar I’ve been to has some quieter areas. I don’t
do the dance floor routine because I need to talk to them. Anywhere
around the dance floor is going to be loud. See if you can find
something quieter.

If the bars you frequent are too loud, find some new ones– expand
your field.

> Second, I noticed that the girls all drink hard. Like they get there,
> line up the tequilas and get smashed.

There are many girls like that. Very true. When I was clubbing at
least 3 nights a week, I’d approach those who come in sober and not
let them get drunk before I have a chance to talk to them.

Now the problem I have is that I
> am not drinking, except for 2 drinks at the start to get me warmed up.
> What this actually means is that I am not calibrated with them.

Hmmm…calibrated? I’m not sure I understand what you mean by
“calibrated”? If you mean that your state is very different from
theirs, then I’ll agree. As you know, they are using alcohol as a
crutch to lose their inhibitions.

Like I
> approach and they are pissed, and I’m sober – and they just SENSE it.

If she is only buzzed, no problem. But if she is really drunk, it gets
difficult to actually talk with her. But it can be done as long as you
keep it simple and playful. No heavy stuff.

> You know how if you are drunk, being around someone sober actually
> sobers you up; it kind of brings you down. I never thought this would
> happen, seeing as girls always complain all the time about drunk guys
> cracking on to them. So somehow I have to get myself into the same
> mood as them whilst being sober – any thoughts on how to do this?

If you want to do this, you can. Pace what’s going on and then lead
them. Your can do this with your body and your language. Are you
familiar with “pacing” ,”leading” and rapport?

Don’t ,in any way, draw attention to their state.

> This is probably more of a game issue; like my being stone cold sober
> and trying to pick up is also new territory.

It’s something new for you, that is true. It is also true that you
don’t know how aware they are of your being sober or “different”
unless you make comments about their state or focus on it.

When I’m drunk it is a
> non issue – like many is the time in the past I have walked up to a
> girl at the bar and started making out with her before even saying a
> word, but there is NO WAY i can do that sober (yet!) ~:-)
> I used to get into this like ZEN moment where I could walk into a set
> of girls, and kiss one of the girls and I KNEW it would work, but
> those days seem to be long ago and far away.
> S
I believe I understand what you’re saying…alcohol used to remove
your inhibitions because you were not concerned what you thought they
might think at the moment?

What stops you from having that right now? See if you can dig a little
deeper here.



Message: 12
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 04:03:51 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: simple rules, give me feedback

Hi Dave,

— In, “David Caswell”
> — In, “George” wrote:
> > *If she brings up how she had been REPEATEDLY abused in the past.
> > *If she has anger issues(toward men specifically)
> > *If she has drug or booze problem.
> > *If her life is drama 24/7
> > *If she “must” have someone in her life to feel complete.
> > In short, is she “damaged goods”? If she is, don’t try to be her
> > therapist because this will backfire big time.
> Doesn’t the “is she fun?” rule capture what’s important about this?

Not quite, but it is an important part of what a person ought to
consider. She can be fun (LOSTS OF FUN) and yet not the dating material.

> the way, I believe that men and women do complete each other. Things
> fit together perfectly. The yin and the yang. Do we really all need to
> be playing the “we’re not interested” game 24×7?

I never said that’s the game we should be playing. What I AM saying is
that showing interest is OK, but what’s not OK is to drool over her.

> By the way, none of this is meant to imply that I disagree with you.

No problem even if you do. I know what I will and will not accept and
I know that this attitude works really well in the field for me. The
more selective I am the more choices I have.

> just think that the way we describe it is a little bit different.

Perhaps…but you did call the guy who posted the original post
“compulsive categorizer” or something like that. I really don’t see
him as such…I see someone who has perhaps dated some women he would
have preferred he didn’t. My guess is that this is his way of telling
us what he’s learned so far.

> Not that long ago some chick shared parts of her messed up life with
> me. I made it obvious I did not appreciate it at all; my whole body
> langauge changed towards her. There was a message on my answering
> machine apologizing a few hours later. And in my mind, she is on
> “probation”.

The main point is really this: When you know what you don’t want and
what you want, you’re MORE likely to get it. Not only that but your
attitude changes tremendously because you can’t help but communicate
that you have high standards. And women LOVE that because you’re not
just interested in ANY woman who comes along BUT her– the question
many of them have in their minds is “Why is this guy interested in
me?” This answers it.

Anyway, those of you who are interested in field testing this, do this
simple(not necessarily easy) exericse and report back:

1) Ask yourself “What attitudes, behaviors and traits will I not
accept from a potential girlfriend?”

List as many of them as you can. Don’t edit– write freely.

2) What do I want? What attitudes, behaviors and traits I am I
looking for in a potential girlfriend?

List as many of them as you can. Don’t edit– write freely.

3) Am I willing to FIELD TEST this and stick with my criteria for ONE

If you are, ask yourself “How will I communicate verbally and non
verbally this criteria?” How will I let her know what I don’t like and
what I like?

You don’t need to believe anything anyone writes on this group right
away…but don’t discount it just because it’s not the way you’re used
to doing things,either.

Let the field be the ultimate judge of what works.



Message: 13
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 04:25:25 -0000
From: “dddrsos
Subject: Re: Club issues

I go lot’s of time to the Club. I have expirience in it. And it’s more
easy to me to close with a girl in Club that is in other place.
The ambient: Excitement, action, dance!!! Not a confort zone when you
can talk with the girl.
The tactic: Here the key is body language, that’s your tool. You need
to play with girls, dance with them, but please don’t say to the girls
that you want to dance with them, just start dancing with these girls
naturaly. In the past i said to some girls if they want to dance with
me and lot’s of time i heared a “no” (and i’m a pretty guy), but when
i start acting with confidence and just start playing with the girls
and dancing, it was more easy. And some if you just go and take her
hand or something like that it’s better and show confidence.
The kiss: To close with girls in this environment you just need to
know how to dance sensualy, with your body language, you don’t real
need to talk much or to leave the club with her and go to a bar to
start a conversation, be versatil learn how to play in the Club, don’t
run from it.
The drink problem: Well some times i drink some alcohol and it real
helps but i try to avoid it because i want to have the “Club’s mind
state” without it, it’s just training!


Message: 14
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 15:33:21 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: Club issues

>>Cheers and let us know what goes on. I wish I had your problem at the
clubs I frequent…it’s usually sausage party central. 😀

That’s why this club is a gem. I freaked the first time I went there and the
quality of girls walking in. There were of course, plenty of guys, but I’d
say it was about 55% girls to 45% guys.

And most of the guys were tools, really. The only thing I want of theirs is
their confidence.

I’m beginning to see things the way women see them (don’t you guys find
this, the more you understand women?) Like I did a scan of the room in
‘woman vision’ and could pick out wusses and creepy guys and sleezy guys.

They mostly leaned on the bar, interestingly. Note to self: do not lean on
the bar.

Then I did another scan of the apparent 50 odd alpha males in the room, and
by watching them I could see they were try-hards; sticking their chest out,
yelling, trying to AMOG each other (acting as if their little group is their
focus when its OBVIOUS they are ‘displaying’). I found one natural, I think.

I was watching this little scrawny character who had a Mohawk, and he had
girls all around him.



Message: 15
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 21:03:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Nick Snyder
Subject: Re: current progress

> I have a question for you all. Why does it
> seem so hard to approach? This has been my sticking
> point and its killing me…

For me now I think the reason it is so hard to
approach is not knowing what to say. This has always
been a sticking point for me. Before, I was too shy to
even think about trying to approach or even say hi.
There has been some other issues. But perhaps not
knowing what to say after hi was part of the
difficulty. It’s like how do you approach a girl if
you don’t know how to start a conversation and build

Now I have reduced a lot of my approach anxiety and I
can say hi to any girl. But not knowing what to say to
start a conversation and build rapport. Is continuing
to make approaching hard.



Message: 16
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 16:05:41 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: 2 lesbian friends acting strangely

I think my two lesbian friends are feeling me out for a possible threesome.
My radar has been going off on this for the last few weeks, and I’ve got
nothing to go on but this recurring gut feeling. You know when you interact
with a girl and you leave with a question mark over your head? I’ve got that
feeling around both of them. I wasn’t thinking of it first, their behavior
made me think of it. They are definitely up to something…

Both of them are bisexual and previously had boyfriends, and we three are
like a little gang that hang out. One of the girls, M, is REALLY into me to
the point where the other, G, was getting all jealous and stuff at one point
so we cooled it. I then mentally put M in the friends basket, because it
wasn’t worth the hassle.

I joke around with them in front of other people, like put my arms around
both of them and say “What do you think of my girls? Har har har!” and they
never object.

Now I have honestly only thought of these two as friends really, but my gut
feeling is that they have come to some kind of mutual agreement behind my
back (MAYBE).

And they have been acting all WEIRD lately.

Like get this: on the weekend we are all going to a wedding, and I’m
driving. So I said “I’ve got room for one more, who shall we bring?!” and
they look at each other and were like “No no no! We don’t need anyone else,
just us! We will have our own party! NO-ONE ELSE!”

*beep beep!* (that was my “I’ve got that funny feeling” radar). Like WTF is

Then they started going on about seating arrangements and were going to ring
the Bride to see if I am on their table and to move me if not.

So I am currently always going “???”

Hell, if that’s what they want I OF COURSE will oblige, or would have to
tattoo the word GAY on my forehead. But I am clueless as to how to get it
rolling, because we’ve been mates for years. It will be ultra weird.

My plan is to go the “WHOOPS! It just happened!” route when ever the
opportunity arises.

Does this scenario ring any bells for anyone? Does it sound like a pattern
of behavior you guys have ever encountered before?



Message: 17
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:18:29 -0000
From: “mws5872”
Subject: Re: current progress

George honestly I am not sure why… I have read a lot of material on
this and that. Tried to apply it and it is just doing it that is so
hard. My friend kind of compared approaching to working out. If you
half ass it, you won’t get the results you want you really need a game
plan. I think one sticking point that comes to mind is that I feel I
may be too boring, which is crazy considering all my close friends say
I am the most active and social person they know…. sure towards
people I know already 😛 hmm from there I’m not sure, insight is
appreciated George.thanks!


— In, “George” wrote:
> — In, “mws5872” wrote:
> >
> > Why does it
> > seem so hard to approach?
> >
> >
> > Mike
> >
> Are you aware of what you’re telling yourself when you see a girl
> you’d like to approach? What goes on in your head? Figure this out and
> you’ll be more than 50% closer to your goal.
> Warmly,
> George


Message: 18
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:13:02 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: current progress

— In, “mws5872” wrote:
> George honestly I am not sure why… I have read a lot of material on
> this and that. Tried to apply it and it is just doing it that is so
> hard. My friend kind of compared approaching to working out. If you
> half ass it, you won’t get the results you want you really need a game
> plan. I think one sticking point that comes to mind is that I feel I
> may be too boring, which is crazy considering all my close friends say
> I am the most active and social person they know…. sure towards
> people I know already 😛 hmm from there I’m not sure, insight is
> appreciated George.thanks!
> Mike

Hi Mike,

Perhaps I wasn’t clear with my questions. Let me try again…When you
see a girl you’d like to approach, AT THAT MOMENT (not before or
after) what goes on in your head? Anything?

Why am I asking this question? I’m simply asking because that’ll tell
me more about this sticking point you have than all the theories
combined. This is your step #1– Figure out this one and then you CAN
change the pattern.

(NLP fans will recognize this as the start of his current strategy)

Step 2 is to INTERUPT the pattern and do someting, ANYTHING, different
at that moment.



Message: 19
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:24:56 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: 2 lesbian friends acting strangely

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> I think my two lesbian friends are feeling me out for a possible
> My radar has been going off on this for the last few weeks, and I’ve got
> nothing to go on but this recurring gut feeling. You know when you
> with a girl and you leave with a question mark over your head? I’ve
got that
> feeling around both of them. I wasn’t thinking of it first, their
> made me think of it. They are definitely up to something…
> Both of them are bisexual and previously had boyfriends, and we
three are
> like a little gang that hang out. One of the girls, M, is REALLY
into me to
> the point where the other, G, was getting all jealous and stuff at
one point
> so we cooled it. I then mentally put M in the friends basket, because it
> wasn’t worth the hassle.
> I joke around with them in front of other people, like put my arms
> both of them and say “What do you think of my girls? Har har har!”
and they
> never object.
> Now I have honestly only thought of these two as friends really, but
my gut
> feeling is that they have come to some kind of mutual agreement
behind my
> back (MAYBE).
> And they have been acting all WEIRD lately.
> Like get this: on the weekend we are all going to a wedding, and I’m
> driving. So I said “I’ve got room for one more, who shall we
bring?!” and
> they look at each other and were like “No no no! We don’t need
anyone else,
> just us! We will have our own party! NO-ONE ELSE!”
> *beep beep!* (that was my “I’ve got that funny feeling” radar). Like
WTF is
> this?
> Then they started going on about seating arrangements and were going
to ring
> the Bride to see if I am on their table and to move me if not.
> So I am currently always going “???”
> Hell, if that’s what they want I OF COURSE will oblige, or would have to
> tattoo the word GAY on my forehead. But I am clueless as to how to
get it
> rolling, because we’ve been mates for years. It will be ultra weird.
> My plan is to go the “WHOOPS! It just happened!” route when ever the
> opportunity arises.
> Does this scenario ring any bells for anyone? Does it sound like a
> of behavior you guys have ever encountered before?
> S

Besides this incident, how much touching has been going on between all
of you? What else has been going on?

I’ve never had two openly bisexual woman compete for my attention at
the same time, but I’ve had a chance to create a healthy competiton
between 2 straight ones. Both of them ended up in my bed at different

I don’t know…this is not clear for me at all. At the very least, if
they’re attractive, you can take them with you to clubs and bars and
create social proof for your right away. Furthermore, you can make
them your wings.



Message: 20
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:50:09 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Week Three: Online Dating Update

— In, “tjeep” wrote:
> George,
> What pattern you follow on phone?

Essentially, what I do is continue the “conversation” we had via email
on the phone and decide whether I’d like to meet them in person.

Before I talk to them, I have a small list of points from their
profiles, such as their hobbies…anything they emphasise.

When I get them on the phone, I focus on fun, adventure, vacations,
music, movies — not all at the same time, of course. Some
conversations I end quickly but politely because I’m not connecting
with them.

The final step, if I like what I hear, is to invite them to meet me
for a casual no pressure get together– drinks or coffee only.

The goal for me is not to seduce them on the phone, but to get them to
meet me in person. That’s it.



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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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