Yahoo Groups 3/28/2006 “Creating Sexual Tension and Instant Messaging”

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 18:10:30 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Re: Poison, Manipulation and Game

— In, “George”
> — In, “dddrsos” wrote:
> >
> > I have a little question to do.
> > In the past i was a “good guy”, today i’m starting my “bad boy”
> > life’s style..but i steel have a problem.
> > I know a girl that think that i’m a “good guy” and act around me
> > like i’m her best friend.
> > OK, i know, this is a game of manipulation…i don’t show
intrest in
> > her (and she feel it) and i’m real not intrested in her, but she
> > lot’s of things to put me again in her “emotional contribution’s
> > zone”.
> Why are you letting her? YOU are in charge of your thoughts,
> and behaviors.
> > The problem here is simple..all this game of manipulation by her
> > real intrusive in my sets.
> > For example..other day i was talking and laughing with a girl
> > she destroy my game.
> > She say to me…”Hey give me a hug.”..right i started to think
> > (“humm now if i give her a hug i will be her good dog, and if i
> > don’t do it i will be anti-social. Well au au Au let’s give her
> > hug like a real good guy”)
> Next time she does this, say it outloud “she is my little sister”
> hug her.
> > Next she say during the “dog’s hug”…”i like you so much” (just
> > manipolation, don’t care)…and i talk again with my set…but
now i
> > feel she start be less intrested.
> It may not be manipulation, she may be a female version of “nice
> or she may like you as a friend.
> > Ok, this girl is poison…no problem if she try to manipulate
> > she can’t but the problem is that she can destroy my sets.
> > What can i do to convert this situation?
> >
> >
> > Tkx for your attention
> > DrSOS
> >
> Next time she does something “cute”, hug her and tell say
outloud “she
> is my kid sister.”
> Don’t blow this out of proportions…it’s not a big deal, really.
> remember, she may really like you as a friend and not be
interested in
> destroying your sets.
> If she continues to do this, have a chat with her and tell her
> and directly to stop doing what she is doing.
> Don’t beat around the bush.
> Warmly,
> George

Tkx George for your advise, maybe you right, maybe she’s just tring
do be frindly with me, but i will be carfull about it…yes and
that’s a real good thing to say when she say me to hug her..”she is
my little sister”…haha let’s see her reaction next time, i think
that her reaction will tell me a lot about her actions with me.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:09:06 -0600
Subject: Re: Re: Poison, Manipulation and Game

Why is she around when you are doing sets any way? Either convert her into a
pivot or female wing or stop letting her be around so much…
> —– Original Message —–
> From: dddrsos
> To:
> Subject: [seduction_dating] Re: Poison, Manipulation and Game
> Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 18:10:30 -0000
> — In, “George”
> wrote:
> >
> > — In, “dddrsos” > wrote:
> > >
> > > I have a little question to do.
> > > In the past i was a “good guy”, today i’m starting my “bad boy”
> > > life’s style..but i steel have a problem.
> > > I know a girl that think that i’m a “good guy” and act around
> > me > like i’m her best friend.
> > > OK, i know, this is a game of manipulation…i don’t show
> intrest in
> > > her (and she feel it) and i’m real not intrested in her, but she
> do
> > > lot’s of things to put me again in her “emotional contribution’s > zone”.
> >
> >
> > Why are you letting her? YOU are in charge of your thoughts,
> feeling
> > and behaviors.
> >
> >
> >
> > > The problem here is simple..all this game of manipulation by her
> is
> > > real intrusive in my sets.
> > > For example..other day i was talking and laughing with a girl
> and
> > > she destroy my game.
> > > She say to me…”Hey give me a hug.”..right i started to think
> > > (“humm now if i give her a hug i will be her good dog, and if i
> > > don’t do it i will be anti-social. Well au au Au let’s give her
> a
> > > hug like a real good guy”)
> >
> > Next time she does this, say it outloud “she is my little sister”
> and
> > hug her.
> >
> >
> > > Next she say during the “dog’s hug”…”i like you so much”
> > (just > manipolation, don’t care)…and i talk again with my
> > set…but
> now i
> > > feel she start be less intrested.
> >
> > It may not be manipulation, she may be a female version of “nice
> guy”
> > or she may like you as a friend.
> >
> >
> > > Ok, this girl is poison…no problem if she try to manipulate
> me,
> > > she can’t but the problem is that she can destroy my sets.
> > > What can i do to convert this situation?
> > > > > Tkx for your attention
> > > DrSOS
> > >
> >
> > Next time she does something “cute”, hug her and tell say
> outloud “she
> > is my kid sister.” Don’t blow this out of proportions…it’s not
> > a big deal, really.
> And
> > remember, she may really like you as a friend and not be
> interested in
> > destroying your sets.
> >
> > If she continues to do this, have a chat with her and tell her
> simply
> > and directly to stop doing what she is doing. Don’t beat around the bush.
> >
> > Warmly,
> > George
> >
> Tkx George for your advise, maybe you right, maybe she’s just tring
> do be frindly with me, but i will be carfull about it…yes and
> that’s a real good thing to say when she say me to hug her..”she is
> my little sister”…haha let’s see her reaction next time, i think
> that her reaction will tell me a lot about her actions with me.


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 20:22:27 -0000
From: “chun_07306”
Subject: Simon’s seduction diary

Hi Simon, I like your diary so much that I created one of my own just
for fun hehe…

Check it out guys!



Message: 4
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:57:03 -0000
From: “mattbuma”
Subject: Re: My night of hefty sarging…why opener fail more often than not.

It’s too loud…

you most likely haven’t gotten any body langauge ques…

and it very quickly put’s her in the position of beeing chased.

you could say the most clever statement ever and deliver it smooth as
a babies butt. if they don’t hear it however you fail… you
instantly fall into the catogory of every other horny guy chasing


The best thing you can do at a bar is have fun… Not staring at all
the hot girls you want to bang fun. Peacock… make yourself the
center of some attention. wear a crazy shirt (I live in boston and my
favortite t-shirt I made myself it says “I’d rather have a daughter
in the whorehouse then a son on the Yankees.)

dance (even if your not good), smile, act confident (fake it till you
make it).

every action you put forth is that of a person who is so happy being
himself that he doesn’t give a sh!t what you think (take it or leave

When you do this girls will seem to bump into you, dance closer, grab
the back of your Red sox shirt and pretend to read it, open up their
stance as you approach the bar. Now they are persuing you.

keep having fun, more will come, women are competative. Remember you
must act as though your primary goal is simply to have a good time
doing whatever it is your doing, dancing, Kareoke, trivia night. If
they walk away don’t follow, if they go to the bar Say I’m drinking a
Coors light, as though you expect them to come back with it… they

We have all had people chase after us in one way or another. Guys who
wanted to be your friend girls who wanted to go out with you.
Somehow those guys always seem dorky and the girls just never seem
that attractive. Girls have the same reaction to pursuit, except
they get a lot more of it. Remember no one wants what they can have,
they want what seems just a little out of reach


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 21:32:16 -0000
From: “dddrsos” Subject: Step by Step (day 16)

This was a day of good work. I foucus just in asking girls for
directions and i do it 32 times.
Well the current situation is…
Mission nº1
-Ask girls for directions (32 Girls)—>32-32=0 (finish)
-Make eye contact and smile (25 Girls)
Mission nº2
-Say “hi” (100Girls)
Mission nº3
-Reporter Drill (100Girls)
Mission nº4
-Ask girls for coffe&drinks (25 Girls)

Tomorrow my plan is to finish the mission nº1 by making eye contact
with a smile to 25 girls.


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 21:22:21 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Re: Poison, Manipulation and Game

— In, michaelchina@… wrote:
> Why is she around when you are doing sets any way? Either convert
her into a pivot or female wing or stop letting her be around so

She isn’t around all the time…for my happiness.
Well, but i have here to things that i remember now that she told me
in the past.
1º-She told me that she real like guys with beautiful eyes and i have
green eyes that girls normaly compliment it, maybe she give me a false
IOI with the proposite of manipulate me.
2º-She told me that she is looking for a guy that can help her

What do you think about it?


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 21:43:06 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: Re: Poison, Manipulation and Game

I agree with Michael, I definetely try to keep my private life and my
gaming life completely seperate, unless of course your private life
consists of pua friends. Ask her why she keeps doing it, and you’ll
get a clear cut answer right then and there. If she says she likes
you, do what you want. If she says shes just messing around then try
to convert her into a pivot. If she doesnt go for that, just make it
clear that she’s ruining a few opportunities.



Message: 8
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 22:15:53 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: instant messaging

I dont know why I havent thought of this before, but as I’ve said
previously, I’m part of the instant messaging teen phenomenon. Most
college students are, and have even sucked a few older people into it.
I have AOL IM, and am basically on 24/7, although most of the time I
am away. If anyone’s interested in having a bit more direct talk about
the game in general, feel free to email me for my screen name, or
write a post of what you think about talking game via IM.



Message: 9
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:16:59 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Simon’s seduction diary

If any of you guys do this I will read them, because I find other peoples
experiences highly entertaining and educational.


—–Original Message—–
[] On Behalf Of chun_07306
Sent: Tuesday, 28 March 2006 7:22 AM
Subject: [seduction_dating] Simon’s seduction diary

Hi Simon, I like your diary so much that I created one of my own just
for fun hehe…

Check it out guys!



Message: 10
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 22:18:07 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: PS- instant messaging

I forgot to say that I don’t mean to take anything away from this site
because I think it’s great and I enjoy the topics a lot. Please don’t
take offense to the post George, I only mean it as a way to talk game.
I think a lot of good conversations over IM could turn out to be some
great game info that could be posted on the site. Just an idea



Message: 11
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 11:52:50 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: Important post from my blog.

[This contains stuff that others may “get”]

I keep saying that I’m a guy split into two, Simon and my PUA self,
i.e Wildcat. I’ve decided that this is a bunch of total bullshit. (BTW I
reserve the right to contradict myself, and reverse my points of view at any

What it is about is whether I’m in touch with my power or not. Sometimes I
am, totally empowered, sometimes I’m not – I’m weak as piss AFC. I’m
starting to get it. Got my hands on an amazing book called Model Magnet,
this guy is totally clued up on the difference between naturals and PUA’s. I
can’t wait to read it, I’m going to start today. I just KNOW he’s going to
say stuff and I’ll be going YES YES YES!!!

And f__k ‘I’ too. She served her purpose, which was to get me to this point
by rubbing my mistakes in my face. She’s been a great mirror. Last night I
saw her and I actually thought “what’s the big deal?” – BUT I happened to be
in touch with my manly power then. I’m working out how to be in it, control
it, and project it. I have the power to expand or shrink myself, to be
either greater than a woman or less than her.

This is different from sorting out your ‘inner game’ (which by the way IS
important). All the correct thinking and affirmations etc are important, but
that is different from tapping your vital power and learning to project it
OUTWARDS. Tap your power and project it. People, guys included, react to it
and respond differently to you.


Oh yes. Read that again boys. That’s the doorway outa here.

Like remember this, AFC’s: If there was a war on, you could get drafted,
given a gun and told to kill the enemy or be killed. And you could DO IT
too. You might even end up a hero. Yes YOU. Army training and combat
experiences would unleash the killer in you. Would you be AFC then, in that
environment? Would you smile sheepishly at the enemy and have closed body
language? I think not.

So what is going on? What are you DOING?

You must be suppressing your natural aggression level. YOU are suppressing

Why? Fear of other males? Because you heard that girls love a “nice guy”?
You could also be sapping it via porn and masturbation (aggression level is
bound up with your testosterone level and sexual power too).

What is it about a wuss (beta male)? Well he is ultimately being a NON
THREAT, right? That’s the quickest way to describe him: NON THREAT. (Usually
passive-aggressive instead, trying to get things done via a backdoor rather
than a direct way). He either learned it young due to bad experiences, had a
body he didn’t feel proud of, and educated himself to be beta by comparing
himself to other larger males, got crushed through bad relationship
experiences like me, or always saw it as a strategy to get laid. Here’s the

Fear due to Weakness (actual physical or belief that he is weak)
Sexual power down due to sapping it himself.
Over-Politeness (a sell-your-soul-to-the-devil strategy to get acceptance
from others)
Bad experiences (getting crushed, confidence wreckers)
Belief that being “nice” will get him laid (listened to what women say they
Lifestyle / interests that suppress his Aggression Level (i.e. comfort

Anyway, the upshot all this is that his aggression level is DOWN. The
result? WUSS!!!!

So the escape from AFC land has EVERYTHING to do with finding it and getting
it back up again. Does this mean going around being threatening to people
and being an asshole? No. Being angry? No. What then?

Does James Bond get emotional and angry and be rude to everyone? NO! But is
he still A THREAT??? Errr yes, like the ultimate threat. But on top of
his total fearlessness and ability to kick anyone’s ass, he has self
control, is polite, stylish, has class and manners. Now that is a complete
man, he has the full package, hence he is the symbol in our times of the
ultimate man.

BUT his aggression level is like the engine of his manhood. He has it
fully awakened AND under his control. He is not a savage or a moron. He has
the power of a savage being channeled by will and high intelligence. The
ultimate god-like package. He is never polite out of fear or due to seeking
acceptance (like us), he chooses to be polite because he chooses it. No
other reason. He chooses it because he is awesome. He could just as easily
smash you in the face.

Hence forth, I do not want to be a PUA who is a performance artist and gets
chicks that way. That will make me half a man, it won’t actually sort out
the problem anyway – it will just cover it up like a mask. I want to be a
MAN again, with a DASH of PUA to add nitro to my game, to add a little
“style” to it.

How each one of us finds our aggression level and stops suppressing it is up
to us but if you want to be a complete man instead of a “performance artist”
you are going to have to do it.

What I’m doing is bodybuilding, watching war movies, listening to f__king
loud music, teaching my body how to move and project power (relax and take
up space), and trying not to worry or care too much about stuff. Like
literally: “F_CK IT!”

BE A MAN. Fake THAT until you make it.

I’m getting in touch with what it is to be a man again and letting myself be
him and not apologize for it anymore, not try to hide it. I’m cultivating

Because the problem was due to SUPRESSING something, the cure is to RELEASE

I’m also observing myself closely when it comes to acting from either fear
or politeness because that’s where I need to direct my efforts. Fear and
being too polite are the enemies that are right in front of my face in small
daily interactions.

Hope this helps someone.


Message: 12
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 02:24:06 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: PS- instant messaging

— In, “miles0029” wrote:
> I forgot to say that I don’t mean to take anything away from this site
> because I think it’s great and I enjoy the topics a lot. Please don’t
> take offense to the post George, I only mean it as a way to talk game.
> I think a lot of good conversations over IM could turn out to be some
> great game info that could be posted on the site. Just an idea
> Miles

None taken. This is a good idea for many people to exchange experiences.



Message: 13
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 20:01:21 -0800
From: “Brandon J. Van Every”
Subject: Re: Important post from my blog.

Hart, Simon wrote:
You make a lot of sense with this. I have problems being aggressive
with women, because I have a long track record of failure and dry
spells. It’s odd because elsewhere in life, I’m rather aggressive. I
used to debate people on the internet and in person all the time. Most
of my computer plans are about taking over the world. I’m a martial
artist, happy to spend my time fighting. For signature gathering, I get
into “challenges” with store owners all the time, and sometimes cops.
I’ve been falsely arrested for my job; I stood my ground. So women is
the one area of my life where I’m not aggressive. I’m blocked.

Seattle has been the worst 10 years of my life, sexually speaking. It’s
not like I’ve never tried to hit on women before, either. In my early
20s, I hit on women in the bars of Chapel Hill, NC all the time. I did
it by sheer brute force, no particular skills or techniques, just school
of hard knocks. I also lifted weights; I never got big, but I looked as
good as I was going to. Too bad I never lifted weights for my mouth!
It was all an overwhelming amount of work that left me drained, but I
would consistently get laid with someone new once a month. At some
point I decided I wasn’t getting out what I was putting in, and I
stopped. Eventually I moved to Seattle, got a real world job, and never
figured out how to get laid up here. I even quit my job in 1998 and had
abundant free time to figure it out. Never did. I was actually doing
sorta ok 3 years ago. I got 35 1st coffee dates online in a period of 6
months. Unfortunately, only 3 turned into possibilities, 2 of those
into lays, and they both fell apart within 3 weeks. Then the
bust happened and I went into poverty for 3 years. I’m finally coming
out of it now, and so now I’m worrying about women again.

> Lifestyle / interests that suppress his Aggression Level (i.e. comfort
> zone).
I just thought I’d add “Environment” to your list. It’s a contributing
factor. For instance, I’ve lived all this time in Capitol Hill in
Seattle. Sure there’s lotsa singles up here, but there are also lotsa
lesbians and gays. I think it has hurt me to some degree. Everywhere
else I’ve lived, I’ve randomly ended up with a woman every once in
awhile “just because.” That has never happened in Seattle. That
puzzles me, and I wonder if it’s partly due to the neighborhood I’m
living in.

I’ve also had all these “exceedingly male” hobbies. Like Computer Game
Design: sit at your terminal and meet no one! Like Russian style
fighting: great if you want to maim or kill somebody, not so great for
meeting chicks in class. 😉 Funny thing is I also did yoga for
awhile, and I’ve never been so close yet so far away! All these total
hot bodies in class and I was just getting “leave me alone!” vibe from
all of them. I didn’t do something logical like tough it out and talk
to them. I did very little. Part of the problem was world view. I
don’t have “yoga spiritual” energy, I have “martial” energy. The way to
get in good with those chicks was to go to the “satsang” worshipping
things on Thursday nights. I never bothered. I wasn’t looking for some
new religion.

I resisted doing things like salsa and swing dancing. At the time, I
just couldn’t get into the movement. I was trained to, uh, throw people
on the ground. 🙂 I did check those scenes out, but I just didn’t
want to take on a hobby that I didn’t really care for, solely to get
laid. Made me feel like an AFC.

Lately I’ve tried to figure out hobbies that women can participate in,
that I actually want to do anyways. My best thoughts are film and
visual art. Really I suppose what’s stopping me is job pressure. I
only just got my bank account out of the red today. I don’t know if you
guys believe it, but my experience has been “no money, no honey.” And
I’m not talking relative amounts of money, like whether you’re cheap or
not. I’m talking NO MONEY, like you went to the food bank and barely
skated with your landlord. That’s what it was like for 3 years. But
it’s almost behind me now.

So I think environment and circumstance can leave you feeling pretty
incapable. Perhaps for wrong reasons. Like, if money was a real
barrier, but I’ve removed that problem, then what’s the barrier? Gee
maybe I will go have that beer now. Celebrate my cash positive nature.

A woman friend of mine was in a crap place in New Jersey for meeting
men. It was driving her nuts. So she moved to Hoboken, which is more
swinging in and of itself, and easier to get to NYC. She’s still
miserable, but I see her getting more dates here and there, so I think
it’ll pass in time.

> Does James Bond get emotional and angry and be rude to everyone? NO!
> But is
> he still A THREAT??? Errr yes, like the ultimate threat. But on top of
> his total fearlessness and ability to kick anyone’s ass, he has self
> control, is polite, stylish, has class and manners. Now that is a complete
> man, he has the full package, hence he is the symbol in our times of the
> ultimate man.

He is also funded by His Majesty’s Secret Service, and gets lotsa good
bits written for him by screenwriters not beholden to reality. You give
me 007’s level of funding and I’ll be a knockout with the ladies too.
Actually this reminds me of my Vietnamese friend, Tac. He always
introduces himself as “James Bond 007.” He has a hell of a singing
voice and plays guitar too. Difficult life; flew a helicopter for the
US Air Force in Vietnam. Lotta bad stories from that. Became an
alcoholic somewhere along the way. Works way too hard, is way too kind,
gets taken advantage of by employers. Wish I could help him stand up
for himself, do more “the American way” of screw you Mr. Boss. He’s
learned some but hey, his environment. Look how he grew up. So some
things are nothing to him, others are very difficult. He hits on all
the ladies, I don’t think he ever gets ’em. But he is a great flirt at
least. I’m sure not.

> What I’m doing is bodybuilding, watching war movies, listening to f__king
> loud music, teaching my body how to move and project power (relax and take
> up space), and trying not to worry or care too much about stuff. Like
> literally: “F_CK IT!”
I think one potential “secret weapon” I have is my internal chi
training. I know how to use it in violent situations, like with people
who are insane. The insane will react directly to your chi projection,
as will animals. I’ve prevented fights with it before. I haven’t much
tried to use it sexually. In principle I can change my state, and to
some degree those of people around me. I haven’t much tried to do this
though. In some ways this sounds like a more interesting exercise than
trying to come up with a bazillion things to say, or trying to be Mr.
Game Show Host. So much PUA stuff is about being a center of
entertainment; what if I don’t want to be? Is there no other way?

Brandon Van Every
“The pioneer is the one with the arrows in his back.”
– anonymous entrepreneur


Message: 14
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 16:42:14 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: BETA GUY and his “Percieved Threats”

Here is something weirder that isn’t in ANY of the E-books:

YOU have the same reaction as a woman when a guy behaves in a beta fashion
towards you. I realized this at the gym the other day. And I’ve been
observing it since and it is true. There was this really big tall dude there
– he looked like a Mens Health guy, and I was thinking “you bastard…”

So I go up to him and ask him something (if he had finished with the
weights), and he acted like an AFC towards ME!! I couldn’t believe it. It
totally was not what I was expecting. He was really shy and nervous and
avoided eye contact, and kind of babbled “What?! Oh.. Huhuh, errr yeah. Err
go right ahead. That’s fine. Huhuh.”

You actually go “Oh….. Well I don’t really feel the urge to hang out with


Like I suddenly UNDERSTOOD what happens in a woman’s head. This guys looks
and physique made me think he would DEFINITLY be alpha over me, but then BAM
my opinion changed in two seconds as soon as he opened his mouth. If I was a
woman, this guy would now be disqualified as a potential partner, looks or
no looks.

Get it?

If you observe that reaction you know what women feel when they do it to
you. Then it becomes less mysterious.



Message: 15
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 16:22:36 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: BETA GUY and his “Percieved Threats”

Some of you are probably wondering what I’m raving about regarding
Aggression Level.

Ok think of it like this, we have to look at it backwards. So we have the
BETA GUY and his “percieved (i.e not real) threats”. Ok get this:

I just had the following interaction in a corridor with a guy I work with.
He is chronic AFC, totally introverted. In fact I think he is borderline
autistic maybe.

So I’m walking down the corridor and he is coming towards me. I am walking
down the middle of the corridor with open body language, and I say in a loud
deep voice “HI DUDE…”

He walked AGAINST THE WALL to go past me, avoided my eye contact, and said
in a squeaky little voice “hi…”

WHY did he behave like that? Because on some subconscious level, he
perceives me as a threat. I am not a threat, I’m not going to bash him – but
he is acting like I’m a possible threat.

NOW – take this same dynamic out of context. This is exactly what the AFC is
doing around hot women.

Think about that – it is f__king profound. He perceives them as a threat. A
threat to his ego. And women get from this a message of weakness, and it
turns them off, so they do NOT see him as sexual material.

So what would be the opposite to this? Being Alpha, which would mean not
seeing her as a threat of any sort. It’s all to do with that.



Message: 16
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 16:06:12 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Important post from my blog.

>>>You make a lot of sense with this. I have problems being aggressive with
women, because I have a long track record of failure and dry spells.

Just to try to clarify, don’t think in terms of being aggressive with women.
That’s kind of not it. Think in terms of PURE POWER. This is what I’m
seeing. You gotta think in terms of what Alpha IS….

It is internal power.
Being content with oneself.
Having a life.
Not being intimidated by females, no matter how beautiful.
Not being intimidated by other males.
Being relaxed, taking up space.

In essence, NOT GIVING A SHIT. You are laid back, you have power.

Now WHY WOULDN’T YOU GIVE A SHIT?????? This is the question. What is the
opposite of this state? Of course, being preoccupied with the ‘threats’:

i.e. hot women who I cannot have = threat to my ego.
Boss who can fire me = threat to my finances.
Friend who might reject me if I’m not polite = threat to my sense of worth.

And so on. All these micro threats, the beta is CONSUMED WITH THEM,
obsessing over them daily, hourly.

Where as the Alpha guy is not. Why not?

See how all that that is different from being aggressive with women. It’s
more like he is UNCONCERNED about women. But WHERE do all of those qualities
come from. I’ve seen that they come ultimately from your aggression level
and your feeling of connectedness to it. It is like a fire but turned down
to a simmer because you don’t need to go kick someone’s ass, so you can just
relax and sip your drink – you know what I mean?

Think about it guys.

>>I’m rather aggressive. I used to debate people on the internet and in
person all the time.

So do I, but I do not see this as the same thing again. If you were in touch
with your power, you probably wouldn’t want to waste your time on anything
like that. You wouldn’t be trying to prove your manhood in these micro ways,
because you would be NATURAL. You would actually be RELAXED. People would
debate you and you couldn’t be f__ked to argue with them – why? Because
their opinions do not threaten you on any level (i.e they do not wound your

>>I just thought I’d add “Environment” to your list.

Dead right. The environments I currently hang around in, except my home and
the gym and nightclubs do NOTHING to help the situation. I basically work
with a bunch of pansies, nerds and AFCs. They do not help.

Luckily I have some really tough tradesman type mates I hang out with and I
think they are my saving grace.

>> Funny thing is I also did yoga for awhile, and I’ve never been so close
yet so far away!

Yeah it did not help me at all. I did it hardcore for years and all it did
was make me sensitive and introverted.

>>>He is also funded by His Majesty’s Secret Service, and gets lotsa good
bits written for him by screenwriters not beholden to reality.

Yeah I know he is a fictional character, but he is the personification of
perfection never the less, even if there is nobody like him in real life.

When I talk about unleashing my aggression level by doing manly stuff, I’m
just doing it because it puts me in touch with something. It is kind of a
crutch. I can do it without being macho. I can do it and feel the essence of
what it is to be a man, you know…?

I think this is what we have to do.



Message: 17
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 06:25:12 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Simon’s seduction diary

— In, “chun_07306”
> Hi Simon, I like your diary so much that I created one of my own just
> for fun hehe…
> Check it out guys!
> Chun

Cool, man. Change the background color! 🙂



Message: 18
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 06:27:23 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Creating sexual tension

— In, “njabs3399”
> HI Guys..
> I’ve been seeing an improvement with my skills and women respond very
> well to them. I’m at a point where I feel comfortable with women but I
> still have a fear of approaching. I do well when creating attraction in
> a women but somehow I fail to take it further. Its almost like I’m not
> that sure of when to ascalate to the physical phase or how to get
> there. So my question would be: how do I generate or create sexual
> tension in a woman that PUA’s talk about?
> This would definitely help me on my journey!

If you want help, give more details. Give me an example up to the
point where you think you “fail to take it further”.



Message: 19
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 06:43:18 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: BETA GUY and his “Percieved Threats”

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> Some of you are probably wondering what I’m raving about regarding
> Aggression Level.
> Ok think of it like this, we have to look at it backwards. So we
have the
> BETA GUY and his “percieved (i.e not real) threats”. Ok get this:
> I just had the following interaction in a corridor with a guy I work
> He is chronic AFC, totally introverted. In fact I think he is borderline
> autistic maybe.
> So I’m walking down the corridor and he is coming towards me. I am
> down the middle of the corridor with open body language, and I say
in a loud
> deep voice “HI DUDE…”
> He walked AGAINST THE WALL to go past me, avoided my eye contact,
and said
> in a squeaky little voice “hi…”
> WHY did he behave like that? Because on some subconscious level, he
> perceives me as a threat. I am not a threat, I’m not going to bash
him – but
> he is acting like I’m a possible threat.
> NOW – take this same dynamic out of context. This is exactly what
the AFC is
> doing around hot women.
> Think about that – it is f__king profound. He perceives them as a
threat. A
> threat to his ego. And women get from this a message of weakness, and it
> turns them off, so they do NOT see him as sexual material.
> So what would be the opposite to this? Being Alpha, which would mean not
> seeing her as a threat of any sort. It’s all to do with that.
> S

Good point, Simon.

As you know, just saying to a number of guys “she is not a threat” is
not enough. They know all of that intellectually, but their gut is
telling them otherwise.

Most people who have this problem can’t just flip a switch and be
Alpha. Yes, they can act “as if” and “fake it til you make it”, but
that’ll be just a temporary bandage.

In order to NOT see her as a threat of any sorts, a person would need
to figure out what’s behind that emotional reaction(beliefs) and deal
with those things first. Then take specific action and build your
emotional muscles.

Then ask these three questions:

1)What are Alpha male behaviors?
2)What are Alpha make beliefs?
3)Am I willing to become that man?

Daily check:(so you don’t bs yourself)
“Is my behavior consistent with who I am?” (see the first two questions)

This part is included in our soon-to-be published book.



Message: 20
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 06:54:25 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: survey on the street

— In, “Brandon J. Van Every”
> Currently I make my living gathering signatures for ballot
> I get paid by the signature; if I get a lot of signatures, I make a lot
> of money. The job is mostly about showing up at the right place at the
> right time, and saying the same 1 sentence over and over and over again.
> I thought, I have some minor skill working with the public because
of my
> job. Why can’t I use this to get women? I thought about the
> differences between signature gathering and hitting on a woman.
> Signatures are easier because there’s a tangible, a very simple
> transaction to be performed. Here, sign this. Responses are yes, no,
> or a bit of prodding if they’re indecisive. All I have to do is make a
> short, sufficient political argument that they should sign. Nobody’s
> worried about whether I’ll get them pregnant, whether they’ll marry me,
> or if we’ll prove too emotionally expensive for each other. Here
> sign… yes? no? ok, goodbye. On to the next one if they’re not
> signing. On to the next one *as* they’re signing.
> So is there any simple transaction that can be performed with multiple
> women, queueing them up?
> I should also note, if I’m working on the right measure, I may end up
> talking to gazillions of good looking to hot single women in the course
> of a day. But I’m a bit concerned about the image of professional
> ethics. Not interested in driving off business behaving like a
> skeezer. I keep thinking there must be a way though.
> I have thought of designing a “racy survey.” Say 10 YES / NO
> questions. The last question would be “do you want to go out with the
> guy giving this survey?” Space for a name and phone number. Signs
> would say “all results anonymous” and I’d have a manual paper shredder
> on the table. Could offer “shredded paper tacos” to those who don’t
> want to be recorded. I’m offering a performance art experience. I’m a
> high status male because the experience I offer is unique.
> If you were going to design a survey, what questions would you put
on it?
> Cheers,
> Brandon Van Every

Hmm…I’ve thought about this and since I haven’t done anything like
that in the field(except for the drills I design), I can only
speculate. I thought I’d get that out of the way.

Having said that, I can also say that if you work a large number of
women, you’ll get at least some who are ready to go by default. Based
on their responses, I’d then offer them a chance to meet me for drinks.

It’s worth testing. Let the field be the judge.



Message: 21
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 02:58:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: BETA GUY and his “Percieved Threats”

— “Hart, Simon” wrote:

> NOW – take this same dynamic out of context. This is
> exactly what the AFC is
> doing around hot women.
> Think about that – it is f__king profound. He
> perceives them as a threat. A
> threat to his ego. And women get from this a message
> of weakness, and it
> turns them off, so they do NOT see him as sexual
> material.

I think it’s just a fear of rejection, not threat.
Because the AFC likes the hot women just afraid to
express it. If a hot women asks him out, you would bet
he would say yeah!

But suppose the AFC is in constant contact with hot
women 24/7. How long would you think he would adapt
his behavior to the point of: #1) Being comfortable
and relaxed around them #2) Start to develop traits
that are attractive to hot women.

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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