To Be or Not to Be Jealous?

I liked this email from “Pick Up” arts. I’ve been confused on the subject of whether or not to show jealousy with a girl I’m dating. This helps clarify some things. Some great points on reading between the lines as well.

Should You Act Jealous With Girls by Jay Valens

The green-eyed monster of jealousy has hit all of us at one time or

It’s a natural human state.

In past times, when our access to potential mates was limited, it
served a more valuable purpose and kept both men and women on the
alert from situations that might potentially cause us to lose our
mate to a rival.

In those days, with such limited options available, better to stay
with an uncomfortably always-jealous mate than risk the unknown.

Although the logic behind jealousy no longer makes sense in this
day and age, it still exists for both men and women and many times
is not an emotion we can actively choose not to have. However,
awareness of the jealous behaviors of the people around us will
shape our thinking about them, whether good or bad.

From the perspective of women, in some ways it is good for them to
observe jealous behavior. In other ways, bad.

For example:

– If she is in a relationship with a man and has a feeling of low
self-worth, then she will feel good about herself if he
occasionally acts jealous (after seeing her talk to other men or
asking her probing questions).

– If she has high self-worth or not already in a relationship with
the man displaying jealous behaviors, then she will see such
jealousy from the man as a negative trait.

Those two examples are the primary thinking women have, but many
will still act the opposite of those examples. Some will find
small signs of jealousy attractive, some will find it negative, for
apparently no rhyme or reason. Some will only react to big
displays of jealousy while others are totally turned off by it.
Sometimes it depends on the status of the relationship, if any,
sometimes it doesn’t

So how should you act? How do you know when it is good to display
some jealousy and when it will hurt you? With so many variables,
how is it possible to know the best way to act? You may not be
able to control your emotions completely but you do have control
over what you display on outside and how you display it – so HOW do
you know what to display regardless of your internal emotional

How? How? How?

I’m glad you asked, because if you haven’t figured it out already,
I’m dying to tell you!

First and foremost, if you have no information to go on other than
how you feel, then it is always best to not display any outward
signs of jealousy and certainly not follow through with behaviors
which can be interpreted as the actions of a jealous man. You can
always display jealously LATER but once you display jealous
behavior she can observe, you can’t take it back. One step
forward, no steps back.

So your base is to not display jealousy at all.

If you can do that, your next strategy is to observe and pay
attention. What you pay attention to is her conversations about
her past relationships. No matter what she claims about what she
likes or doesn’t like, if the perceived behavior the men she was
previously involved with were regular signs of jealously, then
that’s what she will react to. If she didn’t like it so much, she
wouldn’t have been with them, right? Don’t ask her specifically
about aspects of jealously, but do have her tell you about the
reasons the relationships ended. So long as the reason was
unrelated to jealously, then you can bet that whatever the behavior
of those men in regards to jealousy is what she will react to
positively, no matter what she says.

She can say “My ex-boyfriend used to get jealous whenever he saw me
talking to other guys. I hated when he got that way.” but really
she probably actually liked it. Unless she says “I hated it so
much, that it’s the reason I broke up with him.” Then it’s highly
likely if, at a later time, you display a bit of jealousy, she will
like it. She won’t say it, and she may even tell you she hates it,
but she will like it.

If, however, she talks about how her ex-boyfriend never seemed to
be jealous of anything she did, and that she wished he would
sometimes be jealous, then it’s very probable she liked the
non-jealous behavior EVEN IF she says she didn’t like it.

The point here is to not pay attention to what she claims she likes
or dislikes, but to pay attention what has worked on her before to
stimulate her attraction

If a guy acted a certain way, no matter whether she claims to have
liked it or not, if he got with her then that’s what works and
that’s the behavior you display.

Just don’t ever tell her you are aware of this. I shouldn’t have
to tell you doing that is not only retarded but counter-productive.
Don’t tell her “Ah, that means you LIKE that” or “yeah right, you
don’t really want that” because then she will scrutinize your own
behavior from that point on and perceive that you’re only acting a
certain way because you think it will help you get in her pants
rather than your own natural behavior.

A woman is more likely to hook up with a tool who she believes is
being himself (and whose behavior matches her attraction triggers)
than a sharp suave guy who she knows is not acting genuine to his
nature. So, keep your observations of her on the down low and just
simply progress with the behavior you know will be the most

This advice stands for any new skills you will learn – don’t go
trying to impress women by showing them that you “know what’s going
on”. Just simply keep it to yourself under the radar and you’ll do

Remember, stay keen not green!

Jay Valens

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About Jay Valens Jay Valens & Ray Devans are the masterminds behind The Art of the Pickup plus the founders of the first & largest site dedicated to pickup, attraction & dating advice for men... Their [pickup newsletter] is top-notch & their advice caters to average guys worldwide, not just the young college or club crowd. They regularly answer subscriber questions & have one of the most amazing pickup learning tools around, The Art of the Pickup: Tactics & Techniques.

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