Making a Spread Sheet to Track Success
The post below contains a good idea for creating a spreadsheet to track your seduction success.
Track Success by Jay Valens
Don’t laugh tony, but I have a friend who loves to track a lot
of the things he does in spreadsheets. He even tracks the level of
success he has when doing (or not doing) certain things with women.
It may seem like a weird, nerdy thing to do but sometimes it really
does the trick to help separate your feelings about something and
what might actually be a more productive behavior. And in order to
get enough information for a meaningful statistic, it requires
regular activity in doing those things.
For example, this friend of mine kept track of all the times he
paid for dinner for on a first “date” (or however you want to call
the first 1:1 meeting after getting her contact info) and all the
times he didn’t (not meaning he stiffed her with the bill, but
dinner was split).
What he found was, statistically, he was more likely to have sex
with her if he didn’t pay for her dinner. There COULD have been
either factors involved, but statistically for that one difference,
he saw that he was getting better results when not paying for her
dinner. So he stopped doing it entirely and his overall success
increased a little bit and he didn’t have to bother checking that
statistic anymore, and focused on another variable to track.
Just like in the movie Groundhog Day, my friend would keep track of
many different variables in the course of meeting and interacting
with women and what the results were. The most important result to
him was not the nuance reactions from the women or the little
variation in results but ultimately whether he ended up having sex
with them or not.
Doing this gave him the freedom to test and try different things
and helped move his focus away from what the outcome might be and
more to just try different things and see what happened. He still
had an active role in working toward the outcomes he wanted but he
would change the way he actively pursued the goals. After wards, he
would jot down all the details he remembered about the interactions
and once in a while put all of the information together in a
spreadsheet to compare results.
How many things can you enter into your own spreadsheet of love?
If you put together a spreadsheet of the past 6 months, would you
have enough to get any reliable statistics from? If not, then that
by itself may be limiting your success no matter what level it’s at
right now.
If you do have plenty to throw into your own spreadsheet, are you
paying attention to the major differences in all the interactions
to be able to determine what made the difference in achieving your
goal versus not?
It’s totally up to you whether you want to make use of this way of
tracking your progress and what kind of things work better for you
than others, but if you do decide to try this out just keep in mind
that the quality of information you get out of it is dependent on
the volume and quality of information you put in, and that is
dependent on you having an regular active role in the process of
meeting and being more successful with women.
Summing it all up for you,
Jay Valens
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About Jay Valens Jay Valens & Ray Devans are the masterminds behind The Art of the Pickup plus the founders of the first & largest site dedicated to pickup, attraction & dating advice for men... Their [pickup newsletter] is top-notch & their advice caters to average guys worldwide, not just the young college or club crowd. They regularly answer subscriber questions & have one of the most amazing pickup learning tools around, The Art of the Pickup: Tactics & Techniques.