Here comes another Sex and the City
Kim Cattrall pretty much confirmed that there will be a squeal to the ever so popular Sex and the City movie that came out this past year while on the Paul O Grady Show. There were many rumors about how the cast could not agree on salaries, but that’s just business as usual.
Just one word of advice, protect yourselves people! Read this recent study:
Teenagers who watch Sex in the City, Friends and other TV shows featuring sex scenes and discussions of sex are far more likely to get pregnant or get someone else pregnant than their peers, a new study has found.
Here is another article about it.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.