What makes you a Dating Expert?
I was reading this new blog I found called Sex, Lies and Dating in the City and I like it because it’s from a woman’s perspective who happens to be 38 and single. She talks about experiences she has and her opinions on them, she doesn’t claim to be an expert, just like we don’t…that’s real!
I love it how people enter into blogging and either call themselves dating coaches or experts right off the bat. I wrote a similar post to this pertaining to business on my other blog called “Dont call yourself an Entrepreneur“, the true leaders in any field don’t usually call themselves the leaders…other people do. Ever notice how they introduce some people as experts and others as self proclaimed experts? They both have the word expert, but mean very different things.
Which brings me to what inspired me to write this. I love it when people are real, respect SINgleGIRL
When it all gets put down on paper, I know I come off as the queen of dating dysfunction. That’s cool. I never claimed to know anything more than the average person about dating. I’ve never claimed to be an expert (How do people get to be experts anyway? I’ve read on some blogs where people claim to be dating and relationship experts and I’ve always wondered how that title gets bestowed on them). I’m just a 38 year old single girl who dates a lot.
Her about me is even better.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.