How To Spot Quality Women

Quality women aren’t particularly rare if you know how to spot them.

Most men make a huge mistake – they look for “surface compatibility” instead of potential in their women.

See, men look for women that already like the things they like – the same sport, or kind of music, or hobby. Things along those lines.

Instead, the #1 factor you want to look for is potential. With your guidance, could she become a strong, amazing woman? How high is her potential?

Three Quick Checks to Evaluate if a Woman is Quality

1) Base Character: Also known as potential. Does she trend towards being open-minded, selfless, giving? How about the things you specifically want – you can look for a woman who trends towards “traditional” or a woman that’s generally “modern” in her thinking, depending on what you want.

How to figure out if she’s got a good base character: Ask casually, in conversation, when it’s relevant. You don’t want to seem like you’re interrogating, interviewing, or grilling your new potential dream girl. Ask casually. If you like art, you ask casually, “Ah, do you consider yourself an artistic person?” or “What kind of
artistic things are you into?” If she answers yes, casually ask for more details.

You ask, “You consider yourself to be an ambitious person?” She says yes. You say, “Very cool – What kind of stuff do you want out of life?”

2) Relationship Track Record: Pay attention to the track record. Excuse me, this is important, so I’m going to write it a bunch of times in bold.


People will generally treat you the way they’ve treated others their whole life. Just remember – if she’s got a bad track record, there’ll always be a good reason. Yes, that’s true, don’t listen to the reasons or write it off when she explains why. If she’s been bad to men in her life, make sure you move on ASAP.

Assessing her track record: Again, casually. Don’t interview. Don’t bring subjects about exes up (that canGirl With A Film Star Name make you seem insecure), but if it does come up, ask casually, “Why’d you split up?” Also, guys who are thinking of marrying a divorcee – if she made life hell on her husband in court, cut and run ASAP no matter how much of a jerk he seemed (she’ll always make him seem like a jerk). Ugly previous divorce = Cut and run.

3) Family Background: There’s two kinds of people. People who actively study the problems with their family, figure out why they exist, and seek to really better themselves. Those people are amazing, and it’s how you hear about rags to riches stories, and people who came from nothing going on to do amazing things.

The other kind of people, who don’t think and study on their background, wind up repeating the past because it’s all they know.

Assessing her family: Again, casual. No interrogation. Just get to know her family and what they’re up to, what kind of people they are, does she like them? If they seem messed up, take a look to see if she’s done opposite things as her family and if she understands why things happened.

The Test: Is She a Quality Girl?

Here’s the quick acid test. Does she score AWESOME on two of the following three?

*Does she have an awesome base character, where she can grow into even being a better person with you?

*Has she been good to previous men in her life?

*Do you like her family? Would you want someone like her parents in your life?

Dia dos namorados.If her family is a little bit whacky but she’s been great to all the guys she’s dated and seems really friendly, open-minded, and giving, go for it.

If she’s got a great family and great personality, but she’s had an ugly breakup or two, that might be worth exploring.

If she’s been great to all the men in her life and her family is awesome, but you’re not sure if she can grow into being an even better person with you, it still might be worth a go.

Just make sure you definitely have two out of the three in good shape!


Sebastian Drake

Master the Vibe

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About Sebastian Drake One of the founders of Master the Vibe, Sebastian brings a background of public speaking and social science to Master the Vibe. He blends social science with his background as a writer and poet to help men use language to create unique, powerful, distinct personal images.

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