Oh Say Can You Chic… Americana Men’s Wear
Barack Obama has promised change we can believe in– like a fashionable American president. With his signature navy Hartmarx suits and red ties, he has resuscitated the Americana trend in menswear. This spring, many designers pledged allegiance to red, white, and blue and now you can too, without looking Joe the Plumber vomited star spangles on your shirt.
Polo Slim Custom Fit Crest Big Pony in Newport Navy
A pimped out polo from one of America’s favorite casual menswear brands.
Ben Sherman Hawleys Mod Fit Shirt
Urban sporty chic for your inner teenager.
Nike Suede Blazer High
These classic sneakers look great with jeans and a blazer, T-shirt, or sweater.
Penguin Waist Up Vest
Your inner Al Capone will thank you for this pinstriped vest.
Converse Duffle Bag
A gym bag that salutes cool, edgy American style.
Steven Alan Plaid Snap Shirt
Made by the button-down genius himself, this plaid shirt incorporates red, white, and blue in a great plaid.
Rome I-shred 09 Men’s Sunglasses
What’s more American than sunglasses? Red and white sunglasses.
J. Crew Baracuta Jacket
This versatile jacket can be worn with anything but a suit, and who wants to wear a suit anyway?
Gap Surplus Striped Khaki
Laid back neutral pants that pair well with anything red, white, or blue.
Brooks Brothers Country Club Two-Button Blazer
If you’ve got to get properly dressed (why, oh why!?), this blazer with sharp gold buttons is a fantastic choice.
Sperry 2Eye Boat Shoe
These slip-ons aren’t just for sailors, though if you’ve got access to a boat, I’d highly recommend taking a spin on the ocean.
Brooks Brothers BB#4 Repp Tie in Burguny-Navy
A classic tie with a nod to Americana.
Calvin Klein Slub V Neck Shirt in Off White
The henley style brings a nice detail to an American clothing staple.
American Apparel California Fleece X-Colour Hoody in Khaki/Navy
Dov Charney may sketch you out, but this color-blocked hoodie is a cool way to go casual.
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About TracyOneill Tracy is a freelance writer based out of Brooklyn obsessed with nutritional supplements, mediocre music, audacious (to put it politely) apparel, literary giants, and perfecting the fine art of the Sunday Bloody Mary.