Watch It!: Cool Timepieces for Every Kind of Punctual Guy
You might think of a watch as a necessity, and really it is for all you punctual people. But it’s also something that’s gonna be traveling around on your wrist pretty frequently, and there’s no sense in having an ugly thing gain frequent flier miles on your time. Wouldn’t it be nice to look down for the time and not just think, “Oh good, I’ve got another ten minutes left of lunch break!” but also, “I’ve got another ten minutes left of lunch break and a damn fine looking thing on my arm, besides my girlfriend!”
Fossil Oversized Dual Time Watch
For the classic guy.
About TracyOneill Tracy is a freelance writer based out of Brooklyn obsessed with nutritional supplements, mediocre music, audacious (to put it politely) apparel, literary giants, and perfecting the fine art of the Sunday Bloody Mary.