Life Lessons: Throwing A Beer Pong Shot
If you?re reading this site ? and if you?re somehow reading this sentence and not reading this site, you must be some kind of demon, in which case why are you sitting around here reading stuff when you should be demonizing thing? ? then there?s a very good chance that you?ve played beer pong. But are you playing it correctly?
As a service to all, I will now direct your attention to this piece from Wired on how to throw a proper beer pong shot. For example, here is their lesson on how to arch your shot:
The optimal shot should fall within a 30 to 70 degree angle of entry. Keep in mind physics proves it more difficult to control distance when shooting with higher arc. However, the higher the arc, the better your chances of sinking the cup.
Oh, the lessons you will learn from this! Things like the proper grip, and the correct stance, and how to get your aim just right, etc. You?ll be defeating your beer pong opponents in no time!
(Downside Warning: However, since you?ll be winning so much, you will be getting drunk less often, begging the question if it?s really in a person?s best interest to ?win? beer pong? I?ll let you all fight that one out in the comments section.)
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.