Rad ArtWatch: Modern Day Movie Illustrations
It?s a fact that the Internet is populated with five groups of people: pedophiles, online porn addicts, fan fiction writers, illustrators and movie nerds. So it?s not surprising that, eventually, there would evolve a new? of art that would encapsulate those last three categories. (The first two groups of folks are a bit too busy masturbating to do anything else.) And that new niche? Fan-made movie posters.
The unique thing about this fad is that, unlike most of the Internet?s creation, this one is actually full of artistic work by actually talented people. (Twilight fan faction, not so surprisingly, is not.) This is all preamble to link you folks to this list by My Modern Met regarding the Best 25 Modern Day movie posters. Here are my favorite pair:
So yes, as you can see, it?s worth a look. Now, if there was only a way to go back in time and populate my dorm room with these awesome versions rather than your basic studio-released posters. Not that it would have gotten me any more laid.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.