Any Excuse To Post About Christina Hendricks Is A Good One

There are two commandments here at TSB Magazine that have been etched into our stone tablets that have been handed down by our commander-in-chief (i.e. the Old Spice Man). They are as follows:

1. Offer a sanctuary for men far away from police society and political correctness, where we can congregate, speak our minds, and not censor ourselves for anyone.
2. Whenever there is a new gallery of Christina Hendricks posted on the Internet, we must bring that to you.

As a result, we have today’s morning post. Mad Men’s Christina Hendricks thought she could get away from our ogling eyes by heading over across the pond to pose for the British version of GQ magazine. Well, joke’s on her! The Internet allows us to see everything she does!

As a result, happy Hump Day morning everyone! Here are some incredibly hot photos of Ms. Hendricks.

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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.

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