MMA + Football = Best Sport Ever?
Every once in awhile, I’ll stumble across a documentary detailing the various insane sports from old Roman times — where blood, dismemberment and death were the norm during a game — and think to myself, “How could people have the stomach to watch that kind of thing?” And then I stumble onto this video by Deadspin detailing the ins and outs of the Fight Football League in Italy, and I admit I’d totally watch it:
The sport is basically a mixture of football, soccer, basketball, pretty much any game where you have to score against the opposition … and MMA. There’s a ball, and you have to throw the ball into the opponent’s goal, and to stop those opponents from getting a goal … everything is allowed! Punching, kicking, punch-kicking. And hey, if you want to just sit around and punch the faces of the opposing team and let the others worry about the “score,” feel free. The best part: If there’s an injury, that team is not allowed to substitute, meaning this kind of violence is condoned and encouraged. I just hope this somehow makes it into the states sooner rather than later.
More information can be found here.
And, you know what? If that’s too much for you to take, well, maybe you and your friends can take up this sport. Seems like just about anyone with the right “equipment” can play it.
Happy Friday, everyone!
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.