An Almost-Magical Way to Tap Into Your Positive Energy
Emotional energy is contagious. When you?re having a great day, conversations seem creative, engaging and effortless: that?s a huge deal for winning over anybody. However, the ability to snap yourself into a state where you radiate a strong emotional presence can be tricky, especially if you?re having a bad day.
Today, I?m going to show you how you can easily get in that headspace at the drop of a hat; so your mind feels playful, invincible and fired up for entrancing conversations!
A happy mindset, brimming with positivity, will always give you a successful edge when
dealing with people. When you?re upbeat, you?ll find that hitting it off with that stranger in the room becomes easy because your conversation unfolds naturally and with warmth.
However, there is a knack to developing an attitude when you feel like you are enthusiastically ?bouncing off the walls,? with an overwhelming energy. If only it was easy to always feel like we do on our best days (our red letter days) when we have a spring in our step and everything goes our way. Then it is so easy to talk to people and things just ?click?.
Not all of us feel amazing 24/7, and we find it hard to tap into that kind of mental energy.
Being gloomy and carrying that horrible sinking feeling around is a major problem when you?re trying to engage with people. Not only do you expect that any interaction you have will go badly, in turn people are more likely to react negatively to you because you are projecting a feeling of unhappiness.
The problem with feeling happy is that most of the time we allow events in the outside world to influence how we feel on the inside. It?s easy to rate our happiness through external factors like the size of our bank balance, status of our relationship or general healthiness. However, no external factor can really ever equal the joy of the moment, or warmth that inner emotions can give. Although it?s a (tired) cliche, ?true? happiness does come from within!
The trick to getting happy on the inside is to build an optimistic mindset that is unconquerable.
Even negative events can be perceived positively when you actively choose to look for the benefits (and humor!) in them:
?Sorry to hear your dog died.?
?That?s okay, Fido had a great life!”
Or even:
?That?s okay! I?m going to save a chunk of money on vet?s bills!?
There are lots of times in our lives where we feel unhappy; however, the mistake that we all seem to make is thinking that those circumstances have to be optimal before we
can experience happiness.
Modern society has unwritten rules that say:
– ?If I?m not earning that much money?
– ?If my relationship isn?t going well?
– ?If I?m not feeling too brilliant……then, in turn, I have to feel unhappy.?
Who made up this dumb rule? You can choose when you feel happy!
Unhappiness comes from THINKING badly about something (choosing to perceive an event as negative). In turn, this causes us to FEEL terrible, which in turn makes us BEHAVE in an unhappy way, and therefore attract more negativity into our lives. Hence, we often want to BEHAVE in a way that is ?happier?… but we don?t address our THOUGHTS and BELIEFS that could be preventing us from feeling that way.
So, the true key to happiness (wow I feel like a real philosopher saying that) is having a happier mindset. Nurture a carefree attitude by thinking of enthusiastic reasons to counter the inevitable bad stuff when it crops up. I like to use the simple phrase:
For example:
?It?s raining! That?s great because my clothes could do with a wash.?
?You smell like cabbage. That?s great because cabbage is really good for you!?
Or even:
?I don?t like you! That?s great because I thought we were growing a bit too close!?
The trick is to flip every negative occurrence that enters your life into something positive. Is this an insane way to live your life? Probably, but I couldn?t be happier!
To summarize, getting into a warm, happy state so you can engage people, no matter what, is an attitude of getting addicted to positive emotions. Bubbling with emotional energy is not about bottling your best feelings up so you can call on them at a later date. It?s about living your life with a perspective that constantly creates NEW good feelings to revel in.
You can download his free eBook ?How To Talk To Anybody Without Fear Of Rejection: 21 Secrets To Conversational Mastery? at
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About Marcus Oakey Marcus is a charisma coach and specialist in communication skills. His job is to get all eyes on you, by coaching your social skills to a level beyond what you picked up at any school, college or training course. Today Marcus teaches people from all walks of life effective and powerful conversation skills, and that often elusive ingredient – charisma!