These People Are Better At Beer Pong Than You
New Years Eve is today people, meaning tonight all of the craziest shenanigans of the years are going to do down. And what does that mean? A whole lot of beer pong will probably be played.
Now the actual game of beer pong is all fine and dandy (and, most importantly, a great way to get drunk really, really quickly), but where the game takes a step above the other drinking games is the ability to perform amazing trick shots and, obviously, put them on YouTube. has put together a short video gallery of the best trick beer pong videos they have ever seen.
Let’s be honest. You’re not going to get any work done today anyway. Might as well click on the link and check out a few amazing beer pong trick shots.
Here’s the favorite of the bunch:
Happy New Years everyone. Here’s to 2011 being so much better than fucking 2010.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.