Must-Read: The Internet’s Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
Today, if you happened to have misplaced your calendar, is three days before Halloween. Most importantly, it’s the Friday on the weekend right before Halloween, so this weekend is when all of the festivities are going to be occurring. This all means two things: (1) You better head over to your local grocer and buy a shit-load of candy while it’s still on sale and before the kids start knocking on the door of your apartment/home and demanding candy. You don’t want to get egged. (2) You need to get yourself a costume.
Luckily, the Internet is FULL of ideas regarding Halloween costumes — it’s kind of a guaranteed thing every year that blogs go the “here’s Halloween costumes you can be” route, seeing as the idea really just writes itself. So, instead of actually doing the same thing and writing a list of possible Halloween costumes, we’re just going to link to a bunch of people talking about it. Here, then, is your one-stop shop for possible Halloween costume ideas this year:
– The Smithsonian gets in the act with their own costume list. Classy!
– Alright, you’re not going to have time to make this one, but it’s pretty incredible.
– Nerve gives us Internet meme costumes.
– The Washington Post gets into the act.
– Yahoo Sports goes the sports costume route.
– Halloween or Williamsburg? Let’s all make fun of hipsters!
– Meanwhile, Gawker has a list of 10 Halloween costumes you should avoid. Among them, of course, Steve Jobs and Amy Winehouse. No need.
There. That should keep you busy for awhile. Happy Halloween, everyone. Keep it safe out there. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to work on our own Halloween costume.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.