Must-Read: Sex After Babies?
So long, sex
It’s not surprising that we don’t spend a lot of time talking here about what happens AFTER you find the girl, and AFTER you get settled down, and where you go from there. Most of our posts focus on the single guy, the one that’s getting out there and meeting the ladies. But by focusing on just this aspect of a man’s life, sometimes we lose looking at the long view of things. Sometimes we forget that a man’s life isn’t going to be all in his 20s and 30s. That, at some point, maybe even sooner rather than later, a man is going to settle down with a gal and start making babies. And then, according to this horrifying article over at, pretty much never have sex again!
Before you begin making calculations in your head, one thing you should know is that your sex life might become a fraction of what it currently is after you have a baby. A new study by Netmums polled 3,000 mothers and found that 75% of women who have given birth say that their sex count has significantly decreased.
Alright, well maybe not NEVER again. But still. There’s a lot less going on in the bedroom post-baby, most likely for a variety of reasons. The article — which you can feel free to check out with the above link — gets into the reasons a bit, including that the woman doesn’t feel as sexy anymore with their larger bodies. Which makes sense, and is highly fixable; you just need to start telling your lady how amazing she looks and get her self esteem back. But the even BIGGER reason is lack of energy from just being tired from raising the kid. Which means, if you’re going this way, best get yourself a nanny. Just don’t make it a hot one, or all that telling your wife she’s sexy isn’t going to be enough.
Or, you know, just don’t have a baby. That’s also a solution.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.