Top Five Movies of Kate Beckinsale
The best thing about compiling these lists of movies with very, very attractive women is that occasionally I discover a new movie that I want to see and I didn?t have a clue that it existed before my research. For example, the lovely Kate Beckinsale did a movie called ?Snow Angels? directed by David Gordon Green, the director of ?Eastbound and Down? and ?Pineapple Express.? (Let?s not mention ?Your Highness.?) The total gross of ?Snow Angels? starring Kate, Sam Rockwell, Tom Noonan and Amy Sedaris was just over 400 thousand dollars. That?s probably less money made than one weekend of ?Twilight? made in Dubuque, Iowa. ?Snow Angels? at least got a ?67? on Metacritic. Now it?s in my Netflix queue and I get to see another movie with Kate in it.
The lovely Kate Beckinsale
Which will probably be better than her upcoming ?Underworld: Awakening.? I?m not prejudiced against the whole vampire vs. werewolf thing (see below) but I have very low hopes for any fourth installment of a movie series. (See ?Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? and ?Star Wars: The Phantom Menace? if you don?t believe me. Although, as of now, I want to go see ?Paranormal Activity 4? on opening weekend, so there could be exceptions.) I would probably choose Kate?s made for TV movie ?Emma? (also added to the queue) with Olivia Williams and Samantha Morton over the next ?Underworld.? But, these are the five movies that would be at the top of Kate?s list for me.
Is this one great? Heck no. But, it?s the first movie to really address werewolves vs. vampires. The first movie that addresses pirates vs. Predators will probably stink too, but I will be there the first day to see it because that kind of thing is awesome.
Since ?The Sure Thing? and ?One Crazy Summer? I am firmly in the camp that John Cusack can do no wrong and I?ll go see about anything that he does. The fact that I saw ?The Ice Harvest? proves my point.
Before I even write this next sentence, I know it will sound high-fallutin?. That?s why I have to use ?fallutin? right before I say it. Kenneth Branagh knows Shakespeare. See? But, before you douse me with a couple cans of vigorously shaken Natural Light to bring me back to Earth, look at this cast. Besides Kate, there?s Emma Thompson, Denzel Washington, Michael Keaton and Keanu Reeves. Yes, I know, Keanu Reeves. If Branagh can get Keanu to do Shakespeare, I think that proves he is a master.
Speaking of masters, Martin Scorsese?s movie about Howard Hughes (a guy that has always intrigued me) has a double blast of Kate/Cate (Blanchett.) It?s not Scorsese?s best (that will always be ?Goodfellas? ? though some rankings might disagree) but it is a damn fine movie.
I don?t care if Kate makes three hundred Oscar nominated movies for the rest of her career, this one will always be on top because it was the first movie where I saw her. Wow, is she fantastic. The movie is simple, goofy and fun and also stars the great Ian McKellen. It?s one that I?ve watched multiple times and will watch again and there aren?t too many movies that make me do that.
Agree? Disagree? Which movies would make your Kate Beckinsale top five?
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About Jason McClain Jason is an aspiring novelist, which means there is a lot of time to put off writing and watch baseball or go fly-fishing, hiking and traveling. By "a lot of time", Jason means "procrastination."