Must-Read: Hot Extreme Athletes

One of the things that we will never understand in the world of jock culture, or bro-ism, or machismo, is the group of guys out there who think that girls are not inherently as tough as guys are. That is a statement that has no bearing in truth and is simply a sexist thing to say. It’s all relative. Some girls — some of them, mind you — cannot take a sports-style level of pounding the same as guys. No. Maybe not. But guys cannot ever know the main that comes to women once a month in the form of crippling cramps, or have anywhere near the same level of pain tolerance that is needed to actually give birth to a human baby! So, any talk about women not being as strong, or tough, or extreme is a load of crap that, if you hear that kind of statement in the bar, you have our permission to answer with a cold slap across the face.

These were our thoughts when looking at the following gallery of attractive female extreme athletes. These seven showcased over at Men’s Health are doing things and hurting their bodies in ways that we are, frankly, way too chicken to ever do. So they deserve not only our admiration as to how much work they’re putting in… but they’re also not too bad looking at all, as the title of the post denotes. In fact, one of the people we need to pay attention to:

Gretchen Bleiler

Age: 31
Sport: Halfpipe snowboarding
Achievements: Four-time X Games gold medalist, Olympic silver medalist

Works for us! Head on over to the link above to check out some of the others.

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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.

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