Must-Read: How To Keep Drinking And Lose Weight

Here’s one of the biggest conundrums you’re going to face at some point in your life. Drinking is fun. Drinking is great. You get to feel a little buzz when you drink a bunch of alcohol, and you get to have fun, and everything’s going grand and wonderful. The problem is, when you drink, your body tends to revolt a little bit. Frankly, you’re poisoning your body after all. But more importantly than that, when you’re drinking alcohol, you’re not exactly acting like yourself. And that could lead to an bunch of bad decisions when it comes to eating.

Luckily, the folks over at Men’s Health have a fix for us if we’re still looking to consume alcohol. The suggestion that they’re offering, among the other ones that you need to click the link in order to check out, is this brilliant idea:

The Fix:

Slow the rate at which alcohol enters your bloodstream. A recent Northern Kentucky University study points out that having food in your stomach can help slow the absorption of alcohol by as much as 57 percent. That means your lard furnace may remain more active. The takeaway: Drink only after you’ve started eating a meal, says study author Cecile A. Marczinski, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at Northern Kentucky University. When dinner’s done, you’re done.

Certainly makes sense to us. As they put it, sometimes beer goggles work for food too. When you’re in that hazy state of yours, all of that terrible food starts looking good to you. And after a few more beers, well, your food inhibitions are gone and you decide that eating over at Taco Bell or munching down on a dozen wings right before bed is a glorious idea. It’s not. So, instead, keep those things at bay by simply drinking with the food you’re eating, and nothing more.

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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.

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