Must-Read: Best Superfoods You Need to Know About
It doesn’t take the greatest imagination in order to remember a time period when everyone didn’t know what kale and quinoa. Really, if you stepped into a time machine and traveled back about ten years, you’d be able to find most of the country not knowing what those two things were. But then, because of a mix of media hype and the fact that they both are actually quite good for you, the two of those foods exploded and became central to any healthy person’s dieting routine.
And so today we’re heading on over to Men’s Fitness where they have a list of 10 foods that are going to make you sick of hearing about them during the rest of the year. For instance, here’s their number one on the list:
“Pichuberries are going to be the next big superfruit in 2014,” says Manuel Villacorta, M.S., R.D., author of Peruvian Power Foods. “They’re all over California, Arizona, and Nevada already. They?re amazing because ? cup provides 39% of your vitamin D requirement, which is unheard of for a fruit.” Pichuberries are small orange fruits, about the size of a cherry tomato. They come from the Andes of Peru and boast a tart, sweet flavor. In addition to vitamin D, pichuberries also contain vitamins C and B12, iron, protein, and cancer-fighting compounds called withanolides.
Head on over to the link above to check out the rest of the superfoods that they are going to make you a healthier human being quick enough.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.