How You Can Invest When The Market Slumps
Market timing is a hard strategy.? You are basically predicting when the market will go up by investing in stocks or when it will go down by shorting stocks.? Picking the investments that move the most during these trends can make you a lot of money or you can lose the shirt right off your back.? A simpler way to make a ton of cash and take on less risk when you think the market is going down is to invest in a fund with great downside capture.? Downside capture is just how much less the fund loses vs the S&P 500 during a down turn.
See how downside capture works and can make you a ton of cash.
The managers at Yacktman and Tweedy Browne tend to hold cash when they think stock valuations are too high. That ?cash drag? can slow returns during bull markets but often proves helpful when the market begins to fall. Then the money can be used to snap up bargains as valuations become more compelling. AMG Yacktman Focused, for example, had a cash stake of more than 30% coming into the 2008 bear market. It fell less than 24% that year, compared with 37% for the S&P 500. When stocks rebounded in 2009, the fund, which had gone on a buying spree, gained a brisk 63%.
Essentially the strategy is keeping cash on the side lines then when you think the market bottoms you invest all of your cash reserves and ride the bull market to great returns.? Market timing is extremely difficult but if you think the market is bottoming putting your money is a fund with great downside capture can make you wealthy very fast.? Using a fund you also don?t have to waste time researching individual stocks as well.? You can just relax and leave it to the professionals.
Learn how these funds implement downside capture and how to implement your own strategy.
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About Shaun Archer Tatum Shaun works in corporate finance in New York City. He has done financial consulting for several start-ups and has worked at several Fortune 500 companies. He has contributed several finance/investing articles on Seeking Alpha which have been published on Yahoo! Finance.