Some Random Thoughts on Women, Pickup, and Dating

Confused about Girls

The most powerful forces in the universe are momentum and motivation.

For example, if you can’t find the motivation to approach you will need to rely on the power of momentum.

If you are not motivated to work you need to build momentum.

The first thing you do is always the hardest. Nobody wants to fucking open. That’s why we had to come up with better ways to do this. For example, non- verbal opening (cheers) and being open (baiting her to open you).

When it comes to women there is a double-standard. But when it comes to beautiful women, there is a double double standard.

It always amazes me. Women do bitchy very well and they do also sweet well. Bitchy and sweet. They are ready for all situations.

Guys are usually one or the other. Nice guys. Or complete dicks.

You are better off being diverse. Be a cool guy but don’t be afraid to yell at someone or chew them out when called for.

Guys fear moodiness and bitchiness.

Women like to laugh but they don’t like clowns. To her serious means you are getting shit done. As such, you are better off being seductive and serious than social. (at least at first)

Changing and improving your life is really about habits. Eliminating bad ones and adding good ones.

It is possible to seduce a woman with ZERO words. Not saying it has to go down that way, but remember that when you are thinking about what to say or do. Zero!

Quick, what are you best qualities. What can you offer women? What was the first thing you thought of?

Be honest. If it wasn’t the ability to fuck good you are on the wrong track. Of course you are creative, funny, and interesting.

And that’s cool. Women dig it. But let’s be real about what women really want.

Learning about women and joining this community doesn’t guarantee you will get laid a lot. But it almost guarantees you won’t get taken by a woman.

You will avoid crazy freaks, bad breakups, messy divorces, losing tons of cash, baby mama dram etc. Now that is worth it.

Of course sex has a physical component, but a lot of sex happens in the mind. And purity is a mind creation.

Diminishing purity makes us horny.

Discover the Under the Radar Seduction Technique


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Sixty Years of Challenge Sixty (Chris Andersen) has been actively coaching in the seduction community for over a decade. He is the all-time #1 poster at FastSeduction, the elite forum that was mentioned in Neil Strauss’s New York Times Bestselling Book The Game. Sixty teaches a completely natural style of meeting and attracting beautiful women and has coaching available at:

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