Mystery’s Frisbee Opener
Get a really cool Frisbee. Carry it with you in your bag. Convey to women that you are ‘active’. That is an attractive quality. If you are in a park or at the beach you can pull out the Frisbee and yell to a girl (with a playful smile), “Here, catch. Lets play Frisbee.” This is a good opener when you come across two or more girls too. If a girl is alone reading you can throw the Frisbee right by her and say, “umm … could you get that for me?” Then do it again: “umm … could you get that one more time?” Then do it AGAIN and say, “you know what? If you were to put that book down it sure would make our little game of Frisbee more fun.” You will be surprised at how a Frisbee can be a great prop for initiating chat with a woman in outdoor situations. Imagine a girl is walking along the street and you want to meet her. You pull out the Frisbee and get her attention. “Here, catch.” Do that a couple of times and then say as you are throwing, “You know, I’ve been such a
city-boy lately that just playing Frisbee has been such an incredible escape. Come. We have to be further apart. Catch.” Then immediately go into a routine (such as the bear routine: talking about the bear you came across while hiking – “see how far apart we are? That’s how far I was from the bear. Can you imagine? And do you know what I did? I took this Frisbee and knocked him out with it. (Facetiously) No really, beaned him right in the head and out cold he went. Oh yeah. Here. Im the bear. Come on. Bean me. Right here. Try come on, I’m the big scary bear, grrrrrr.”)
For more of Mystery’s openers click here.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.