Yahoo Groups March 12 2006 Mail Bag

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:57:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Eek / nitainev
Subject: Re: Re: Constructing Routines

— Chunwah Ho wrote:
> Why is that a conversation killer if you study
> Chemistry? Maybe you can relate it to seductive
> chemistry…it’s all the same, some bonds form and
> some bonds break 😉 Maybe you should prepare a
> routine in case that question comes up again in the
> future.

The question of “What do you do” DOES come up. I do
various things – flip it (“I’m a hand model. You know
those soap advertisements on television? They’re
me.”), just do a straight answer and move on (“I
mostly do programming, some management and business
consulting occasionally, fairly normal job. What is
it you spend your days on?”), to a routine involving
what exactly I do (list up stuff that we make that
most people have seen), to a routine I’m still not bloomfield nj painters
quite satisfied with “I’m sort of a magician. I use
magic words to make people’s dreams become solid and
come true.” (then they’re curious, and I explain that
I’m a programmer as a day trade, and do hypnosis by

I’ve also occasionally anchored this – the problem is
that I started with it all so young – at 8 as a
programmer, at 12 as a hypnotist – so there’s not easy
to make a long story out of it.

> > I’ve always had problems with openers so I do used
> > mostly canned
> > openers unless I think of something unique to the
> > environment or I get
> > a strong IOI from a girl. After you practice for a
> > while, you’ll be
> > more congruent and add your own personal twists to
> > your sets.
> > Remember, your an “artist”; part of it is about
> > creativity.
> >
> > -RJ
> >
> Yeah, I tried a few of my own and it didn’t work so
> well (actually it works better in some places than
> others and also the age groups plays a factor). So
> I’m
> going to stick with the canned ones for now and
> gradually change to my own in the future. See what
> happens. Thanks for the advice.

Try out your own routines in different settings, and
try to find out what works where, why it doesn’t work,
what to do about it…

If you want to use canned material, that is. Your own
routines are also canned – that just means memorized.



Message: 2
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:17:55 -0000
From: “High Plains Rider”
Subject: Roadblock – Staying OFF Friends list

OK, met this girl from High School……haven’t been in about 15 years.

FREAKISH meeting:
I’m in Houston on business from LA.
Post an ad on CraigsList Houston to kick it with an interesting girl.
Get a response from this girl from New York City.
Start talking via email for a few days, and discover that we went to
the SAME high school in Houston, and were even in the SAME grade, and
NEXT to each other in the yearbook. VERY CUTE GAL.
Don’t recognize her, but she remembers my face.

I’d stand a better chance of winning the lottery than something like
this happening.

We’ve been talking periodically via email and sometimes on the phone.
I think I f**ked up by giving her advice on some things, and maybe
positioning myself in the big brother/friend designation.
I want to stay the hell away from it.

….I’ve tried to do all the DHV, negging, telling funny story,
a “tiny” bit cocky here and there….all that I can possibly do with
my current skills…..and at the same time try to generate something
of a sexual tension.
We’ve discussed meeting in Houston next time we’re both there…….
We’ve discussed her taking a small vacation out here to Vegas (Vegas
is best because I can isolate her)…….
She’s told me we could hang if I wanted to make a trip to NYC…….
All of this is 2 months in the future or more…..enough time to
I’m assuming at least 1 person is going to tell me I need to amp up
the sexual tension (George), but how do I do this until we meet in
person. Doing that on email and phone creates a borderline stalker
image, no ?

Need input please: Read below email thread REVERSE order.
I think this got lost in translation, didn’t mean it like the way you
are taking it. I’ve drawn no conclusions or judgements yet, but what
can I call you right now if not a friend? I only have a few close
friends, so its actually a highly reguarded position. 🙂

Have a super weekend. see ya, AC
OUCH , don’t call me the “F” word until we’ve met, and decided one
another to be a total bore and not desirable in any possible way.
I’m full of surprises — anyone who takes the time to get to know me
gets a gold star and maybe more.
>Thanks, thats very philosophical and inspiring of you to say, its
sinking in. I’m one of those people who has to sleep on things a
bit, but I’m feeling good today and my head is really clear. You are
right on below about your statements about corp america.
Have a fabulous day, my new friend or are you my old friend renewed?
We can pretend we were friends back in HS. I do remember you even
though you don’t remember me, I have an uncanny memory for faces,
names forget about it, but I never forget a face. later alligator,
cute tiki bar, you are very talented.
And PREVIOUSLY……we were discussing how cosmic it was that we met
after all this time, old friends and such, how she doesn’t like


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 00:07:40 -0000
From: “hsvtiger04”
Subject: Reporter Drill thoughts….

Consistency is the key and I havent been. But I getting my ass out
this weekend and next week. Anyways, I had a client in my office
yesterday who was in the middle of a divorce.

We begin to discuss women and have provided some good tips that might
help for the reporter drill. He stated in college while in class he
did a report and surveyed over 250 women about what they looked for in

He said that he did alot of cold approaches on campus and he said that
best place he went to do it was either the campus library or the
public library. Most people were studying and they would gladly like
the break. That has been my experience for when I did the drill on
day 1 I approached just females at kiosk’s in the mall and they were
more then happy to assist me.

He stated at the mall it was very difficult because everyone thought
he was selling something. If George is putting together a revised
edition of the reporter drill some good places to do it other then the
mall would be helpful. The issue I run into in the mall is that not
alot of real good prospects if you dont go the right time.


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 04:48:39 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: Re: One of those nights

I think anyone that has gone sarging or just going out in general has
felt this way. Your mood is everything. It can set up a positive
projection or a negative one to everyone around you. Sometimes I’ve
went a few consecutive days or sarging and by the end of the week I’m
just sick of it and notice my game going downhill. When I space out
the days I go out, I see much better results.



Message: 5
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 03:25:34 -0000
From: “midrash40”
Subject: HI, I’m in the south florida area and I want to go sarging (first time)

also I am looking for a “course” in the area.. i’m 40 and have been
with a good number of women, but i want to get higher quality and
perhaps just a little more.
fort lauderdale, and west palm, is local to me, miami is a bit far but
worth it…


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:53:41 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Step by Step (day 6)

Nice day!!! I asked 10 girls for directions (like i planed) and smile
timidly to 9 girls…but the best thing that happens today was….I
smile showing my teeths one time, a non timidly smile, and she smiled
I think that it was more one step!
The secret to the sucess is PRESISTENCE!!!


Message: 7
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 04:53:30 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: Re: fellows

Wow, you left that one pretty vague. Start with telling us a bit more
information. Has she made any passes at you? said anything? noticed
you? Have you talked to her? Have you tried? Do you see her outside of
work at all?



Message: 8
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 22:10:28 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: Re: Roadblock – Staying OFF Friends list

Sometimes it may seem border line stalker over the internet, keep it
on the phone, you can at least get a general feeling of emotions in
the voice. Keep the phone conversations relatively short. Leave the
conversations on the high point, and don’t let it fizzle out when you
have nothing to talk about. Talk about the cosmic thing and the
amazing coincidence of you two meeting up. Women LOVE to hear stuff
about fate and all that astronomical stuff. Always works. The only
thing I noticed you might have F***ed up is this:

“I’m full of surprises — anyone who takes the time to get to know me
gets a gold star and maybe more. ”

You’re qualifying yourself to her. You’re giving her the idea that
she’s the one who “is the prize.” Make her give you reasons to meet
YOU, not reasons for you to meet her.



Message: 9
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 02:23:48 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Step by Step (day 7)

In my 7ºday i walk for the streets with a friend and i feel more
confortable in my aproaches…ok i know that i need to do it alone but
it can be intresting when we have some dificults in some kind of
aproach like in my case.
I have dificults to smile showing my teehts to strange women, and when
my friend came with me i smiled warmly to 3 girls in some minutes (and
they smile me back). Before he cames i just did 1 smile (showing my
teeths) and asked for directions to 7 girls.
Well with the friends presence i think that we can have a small
evolution to break down some obstacles, because we have more courage.


Message: 10
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 05:02:03 -0000
From: “seduction_function”
Subject: Re: Constructing Routines

I do this as well… If something seems to go over well with a woman,
I’ll continue using it, and making it more juicy, where possible…
some of my guy friends,(wingmen)have heard the stories so many times,
and certain other things I have said which have worked… If you’re
getting a good reaction… then try it again next time… with other

Plus, another thing is to do the following…

After a long time of doing this… you will find out questions to
ask, and you can actually “test” the waters with each chick, before
you really begin beefing it up…

It is kind of diificult to explain…

But, after a long time of doing this and talking to lots of chicks,
you’ll figure out what I mean…

It is kind of like a “pre amp”…

You’ll learn to use these “pre amps” to find out which way to go, and
how far… before you really “AMP” it up…

But, if something works… It doesn’t always mean it will work for
every chcik, or make every chick laugh, etc…

But, there is a good chance that you’ll find certain themes working,
over, and over, and over again… almost to ad nauseum…lol

But, if something is working, or getting them laughing, etc…
continue with it…

I have answers for just about every question they ask…

Am I going out with anyone?

How did my last relationship end?

Etc… I have preset answers… and using those answers, I always
know how to turn it all around…

Also if they ask a really tough question, that you are not used to

This gives you time to think…

Be evasive, while still answering the question if you can…

You have to be like a polititcian at times…

And they can ask tough qustions, especually if they are falling for

For example:

Tammy Lynn says…

So, if you don’t want to get into a relationship right now, and you
are telling me that I can do what I want, and you’ll do what you
want, that means you can go and screw some other chick, etc… and I
don’t want that… that’s not right… I’m looking for more than
that… bla,bla,bla…

My answer was something like this…

I told you before, I’m not looking to jump into anything right away,
it takes me time, etc…

I’m not saying I’m going to go out with every woman I
meet,etc…etc… but, I’m telling you… you can do what you like,
and I’ll do what I want…

She continues, with that she is a one guy woman, etc…

And it goes on, and on…

In the final end, I just told her, well this is the way it is… who
knows what the future holds… If, and when the time is right, I’ll
go exclusive, and I don’t cheat when I do… (which is true) but, I
am being honest with you… if you don’t like it, we can just be

“Oh so now you just want to be friends?

Believe me, this was a tough round of questioning, and I cannot
remember every detail, but I’ll tell you…

In the end, I just said these are my rules, and this is the way it

and she agreed in the end…

You have to stand your ground, and keep feelings to yourself if you
have any… as you will be burned, at some point… (I actually did
not have any feelings for her… but in general… be smart… if
you’ve been burned in the past… for telling women too much, etc…
and falling to fast… you have to throw that out the window, and
stop now… also, let them call you, etc…

Anyway, gotta’ go…

If it works, keep using it…

I agree…


— In, Chunwah Ho
> — “Hart, Simon” wrote:
> >
> > I have been constructing my own routines, and all
> > I’ve been doing is
> > listening to myself when ever I tell or hear funny
> > stories from my own life.
> >
> >
> > If they get a good reaction, I remember them and
> > maybe beef them up a bit
> > and commit them to memory. I think this is better
> > than sitting there trying
> > to write them like a script writer.
> >
> > They are also more unusual and sound real. Like when
> > I get the chance I tell
> > a story about how I once pushed a giant snowball off
> > a bridge onto a
> > passenger train roof, causing a massive dent in it
> > and terrifying
> > passengers, and got arrested for willful damage.
> > This is in fact a true
> > story, but I would never have been able to sit there
> > a dream it up.
> >
> > S
> >
> >
> Thanks for the advice Simon, I came up with a couple
> that are not just stories but I wanted to give them
> something to chew on and promote some good
> conversations. I tried them out on a few
> approaches…it sucked LOL
> Chun


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 04:09:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Re: Constructing Routines

— Eek / nitainev wrote:

> Try out your own routines in different settings, and
> try to find out what works where, why it doesn’t
> work,
> what to do about it…

I tried one of the topics I made up and I found that
it works better for women with a few years of
experience (let’s say 25 and up). But doesn’t work so
well with younger girls. So I took Style’s Jealous gf
routine and changed it a little bit. It seems to work
all around (have done about 6 approaches using it and
no rejections so far). My concern is that one of these
days (and I mean really soon) the girl is going to say
I’ve heard this a million times. Luckily, I’m only
doing day game, I would not attempt this routine in
the clubs LOL



Message: 12
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 04:22:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Re: Constructing Routines

— seduction_function

> I do this as well… If something seems to go over
> well with a woman,
> I’ll continue using it, and making it more juicy,
> where possible…
> some of my guy friends,(wingmen)have heard the
> stories so many times,
> and certain other things I have said which have
> worked… If you’re
> getting a good reaction… then try it again next
> time… with other
> chicks…
> Plus, another thing is to do the following…
> After a long time of doing this… you will find out
> questions to
> ask, and you can actually “test” the waters with
> each chick, before
> you really begin beefing it up…
> It is kind of diificult to explain…
> But, after a long time of doing this and talking to
> lots of chicks,
> you’ll figure out what I mean…
> It is kind of like a “pre amp”…
> You’ll learn to use these “pre amps” to find out
> which way to go, and
> how far… before you really “AMP” it up…
> But, if something works… It doesn’t always mean it
> will work for
> every chcik, or make every chick laugh, etc…
> But, there is a good chance that you’ll find certain
> themes working,
> over, and over, and over again… almost to ad
> nauseum…lol
> But, if something is working, or getting them
> laughing, etc…
> continue with it…
> I have answers for just about every question they
> ask…
> Am I going out with anyone?
> How did my last relationship end?
> Etc… I have preset answers… and using those
> answers, I always
> know how to turn it all around…
> Also if they ask a really tough question, that you
> are not used to
> pause…
> This gives you time to think…
> Be evasive, while still answering the question if
> you can…
> You have to be like a polititcian at times…
> And they can ask tough qustions, especually if they
> are falling for
> you…
> For example:
> Tammy Lynn says…
> So, if you don’t want to get into a relationship
> right now, and you
> are telling me that I can do what I want, and you’ll
> do what you
> want, that means you can go and screw some other
> chick, etc… and I
> don’t want that… that’s not right… I’m looking
> for more than
> that… bla,bla,bla…
> My answer was something like this…
> I told you before, I’m not looking to jump into
> anything right away,
> it takes me time, etc…
> I’m not saying I’m going to go out with every woman
> I
> meet,etc…etc… but, I’m telling you… you can do
> what you like,
> and I’ll do what I want…
> She continues, with that she is a one guy woman,
> etc…
> And it goes on, and on…
> In the final end, I just told her, well this is the
> way it is… who
> knows what the future holds… If, and when the time
> is right, I’ll
> go exclusive, and I don’t cheat when I do… (which
> is true) but, I
> am being honest with you… if you don’t like it, we
> can just be
> friends…
> “Oh so now you just want to be friends?
> Believe me, this was a tough round of questioning,
> and I cannot
> remember every detail, but I’ll tell you…
> In the end, I just said these are my rules, and this
> is the way it
> is…etc…
> and she agreed in the end…
> You have to stand your ground, and keep feelings to
> yourself if you
> have any… as you will be burned, at some point…
> (I actually did
> not have any feelings for her… but in general…
> be smart… if
> you’ve been burned in the past… for telling women
> too much, etc…
> and falling to fast… you have to throw that out
> the window, and
> stop now… also, let them call you, etc…
> Anyway, gotta’ go…
> If it works, keep using it…
> I agree…
> Barry

How much time do you spend on your approaches before
the # close? Do you wait for the IOI’s.

I know that approaching girls in bookstores, malls,
coffeeshops etc. is a bit different than in clubs.
Because generally they’re more in a rush and are
preoccupied with whatever their doing.


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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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