Yahoo Groups March 13 2006 Mail Bag

Message: 1
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 06:38:09 -0000
From: “simonwildcat”
Subject: Club issues

I’ve been out sarging two nights in a row until late (which is a new
thing for me; I’m going to try to do it regularly, then do more) in
this great club I’ve discovered near me. The girls are AWESOME and
there are heaps of them, but there are two problems I’ve encountered
in the last two nights and I am not sure what to do about either:

First, the place is LOUD. Like so loud my ears were ringing for hours
after I came out. You have to kind of yell into girls ears, so that
means that conversations are NOT happening. No idea how to get around
this, I was doing quite well with one girl just by bumping asses with
her and dancing ass-to-ass in a cheeky way, and then she was yelling
something in my ear for a while, but then her friend took her away.

Second, I noticed that the girls all drink hard. Like they get there,
line up the tequilas and get smashed. Now the problem I have is that I
am not drinking, except for 2 drinks at the start to get me warmed up.
What this actually means is that I am not calibrated with them. Like I
approach and they are pissed, and I’m sober – and they just SENSE it.

You know how if you are drunk, being around someone sober actually
sobers you up; it kind of brings you down. I never thought this would
happen, seeing as girls always complain all the time about drunk guys
cracking on to them. So somehow I have to get myself into the same
mood as them whilst being sober – any thoughts on how to do this?

This is probably more of a game issue; like my being stone cold sober
and trying to pick up is also new territory. When I’m drunk it is a
non issue – like many is the time in the past I have walked up to a
girl at the bar and started making out with her before even saying a
word, but there is NO WAY i can do that sober (yet!) ~:-)

I used to get into this like ZEN moment where I could walk into a set
of girls, and kiss one of the girls and I KNEW it would work, but
those days seem to be long ago and far away.



Message: 2
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 09:20:46 -0000
From: “tama_hawaii”
Subject: So, what do you do?

HB: So, what do you do?

Me: Me? What do I do? Generally, I do girls who’re attractive.
Hahahahah… * big grin * But not you, at least not right now, since
I don’t know you. * another grin *

No, seriously, I’m involved in several challenging fields. I enjoy
the variety in my work, helping people out, and of course making a
nice living. Bla bla…


That, my friends, is one way I handle the “What do you do?” issue.




Message: 3
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 08:28:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Ben Jamen
Subject: Answer for “What do you do?”

“Whatever I want. Don’t you?”



Message: 4
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 09:14:53 -0000
From: “tama_hawaii”
Subject: Re: Constructing Routines

> You have to be like a politician at times… < Right on, Barry! I'd probably add that you have to be like a politician at ALL times. We're talking about being evasive here, not giving straight answers. Personally, I find this evasive tactic effective in business dealings with women also. A man tries to pin you down, but a woman will generally go along with "fluff." tama --- In, "seduction_function" wrote:
> I do this as well… If something seems to go over well with a
> I’ll continue using it, and making it more juicy, where possible…
> some of my guy friends,(wingmen)have heard the stories so many
> and certain other things I have said which have worked… If you’re
> getting a good reaction… then try it again next time… with
> chicks…
> Plus, another thing is to do the following…
> After a long time of doing this… you will find out questions to
> ask, and you can actually “test” the waters with each chick, before
> you really begin beefing it up…
> It is kind of diificult to explain…
> But, after a long time of doing this and talking to lots of chicks,
> you’ll figure out what I mean…
> It is kind of like a “pre amp”…
> You’ll learn to use these “pre amps” to find out which way to go,
> how far… before you really “AMP” it up…
> But, if something works… It doesn’t always mean it will work for
> every chcik, or make every chick laugh, etc…
> But, there is a good chance that you’ll find certain themes
> over, and over, and over again… almost to ad nauseum…lol
> But, if something is working, or getting them laughing, etc…
> continue with it…
> I have answers for just about every question they ask…
> Am I going out with anyone?
> How did my last relationship end?
> Etc… I have preset answers… and using those answers, I always
> know how to turn it all around…
> Also if they ask a really tough question, that you are not used to
> pause…
> This gives you time to think…
> Be evasive, while still answering the question if you can…
> You have to be like a polititcian at times…
> And they can ask tough qustions, especually if they are falling for
> you…
> For example:
> Tammy Lynn says…
> So, if you don’t want to get into a relationship right now, and you
> are telling me that I can do what I want, and you’ll do what you
> want, that means you can go and screw some other chick, etc… and
> don’t want that… that’s not right… I’m looking for more than
> that… bla,bla,bla…
> My answer was something like this…
> I told you before, I’m not looking to jump into anything right
> it takes me time, etc…
> I’m not saying I’m going to go out with every woman I
> meet,etc…etc… but, I’m telling you… you can do what you like,
> and I’ll do what I want…
> She continues, with that she is a one guy woman, etc…
> And it goes on, and on…
> In the final end, I just told her, well this is the way it is…
> knows what the future holds… If, and when the time is right, I’ll
> go exclusive, and I don’t cheat when I do… (which is true) but, I
> am being honest with you… if you don’t like it, we can just be
> friends…
> “Oh so now you just want to be friends?
> Believe me, this was a tough round of questioning, and I cannot
> remember every detail, but I’ll tell you…
> In the end, I just said these are my rules, and this is the way it
> is…etc…
> and she agreed in the end…
> You have to stand your ground, and keep feelings to yourself if you
> have any… as you will be burned, at some point… (I actually did
> not have any feelings for her… but in general… be smart… if
> you’ve been burned in the past… for telling women too much,
> and falling to fast… you have to throw that out the window, and
> stop now… also, let them call you, etc…
> Anyway, gotta’ go…
> If it works, keep using it…
> I agree…
> Barry
> — In, Chunwah Ho
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > — “Hart, Simon” wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > I have been constructing my own routines, and all
> > > I’ve been doing is
> > > listening to myself when ever I tell or hear funny
> > > stories from my own life.
> > >
> > >
> > > If they get a good reaction, I remember them and
> > > maybe beef them up a bit
> > > and commit them to memory. I think this is better
> > > than sitting there trying
> > > to write them like a script writer.
> > >
> > > They are also more unusual and sound real. Like when
> > > I get the chance I tell
> > > a story about how I once pushed a giant snowball off
> > > a bridge onto a
> > > passenger train roof, causing a massive dent in it
> > > and terrifying
> > > passengers, and got arrested for willful damage.
> > > This is in fact a true
> > > story, but I would never have been able to sit there
> > > a dream it up.
> > >
> > > S
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Thanks for the advice Simon, I came up with a couple
> > that are not just stories but I wanted to give them
> > something to chew on and promote some good
> > conversations. I tried them out on a few
> > approaches…it sucked LOL
> >
> > Chun
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 19:50:05 +0000
From: “chris claridge”
Subject: Re: Roadblock – Staying OFF Friends list

Good point, I knew it after I sent it.

Now, there is somewhat of a rapport……
The hold-up to meeting is that there is a long distance between us, and as I
said there is a couple-month downtime before any meeting can happen in
LA/Vegas, NY or Houston.
So in an instance like this, how often should I call to avoid looking
“disinterested” or other end of spectrum “needy”.
She calls occasionally too, but there is a happy balance here, and for
long-distance, I am not sure what it is.

I’m making a huge goal out of part of this: Talk her into coming to LA —
Not sure how to do that without sounding needy.

As you said, the astronomy/cosmic/”Wow I can’t believe meeting like this”
needs to be played on over and over.
Anyone got any new material, because mine is starting to wear thin.

>Sometimes it may seem border line stalker over the internet, keep it
>on the phone, you can at least get a general feeling of emotions in
>the voice. Keep the phone conversations relatively short. Leave the
>conversations on the high point, and don’t let it fizzle out when you
>have nothing to talk about. Talk about the cosmic thing and the
>amazing coincidence of you two meeting up. Women LOVE to hear stuff
>about fate and all that astronomical stuff. Always works. The only
>thing I noticed you might have F***ed up is this:
>”I’m full of surprises — anyone who takes the time to get to know me
>gets a gold star and maybe more. ”
>You’re qualifying yourself to her. You’re giving her the idea that
>she’s the one who “is the prize.” Make her give you reasons to meet
>YOU, not reasons for you to meet her.


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 23:09:39 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Step by Step (day 8)

This day i just asked 14 girls for directions, don’t do the mission of
smile. Well but i will change a thing in my missions…i will not do
these two missons at the same time (ask for directions and smile to
strange girls) because i need to focous my attention in each mission
to be more objective.
When i see a girl in the street i start to think….”Well, what
mission i will do now? ask for directions or just smile?..humm lets
ask for directions”, and that’s my think in the maiority of the cases
because it’s more easy to ask for directions and i forget the other
mission…and that’s the motive why i will start to do each mission
Now i will do only the smile because is more dificult…let’s see
what’s happen tomorrow.


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 00:06:30 -0000
From: “seduction_function”
Subject: Re: Constructing Routines I assume you are asking me this/ number
closes, etc…

I do most of my stuff in bars with a mixed crowd…

Which means I don’t go to clubs with all young people,etc…

I go where there is a mixed crowd…

I make a place my “fishing hole” as Bill once described it…

I get to know the bouncers, waiters, waitresses, etc…

And after awhile you’ll get to know the regulars,etc…

Anyway, I had the best fishing hole ever back east, but I am in
Edmonton now…

I have a few places I go…

I engage a woman in conversation, in a tonne of various ways… This
is actually quite easy once you become good at it…

I don’t do much of the street work, I like to have a few drinks in

Although, I am getting pretty good at meeting, and talking to women
when I am not having a few drinks…

Number close…

The best way, and I have tried all of the methods… and this method
is not mine…lol

But, the number close that works best for me in the last while, is

I’ll say something like…

Listen, I think we’ve had a great conversation, bla,bla,bla… you
seem to have a positive energy, bla,bla,bla… So what steps do you
think we should take if we want to further this conversation in the

I may not say it exactly like that, and I never came up with it…

But, usually they will say… well, I can give you my number… or
let’s exchange numbers…

Or what’s your number?

If they ask what’s your number…

You can then flip it to the exchange numbers thing…

I know it’s all bullshit…

Especially the number stuff…

Because it is just the begining of the game…

But, you have to be good at the game…

I waste no time on women anymore…

Do I care if they call???

Of course I do…LOL

But, if they don’t I move on…

You can let some time pass and then call them…

If they avoid getting together, you just don’t call them anymore…

I prefer not ever calling them, and having them call me…

The phone number game is such a sham…

That if a chick has your number, she will actaully message your cell
phone with a text message to see how you are doing, and even ask you
to call her…lol

What a joke… really…

But, it is childish, and it is a power game…

The last while I have been becoming a pro at not putting up with any
bullshit, etc…

and women actually crumble when you get good at it…


She’s at your place, or you are somewhere at a friends, with some
chicks, etc…


Chick says something like… (This has been happening alot lately)

I think I’ll be leaving soon…

or something along those lines…


Not, a problem, I’ll get you the number for a cab, or here’s my cell,
if you want to call a cab…

Lately I have been encountering this…

Stand your ground…

You’d be surprised how many chicks will stay, and if they do leave,
after you get them a number of a cab, call them one, etc… You’d be
also surprised to know how many of them will either tell ask one of
her friends, or mutual friend for your number, or if she already has
your number… will call you…

Because you were not a wussy, begging her to stay…

How many guys, including maybe yourself are like… “oh, come on, the
party just started, etc… you can’t leave, bla,bla,bla… let
another guy say that… but not you… I used to be famous for it
many years ago…

Anyway, numbers are no big deal…

And nothing to panic about…

Also, I am going to trade school in Edmonton for my trade right now,
and I have been doing more studying than anything…

But, I have this Tammy Lynn calling me still…

And Rhodina comes over on the weekends, I had to clear her out
Saturday afternoon, because I have to study… They cram alot in…
in six weeks of this course I am taking…

During the two weeks I had off for last Christmas, I banged 5 chicks
including Rhodina…

I also listened to EXPECT GOOD while conscious…

Bill is instilling some great stuff…

Another thing I do, which I forgot to say was…

As a supplement to listening in trance…

Is that I will put NATURAL LEADER ON TRACK 2, and push the repeat
track button, before I go to sleep sometimes… and keep the volume
on low… I actually done this yesterday with the EXPECT GOOD C.D…

These two C.Ds, should be a part of everyones arsenal…

If you don’t have either yet, start with Natural Leader, then order

Or just order both at once…

You really have to get a backbone to know how to deal with woman, and
when you do… you’ll notice that they will actaully “crumble”…

This chick just bought me a two set DVD, as a surprise, she cleans my
place, washes dishes,etc…lol and she’s also not bringing her hot 18
year old niece around anymore… The niece is really hot… but, she
got mad one night, when we were at a friends,etc… etc… and the
niece was coming on to me etc…lol

She won’t bring her around anymore, or for that matter, any other

But, I told her where I stand… we are just seeing each other…

But, she wants more…

Anyway, you can study this stuff forever…

But, you really have to have some backbone to go along with it…

You really do have to be willing to walk away, etc… and say things
on certain issues to disagree with her, etc… if you do disagree…
if it is not too controversial… you have to know what you’re

Anyway, get your backbone in action today…

If you don’t order both of the C.Ds NATURAL LEADER, AND EXPECT GOOD
at the same time…

Order NATURAL LEADER, which will instill a backbone in you…

And keep listening to it…

You really truly have to be brainwashed out of what you have known
about woman through hollywood, growing up… (mom says treat women
really nice by buying them things when you are a kid, etc… you get
the drift,etc…

Get some backbone…

maybe some of you have never put A CENT DOWN FOR ANY SEDUCTION

I am telling you to do so now…



They do go hand in hand, EXPECT GOOD rounds everything out, and they
work in synch together… and you should have both…

But, if you are only willing to take a chance on one, and you truly
want to stop chasing chicks, and “almost naturally” figure out to do
in certain situations, and stop being worried about at exactly what
minute, or second to exchange numbers, etc… and actually, bang
chciks, before you even know there phone numbers… because you’ll be
so good at getting them over to your place,etc… LISTEN TO MY ADVICE


Even, if some of you have bought seduction material in the past…


I’d order both if I were you guys… The EXPECT GOOD really adds to
THE NATURAL LEADER, and rounds everything out…

I’ve hyped up NATURAL LEADER now, and in the past…

And I’ll continue to hype it up…

But, now I can also hype up EXPECT GOOD


— In, Chunwah Ho
> — seduction_function
> wrote:
> > I do this as well… If something seems to go over
> > well with a woman,
> > I’ll continue using it, and making it more juicy,
> > where possible…
> > some of my guy friends,(wingmen)have heard the
> > stories so many times,
> > and certain other things I have said which have
> > worked… If you’re
> > getting a good reaction… then try it again next
> > time… with other
> > chicks…
> >
> > Plus, another thing is to do the following…
> >
> > After a long time of doing this… you will find out
> > questions to
> > ask, and you can actually “test” the waters with
> > each chick, before
> > you really begin beefing it up…
> >
> > It is kind of diificult to explain…
> >
> > But, after a long time of doing this and talking to
> > lots of chicks,
> > you’ll figure out what I mean…
> >
> > It is kind of like a “pre amp”…
> >
> > You’ll learn to use these “pre amps” to find out
> > which way to go, and
> > how far… before you really “AMP” it up…
> >
> > But, if something works… It doesn’t always mean it
> > will work for
> > every chcik, or make every chick laugh, etc…
> >
> > But, there is a good chance that you’ll find certain
> > themes working,
> > over, and over, and over again… almost to ad
> > nauseum…lol
> >
> > But, if something is working, or getting them
> > laughing, etc…
> > continue with it…
> >
> > I have answers for just about every question they
> > ask…
> >
> > Am I going out with anyone?
> >
> > How did my last relationship end?
> >
> > Etc… I have preset answers… and using those
> > answers, I always
> > know how to turn it all around…
> >
> > Also if they ask a really tough question, that you
> > are not used to
> > pause…
> >
> > This gives you time to think…
> >
> > Be evasive, while still answering the question if
> > you can…
> >
> > You have to be like a polititcian at times…
> >
> > And they can ask tough qustions, especually if they
> > are falling for
> > you…
> >
> > For example:
> >
> > Tammy Lynn says…
> >
> > So, if you don’t want to get into a relationship
> > right now, and you
> > are telling me that I can do what I want, and you’ll
> > do what you
> > want, that means you can go and screw some other
> > chick, etc… and I
> > don’t want that… that’s not right… I’m looking
> > for more than
> > that… bla,bla,bla…
> >
> > My answer was something like this…
> >
> > I told you before, I’m not looking to jump into
> > anything right away,
> > it takes me time, etc…
> >
> > I’m not saying I’m going to go out with every woman
> > I
> > meet,etc…etc… but, I’m telling you… you can do
> > what you like,
> > and I’ll do what I want…
> >
> > She continues, with that she is a one guy woman,
> > etc…
> >
> > And it goes on, and on…
> >
> > In the final end, I just told her, well this is the
> > way it is… who
> > knows what the future holds… If, and when the time
> > is right, I’ll
> > go exclusive, and I don’t cheat when I do… (which
> > is true) but, I
> > am being honest with you… if you don’t like it, we
> > can just be
> > friends…
> >
> > “Oh so now you just want to be friends?
> >
> > Believe me, this was a tough round of questioning,
> > and I cannot
> > remember every detail, but I’ll tell you…
> >
> > In the end, I just said these are my rules, and this
> > is the way it
> > is…etc…
> >
> > and she agreed in the end…
> >
> > You have to stand your ground, and keep feelings to
> > yourself if you
> > have any… as you will be burned, at some point…
> > (I actually did
> > not have any feelings for her… but in general…
> > be smart… if
> > you’ve been burned in the past… for telling women
> > too much, etc…
> > and falling to fast… you have to throw that out
> > the window, and
> > stop now… also, let them call you, etc…
> >
> > Anyway, gotta’ go…
> >
> > If it works, keep using it…
> >
> > I agree…
> >
> > Barry
> >
> How much time do you spend on your approaches before
> the # close? Do you wait for the IOI’s.
> I know that approaching girls in bookstores, malls,
> coffeeshops etc. is a bit different than in clubs.
> Because generally they’re more in a rush and are
> preoccupied with whatever their doing.
> Chun


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 07:23:47 -0000
From: “smooth_d06”
Subject: Re: the classic

my thought is if its a friend a true friend of your then he would have
not done this to you so f*ck it go and get that HB7 on the other hand
if its another aspiring PUA i would say as a brother hood type of
thing to leave it be and “abandon ship” well good luck either way

— In, “miles0029” wrote:
> I’ve number closed on this girl that has worked at the local bowling
> alley. Shes a solid 7 to say the least, however, one of my friends who
> has a gf and a girl on the side has been fooling around with my new
> number close. Should I pursue, or abandon ship because she has already
> been part of my friend’s arsenal.
> Miles


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 05:04:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Re: Constructing Routines I assume you are asking me this/ number
closes, etc…

Hi Barry, thanks for the long post man. Glad to hear
you’re doing well. Last I’ve really spoken to you was
on the very first list. Are you still using the Sexual
Key by any chance.

After the reporter drill, George suggested I practice
on my approaches and to hold the conversation for as
long as I can (I am following Mystery method). So
that’s what I’m doing now. I’ve been slowly expanding
my territories gradually adding in new places every
week so it’s kind of opposite of a fish hole.

I do mainly day game (malls, coffeeshops, bookstores,
museums) and have not tried bars and clubs yet. I
personally don’t like those places because I think
they are noisy and I don’t think quality girls can be
found in them (maybe I’m wrong lol). But I should
visit them sometime just for the heck of it to

P.S. I own both of Bill’s cds and I think they work



Message: 10
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:51:03 +0100 (CET)
From: Nils Tonne
Subject: Re: the classic

who cares about who has been part of whoose arsenal? all gurl´s have been part
of someone´s arsenal so what?

why put up artificial barriers as long as u keep away from his wife…

smooth_d06 skrev:
my thought is if its a friend a true friend of your then he would have
not done this to you so f*ck it go and get that HB7 on the other hand
if its another aspiring PUA i would say as a brother hood type of
thing to leave it be and “abandon ship” well good luck either way

— In, “miles0029” wrote:
> I’ve number closed on this girl that has worked at the local bowling
> alley. Shes a solid 7 to say the least, however, one of my friends who
> has a gf and a girl on the side has been fooling around with my new
> number close. Should I pursue, or abandon ship because she has already
> been part of my friend’s arsenal.
> Miles


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 02:03:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Eek / nitainev
Subject: Re: Re: Constructing Routines

— tama_hawaii wrote:

> > You have to be like a politician at times… < >
> Right on, Barry!
> I’d probably add that you have to be like a
> politician at ALL times.
> We’re talking about being evasive here, not giving
> straight answers.

You don’t. However, if you are straight about things,
you have to be OK with yourself. I cannot remember
having lost a woman due to giving straight answers –
but they have to be really straight answers, no
pulling punches. On the other hand, being embarrased
is actually OK, at least in my experience.


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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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