Yahoo Groups March 16 2006 “Online Dating Update and 2 Lesbians Acting Strangely”

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 09:10:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Dro King
Subject: Re: Re: Week Three: Online Dating Update

Hey George,

I agree to your veiw point, in fact I talk in the most humble way over the
phone & NEVER press them to meet me, just do it casually, like Hey there is an
exibition/Sale etc… in your city/place are you going? I was thinking if you
are there then I can make myself available…& before she says anything I change
the topic as if i am not really Intrested in calling here out, I avoid saying
directly to come out for Drinks etc… thats more or less my theory & guyd who
follow this, agree with me It Works Wonders !!!!


George wrote:
— In, “tjeep” wrote:
> George,
> What pattern you follow on phone?

Essentially, what I do is continue the “conversation” we had via email
on the phone and decide whether I’d like to meet them in person.

Before I talk to them, I have a small list of points from their
profiles, such as their hobbies…anything they emphasise.

When I get them on the phone, I focus on fun, adventure, vacations,
music, movies — not all at the same time, of course. Some
conversations I end quickly but politely because I’m not connecting
with them.

The final step, if I like what I hear, is to invite them to meet me
for a casual no pressure get together– drinks or coffee only.

The goal for me is not to seduce them on the phone, but to get them to
meet me in person. That’s it.



Message: 2
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 19:34:20 -0000
From: “mws5872”
Subject: Re: current progress

— In, “George” wrote:
> — In, “mws5872” wrote:
> >
> > George honestly I am not sure why… I have read a lot of material on
> > this and that. Tried to apply it and it is just doing it that is so
> > hard. My friend kind of compared approaching to working out. If you
> > half ass it, you won’t get the results you want you really need a game
> > plan. I think one sticking point that comes to mind is that I feel I
> > may be too boring, which is crazy considering all my close friends say
> > I am the most active and social person they know…. sure towards
> > people I know already 😛 hmm from there I’m not sure, insight is
> > appreciated George.thanks!
> >
> >
> > Mike
> Hi Mike,
> Perhaps I wasn’t clear with my questions. Let me try again…When you
> see a girl you’d like to approach, AT THAT MOMENT (not before or
> after) what goes on in your head? Anything?
> Why am I asking this question? I’m simply asking because that’ll tell
> me more about this sticking point you have than all the theories
> combined. This is your step #1– Figure out this one and then you CAN
> change the pattern.
> (NLP fans will recognize this as the start of his current strategy)
> Step 2 is to INTERUPT the pattern and do someting, ANYTHING, different
> at that moment.
> Warmly,
> George
Mike: at the MOMENT so to speak when I see a girl I’d like to approach
the things that go on in my head is first ” wow that girl looks hot”,
obviously most guys have this reaction. At the same time other ideas
are going on as well. One thing that I know occurs especially if I see
her sitting alone eating lunch or with another girlfriend is that this
girl will think im weird for just going up to her and sitting down etc
etc. hmm.. The other thing that goes through my head is she won’t be
interested, and that is self defeating in itself.Other than that I am
not sure what else there is . Thoughts?



Message: 3
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 19:39:56 -0000
From: “miles0029”
Subject: Re: 2 lesbian friends acting strangely

Wow, you gotta golden opportunity knocking at your door. Don’t let
this slip away. I like Goerge’s idea of having them be an anchor,
which got me thinking. Maybe you could try using them as an anchor to
pick up another chick in the bar. If they completely object by giving
off vibes of jealousy, confront them about it. You could say: “I would
be going after you two, but it seems like you are happy enough without
a man in your life.” See how they respond to that one. That could be
the spark you need to start up the action. If they help you out with
the anchoring, play your game and nail the HB they are helping you out

The only thing I’ve ever read on threesomes is Style’s guide which is
on and is also in “The Game.” Threeway kissing is also
great in helping things escalate. My friend the natural is great with
getting girls to get into a threeway kiss with him. He just simply
tells them that he’s always wanted to do it and says it will be really
cool. If they give any resistance, all he says is that “I know its
wierd, but people kiss all the time without it meaning anything.” Hope
some of this helps. Let me know the results ASAP.



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:43:59 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: current progress

>>For me now I think the reason it is so hard to approach is not knowing
what to say.

This sounds like my own sticking point too. Like I can go to a club on my
own, and see a girl and be ready to approach, but then my mind goes blank.


I’ve tried remembering openers but I can’t seem to recall them at the moment
of need. The only one I can remember is “do girls think David Bowie is hot?”
and let’s face it, that’s kind of a stupid question, even though it has
iconic status in the pickup community.

I’m getting to the point though where I’m just going to ask it to see what



Message: 5
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 11:01:40 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: Example of a drill that became natural behavior

I was in the supermarket last night, doing my thing, and as I was leaving I
said to the checkout chick “Thanks Kelly, see you later.”

When I reached the supermarket door, it struck me that I had done that
automatically. I had read her name tag, and used her name. I once had to
make a DRILL out of that, and even spent several weeks where I couldn’t
bring myself to do it, and yesterday I did it without any conscious process
going on.

It was an inspirational moment from the point of view of being able to now
do something effortlessly that once was a drill. Fair enough a small thing
but still…



Message: 6
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 10:28:53 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: 2 lesbian friends acting strangely

>>Besides this incident, how much touching has been going on between all
of you? What else has been going on?

Well when the 2 of them ever have a fight, M runs to me and starts telling
me she’s sick of it and she is going to dump G for me, blah blah. I’ve
occasionally gone out with M on my own and we REALLY click. But there is
also a bit of a pattern to that behavior so last time I busted her and said
“Don’t try to use me as your emotional tampon!”

So there was this jealousy dynamic, so I softened that by cooling it with M
and being nice to G and showing her some attention. I was basically in the
frame of mind that went something like “I’ll use them for social proof, but
they are basically a pair of goofballs.”

But then they started getting all weird on me, like I described, triggering
my radar, so I dunno what they are thinking, planning, or talking about.

Will have to just see what transpires.

But using them for social proof is DEFINITLY top of my list. It would be
great to land them, they are both pretty hot (8’s I’d say).



Message: 7
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 11:51:01 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: Reporter Drill girls 21 – 30

I changed questions 7 and 8 to this (because it interested me):

7) Do you think guys should be the agressors in terms of starting things up,
such as making the first move across a nightclub etc.

8) Relating to the above, why do girls put up a shield when the guy makes
his approach?



GIRL # 21, Brunette 25-30 years old, (5)

* Having a cool eject makes things easier.

GIRL # 22, ANNETTE Blond 24-28 years old, (5)
1) Disappointment, would confront him
2) Would be confused, would wonder what’s going on
3) Would be worried, would confront him.
4) It would affect her.
5) Would be nice at first, but not always.
6) Would spark her interest.
7) It should be 50-50, not always the guy
8) Because there are lots of creepy guys out there


* Seriously not in the mood, felt paranoid.

GIRL # 23, Redheed 22-25 years old, (6)

GIRL # 24, Blond 25-30 years old, (5)


* Feeling better.

GIRL # 25, SIMI, Indian girl 25-27 years old, (8)
1) Would slap him
2) He should burn it.
3) She would delete it all.
4) She would like it.
5) Likes it.
6) Not sure.
7) Men must be the aggressor.
8) Female pride makes them shield.

GIRL # 26, FIONA, Blond 25-28 years old, (6)
1) Would feel insecure
2) Burning is over the top, would remove it.
3) It’s a guy thing, no big deal.
4) Being a wuss is boring.
5) Thinks its fine.
6) Would flirt with him.
7) Men should be the aggressor.
8) Because there are so many sleezy guys.


GIRL # 27, MELISSA, Brunette 20-24 years old, (9)
1) Would be pissed off and would confront him.
2) Would ask him to put it away.
3) It’s just a guy thing.
4) Wuss is a turn off. Man should be the protector.
5) If he’s rich its ok.
6) Creeped out! Would affect the friendships.
7) It should be equal.
8) Because they are scared or embarrassed.

GIRL # 28, Blond 25-30 years old, (7)

GIRL # 29, CHRISTEN, Brunette 22-25 years old, (9)
1) Would confront and be annoyed.
2) Burning is excessive, put it away.
3) It’s a guy thing.
4) Boring, would try to fire him up a little.
5) Not a problem.
6) Would feel uncomfortable.
7) Men should be the aggressor.
8) They shield because they are not interested.

GIRL # 30, MARITA, Blond 24-26 years old, (7)
1) Confused, would question him.
2) Uncomfortable, burning is excessive.
3) Disappointment, would question.
4) Wuss is really bad, look less important.
5) Guy paying is good.
6) Wouldn’t affect her, but needs attraction first.
7) Guy should be the aggressor.
8) There are dodgy guys around, act normal.

* Note: The thing that is really hitting home now is that I cannot remember
any of the girls I have approached, except for one or two. I read my notes
and I cannot remember the last five girls, let alone the ones 20 girls ago.

This is teaching me what it must be like for girls to be approached by many
guys, you would never remember them all. It just blurs into nothing…



Message: 8
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 23:35:21 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Step by Step (day 10)

This was a funny day. I start asking girls for directions like i
planed, and wait to feel inspired to do the smile’s mission.
I asked 7 girls for direction, and the girls nº 7 give me this
inspired state. Why? Because was a real funny aproach.
I just say in a confident voice “hi, do you know when i can eat
something good?” and she started laughing because understand other
thing (more hot lol).
After this i say “bye” and feel the vibe to smile to strangers, and i
do it 7 times in few minutes 🙂 .


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 00:03:48 -0000
From: “mws5872”
Subject: Re: current progress

Mike: yeah that happens a lot too… I just blank its bullshit. I dont
know how some guys can do it so easily.

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> >>For me now I think the reason it is so hard to approach is not knowing
> what to say.
> This sounds like my own sticking point too. Like I can go to a club
on my
> own, and see a girl and be ready to approach, but then my mind goes
> It just BLANKS OUT.
> I’ve tried remembering openers but I can’t seem to recall them at
the moment
> of need. The only one I can remember is “do girls think David Bowie
is hot?”
> and let’s face it, that’s kind of a stupid question, even though it has
> iconic status in the pickup community.
> I’m getting to the point though where I’m just going to ask it to
see what
> happens.
> S


Message: 10
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 01:35:54 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: current progress

— In, “mws5872” wrote:

> Mike: at the MOMENT so to speak when I see a girl I’d like to approach
> the things that go on in my head is first ” wow that girl looks hot”,
> obviously most guys have this reaction.

Ok, and after this statement, what happens? I’m quite sure this
triggers more chatter and perhaps some feelings you’d rather not feel.

At the same time other ideas
> are going on as well.

If you’re not comfortable with listing those ideas here, write them
down for yourself. Your eyes only. This is important because once
you’re aware of what’s going on, you can interupt this pattern over
and over UNTIL it’s stops working. So the replacement pattern goes
like this:

1)Your less than useful chatter
2)Interupt by telling yourself to STOP!
3)Immediately replace with it “Let’s find out how much fun we can
have” and approach even if it’s to say “Hi”.

One thing that I know occurs especially if I see
> her sitting alone eating lunch or with another girlfriend is that this
> girl will think im weird for just going up to her and sitting down etc
> etc. hmm.. The other thing that goes through my head is she won’t be
> interested, and that is self defeating in itself.Other than that I am
> not sure what else there is . Thoughts?
> Mike

You need to learn to challenge your inner talk and ask this question:
Where is the evidence for this? How do I know if this is true or false?

The fastest way to solve this problem is to:

1) Become aware of your inner talk(chatter)
2) Desensitize yourself with the drills and take small risks to build
your courage. I’m sure you’re familar with the saying “Nothing
succeeds like success”, right? Well, it may sound corny, but it’s
true. And the key is to keep stacking your successes.

Take a look at Chun’s results from the 21 Day Drill and The Reporter
Drill. The only requirement for these 2 drills is to have at least
some courage to make a series of small steps.



Message: 11
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 19:14:47 -0800 (PST)
From: dee fex
Subject: RE: Re: Club issues

It will be worth keeping aware of the try hards in the room.

If only because they are the most likely to cock-block,
because well … they have no game other than to try and
AMOG. (alpha – male the other guy)

Just a follow up question – did you notice if the try-hards
were affected by the kid with the Mohawk ?



“Hart, Simon” wrote:
>>Cheers and let us know what goes on. I wish I had your problem at the
clubs I frequent…it’s usually sausage party central. 😀

That’s why this club is a gem. I freaked the first time I went there and the
quality of girls walking in. There were of course, plenty of guys, but I’d
say it was about 55% girls to 45% guys.

And most of the guys were tools, really. The only thing I want of theirs is
their confidence.

I’m beginning to see things the way women see them (don’t you guys find
this, the more you understand women?) Like I did a scan of the room in
‘woman vision’ and could pick out wusses and creepy guys and sleezy guys.

They mostly leaned on the bar, interestingly. Note to self: do not lean on
the bar.

Then I did another scan of the apparent 50 odd alpha males in the room, and
by watching them I could see they were try-hards; sticking their chest out,
yelling, trying to AMOG each other (acting as if their little group is their
focus when its OBVIOUS they are ‘displaying’). I found one natural, I think.

I was watching this little scrawny character who had a Mohawk, and he had
girls all around him.



Message: 12
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 14:23:39 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: Club issues

>>Just a follow up question – did you notice if the try-hards were affected
by the kid with the Mohawk?

The main thing I noticed about the try-hards was that they tended to AMOG
each other. The typical scenario is a gang of four or five guys:

1 ultra loud try-hard AMOGing his mates, usually shouting or using mock
physical violence and laughing WAY to hard.

2 or 3 try hards trying to give the AMOG his own shit back.

1 guy who is the more beta of the group, trying to smile through his
internal pain.

And, you know, they make a lot of noise and nudge each other when a HB walks
past and their eyes all follow. Then they look at each other and go

This scene repeats itself all over the place. The Mohawk guy I did not see
interacting with anyone except women, apart from when I saw him once in the
toilet – he was standing NEXT to the urinals looking along it, and laughing
at each guy who came up to take a piss. I heard him say “and HEEEERES

He was unusual, to be sure.



Message: 13
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 14:33:29 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: Club issues

>>Just a follow up question – did you notice if the try-hards were affected
by the kid with the Mohawk?

I remember watching him across the bar sitting in a both. He was laid back,
drinking a beer, and he had 4 girls around him who seemed to be FIGHTING for
his attention. He attitude seemed to be: “….Whatever……”

I wouldn’t call it arrogance, it was kind of beyond arrogance. It was almost
comical. It possible he was a rock star or well known or something – anyway
they were behaving exactly like he was somebody famous.



Message: 14
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:04:31 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Reporter Drill girls 21 – 30

— In, “Hart, Simon”
It just blurs into nothing…
> S

Excellent! This “blur” is a very important step in the process. When
this happens after you’ve been approaching for 2-3 months non-stop,
you’ll find your own successful patterns repeating over and over. It’s
going to be like you’re on auto pilot– you’ve already heard and seen
pretty much everything so nothing anyone says or does can surprise
you. Most importantly, you’ll have a good response ready.



Message: 15
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:06:21 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Week Three: Online Dating Update

— In, Dro King wrote:
> Hey George,
> I agree to your veiw point, in fact I talk in the most humble way
over the phone & NEVER press them to meet me, just do it casually,
like Hey there is an exibition/Sale etc… in your city/place are you
going? I was thinking if you are there then I can make myself
available…& before she says anything I change the topic as if i am
not really Intrested in calling here out, I avoid saying directly to
come out for Drinks etc… thats more or less my theory & guyd who
follow this, agree with me It Works Wonders !!!!
> Mido

Yes, because it’s really no big deal. Just two people getting together.



Message: 16
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 08:22:21 -0000
From: “kumadakochi”
Subject: Mixed sets

I’ve recently started just talking to everyone instead of just
picking out specific sets. The result has been me doing 12-14 sets a
night instead of 3-4. I used to avoid mixed sets (guys and girls) but
since I’ve started talking to everyone, I need to figure out how to
deal with guys. Mostly guys don’t get in the way, you talk to them a
bit, sometimes they partake, most of the time they just sit back and
do nothing. However, I’ve had many guys try to just blow me out
(sometimes sucessfully) at the very beginning of a set. Tonight, for
example, I started a set with two guys and a girl. I walked up to
their table and said how are you guys doing tonight and didn’t get any
response except the girl smiled. Then I just started an opener about
my friend. As soon as it left my mouth one of the guys was like I
don’t think we want to talk about this. I delt with it by throwing a
time constraint out there and said I needed their opinions to settle a
debate. Anyways, I just got sort of pissed and said it’s really not
worth it and left. Do you guys have any suggestions of how to deal
with these types of assholes? Also, what sort of good day time openers
have you been sucessful with? I use a lot of stories about my friend’s
relationships and that seems like a strange topic to talk about at a
coffee shop.



Message: 17
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 00:47:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Troy Dizon
Subject: Re: Mixed sets

Well, here’s my 2 cents on this:

1) The manner of which you approached them – must’ve been inadequate or too
much “head on.” There must’ve been minimal sincerity or excitement in the
delivery that caused the guys to turn asshole on you and protective over their

2) They probably scoped you already that night, and saw you a lone wolf
scouting for approaches. Yeah usually they’ll think ur a creep. I suggest have
fun in a club and not even think about approaches. Its instant respect and when
u talk to them its as if youre the celebrity and they are lucky youre giving
them a bit of attention.

3) If u want to disarm such a group talk to the guy genuinely and he’ll warm
up and introduce you to his friends, as opposed to going “head on.” Ive used
this a buncha times with success and usually the guys are REALLY AFC’s and not
amogs and i immediately take their women.

Any questions, let me know


kumadakochi wrote:
I’ve recently started just talking to everyone instead of just
picking out specific sets. The result has been me doing 12-14 sets a
night instead of 3-4. I used to avoid mixed sets (guys and girls) but
since I’ve started talking to everyone, I need to figure out how to
deal with guys. Mostly guys don’t get in the way, you talk to them a
bit, sometimes they partake, most of the time they just sit back and
do nothing. However, I’ve had many guys try to just blow me out
(sometimes sucessfully) at the very beginning of a set. Tonight, for
example, I started a set with two guys and a girl. I walked up to
their table and said how are you guys doing tonight and didn’t get any
response except the girl smiled. Then I just started an opener about
my friend. As soon as it left my mouth one of the guys was like I
don’t think we want to talk about this. I delt with it by throwing a
time constraint out there and said I needed their opinions to settle a
debate. Anyways, I just got sort of pissed and said it’s really not
worth it and left. Do you guys have any suggestions of how to deal
with these types of assholes? Also, what sort of good day time openers
have you been sucessful with? I use a lot of stories about my friend’s
relationships and that seems like a strange topic to talk about at a
coffee shop.



Message: 18
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 08:16:13 -0800 (PST)
From: arthur deane
Subject: IOI’S MISSED????

HEy group I got another story to tell today in
another instance of wondering if I was getting IOI’s
or not. I went to the book store the other day to look
up some Japanimation. I love the stuff. Anyway, I see
this girl with her friend looking at the stuff also.
In all honesty the girls were a 6 and even though I
ahve no problem approaching alone, when women are in
groups I hold back. Anyway they were looking for
something new and I had over heard them and decided to
interject and told them what I would recommend. We
started tallking for a few minutes and then one of
the friends left and I was talking to the cutier one
in fact. Anyway she told me her name and asked me for
mines. I was surprised at this think it was an IOI.
We talked for a few more minutes but I was just too
niave to close. She really seemed interested and gave
me even kino when I was guiding her had to the books
to read and all and even smiled . She even smiled a
lot while we talked about animie and yes folks she was
at least 26 . SOmething in my head told me to close
this thing, but I was so surprised of sucess I just
decided to eject. The girl had a look on her face of
shock and curisoity. I think I missed a close. My
friends tell my mmain problem is that I can show them
when other are interested in them but I never know
when a lady is interested in me . .I dismissed her
and went my way. Anyway did I miss my IOI in that
conversation. Should I ahve taken advantage once her
friend left me alone with her ??
I know my stories have wierd endings, but Im just
learning this game so I’m gonna tell you my failures
and sucesses. This time I felt I ejected too early
without getting the number what do you guys think


Message: 19
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:02:36 +0000
From: “chris claridge”
Subject: Some answers to tests/BS ?

Can I get some input on some of these questions/statements/BS.
These are some of the ones that I never seem to have a perfect answer for.
I either cave in and act like a wuss, or 180 opposite, I get hostile.
Field tested answers please.

1) Why didn’t/don’t you bring me any flowers ?

2) Aren’t you going to pay for it ?
(right when you get food/drink and she gives a blank stare, or says she
assumed you were going to pay for everything)

3) Don’t you want to be my friend ?

4) So, do you have a girlfriend ?

5) What do you do for work ? (hidden message: how much money do you make)

6a) I want a guy who knows how to treat a lady.

6b) I just want a nice guy.

7) I don’t want to have sex tonight because you’ll think I’m a slut/won’t
respect me.

8) Spending time with, or eating dinner with a girl, and she answers the
cell phone and starts yapping. I know what Tom Leykis would
say…..wondering if there are any other clever solutions.



Message: 20
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 17:57:14 -0000
From: “David Caswell”
Subject: Re: Some answers to tests/BS ?

— In, “chris claridge”
> Can I get some input on some of these questions/statements/BS.

Most of my answers involve 3-somes, Vegas, or kissing.

Treat this questions as if your high school aged daughter said “I
didn’t inhale.” Give her the “You’ve got to be kidding look.”
Communicate with your whole body language that none of these issues
are a big deal to you. That’s the important thing.

The other day a woman asked me, “have you kissed that chick?” I told
her no I’ve never kissed anyone before.” Then I leaned over and gave
her a kiss. She said, “So, I’m the first.” I said “that’s right.” That
ended the issue, and she never asked again. That’s chick logic.

To most of those questions you could reply: “Are you thinking about
how much you would enjoy kissing me?” Are you planning a LTR already?”
My favorite is: “Can we discuss that in Vegas in the morning?”

> These are some of the ones that I never seem to have a perfect
answer for.
> I either cave in and act like a wuss, or 180 opposite, I get hostile.
> Field tested answers please.
> ———————————————-
> 1) Why didn’t/don’t you bring me any flowers ?

Don’t you believe in “Lady’s 1st? Where are my flowers?
Or, they’re waiting in our hotel room in Vegas.

> 2) Aren’t you going to pay for it ?
> (right when you get food/drink and she gives a blank stare, or says she
> assumed you were going to pay for everything)

Take her to a cheap place where if this happens it’s no big deal. Then
next time you see her, it’s some place that’s free.

> 3) Don’t you want to be my friend ?

Pull out a quarter. Ask her to call “heads” or “tails” for friends or
not. Flip it, but don’t show her the results. Say, “I’ll tell you later.”

> 4) So, do you have a girlfriend ?

When you say ‘a’ do you mean just one?
Or, are you trying to plan a 3-some already?

> 5) What do you do for work ? (hidden message: how much money do you

“I fondle women’s hair”, and then just do it and then tell her,
“normally I have a six month waiting list for clients.”

> 6a) I want a guy who knows how to treat a lady.

How does it feel knowing he’s right in front of you?

> 6b) I just want a nice guy.

Okay, and shrug your shoulders.

> 7) I don’t want to have sex tonight because you’ll think I’m a
> respect me.

Okay, and shrug your shoulders. And then continue doing whatever you
want, whether it’s undressing her or watching TV. Actions speak louder
than words.
Or, “I think of you as a beautiful, sexy, woman, with the best lips”,
and then lean over and kiss her.

> 8) Spending time with, or eating dinner with a girl, and she answers
> cell phone and starts yapping. I know what Tom Leykis would
> say…..wondering if there are any other clever solutions.

I don’t know. Call up another chick and ask them out. Or, ask her if
she can afford her own cab fare and take off without her.

Take her phone from her, say hi to her friend, and then ask her friend
how much she weighs because you’re think about asking her out.

Ask her if it would be her first 3-some with her friend. If it turns
out that the other person on the phone is her mother, please post that
story here, I always love a good laugh.

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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