Yahoo Groups March 25 2006 “Other places to do pick up….instead of streets and Clubs”

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:49:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Troy Dizon
Subject: Re: Question for Chun or others…on jealous gf….

go to

hsvtiger04 wrote: Chun,
You mentioned you didnt like Style’s opener how do you set up jealous
gf ….refresh my memory how does jealous gf go again…I looked
online and read the game but I dont remember…I plan on attempting
that in the field tonight…


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 14:42:55 -0600
Subject: Re: Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…

Tell me if i am wrong, but are you REALLY pretending to be a reporter? Is that
what you say to the person you talk to? That you are a reporter? Perhaps you get
neg responses on occassion because the person does not believe you are REALLY a
reporter. On the other hand, if you are doing it tongue in cheek, and it is
clear you are NOT a reporter, but you are using that just as a guise to start a
conversation, some women, especially some of the hottest, will think “well why
didn’t this guy just come up to me and say hello and start a conversation,
instead of using this ruse?” Sometimes “routines” just aren’t necessary. A
simple hello and an open ended question based on observation and study of that
particular female and females generally, will work…

> From: “Chunwah Ho”
> To:
> Subject: Re: [seduction_dating] Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…
> Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:55:38 -0800 (PST)
> — David Caswell wrote:
> >
> > She’s looking at you and thinking: So what does this
> > guy want?
> I think most girls know at least in the back of their
> heads what’s up when a guy approaches them. Question
> is is she willing to play along or not.
> >
> > What’s the answer to her question? What is it you
> > want? Maybe your
> > hook and approaches aren’t communicating this very
> > well. Tell us more.
> >
> > How do you know she’s hooked?
> >
> > What is it you want to do with this chick, and why
> > are you waiting
> > until she looks “hooked” to proceed? She’s probably
> > thinking: I’m
> > bored, am I going to get some, or is this going to
> > talk for the rest
> > of the evening? In other words, if you’ve got some
> > sexy chick in front
> > of you, why are you wasting your time trying to
> > mindread what she’s
> > thinking?
> >
> There’s not much to tell Dave. I’m trying to melt her
> initial shield with my routines and negs. Sometimes I
> am successful and need to learn more material in order
> to escalate into the next level. But if her shield is
> too hard, I get discouraged and give up prematurely. I
> uses her IOIs as my guide for when I can move to the
> next step.
> Chun



Message: 3
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 23:50:55 -0000
From: “hotdamnmale”
Subject: new technic??

I created something i think…
lets say you got someone’s number and you know they got something they
going to be doing .. text them and wish them good luck…( or be
creative as to why you texting )
they’re text you back and say THanks.. who’s this…
you can then text them and say : well you should have saved the number
.. are you going to be at …. next ( day) … if you lucky you’ll see
me their…
I had this girl calling me within minutes instead of them screening
you.. you got them screened… now my phone game sucks so i didn’t get
far… but this seems to work great


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 21:49:00 -0000
From: “Robert”
Subject: phone poll..

ok so my question is what do you all think about cell phones? they
obviously have their benefits and their downfalls. ive talked to a
couple guys who work in the field without one as do i, and they made a
good point. when you have a cell phone people tend to like to have
conversations on them, when you give out your home # and they get your
answering machine its strickly business.

ive been contemplating getting a palm pilot, because i use a small
black book for #’s and its classier. the women love the little book
cause its like damn you have a little black book haha. of course i
pull out the previous #’s. i do get the ocassional wtf you dont have a
cell phone? but they realize im not like every guy whos dependant to a
cell phone plus im usually so busy with school and work that there’s
no point for people to call me and bother me. let me know what you
guys think…


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 20:15:31 +0000 (GMT)
From: Velan Marian
Subject: Need a girl

I am a 30 yr old married guy. I want a girl for good company. I am living in
Jersey city. Please reply to my mail



Message: 6
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 02:30:08 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…

— In, michaelchina@… wrote:
> Tell me if i am wrong, but are you REALLY pretending to be a
reporter? Is that what you say to the person you talk to? That you are
a reporter? Perhaps you get neg responses on occassion because the
person does not believe you are REALLY a reporter. On the other hand,
if you are doing it tongue in cheek, and it is clear you are NOT a
reporter, but you are using that just as a guise to start a
conversation, some women, especially some of the hottest, will think
“well why didn’t this guy just come up to me and say hello and start a
conversation, instead of using this ruse?” Sometimes “routines” just
aren’t necessary. A simple hello and an open ended question based on
observation and study of that particular female and females generally,
will work…

Have you checked the drill before you made this post?

That’s not the purpose of the drill. Go to the FILES section and read
Chun’s report to get a good sense what the drill is all about.



Message: 7
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 02:44:51 -0000
From: “George
Subject: Re: phone poll..

— In, “Robert”
> ok so my question is what do you all think about cell phones? they
> obviously have their benefits and their downfalls. ive talked to a
> couple guys who work in the field without one as do i, and they made a
> good point. when you have a cell phone people tend to like to have
> conversations on them, when you give out your home # and they get your
> answering machine its strickly business.

I have a cell and find it very useful. I also have a Pocket PC(HP) and
ACT! software but they are out of sight. I don’t want any chick to
see them. None of their business.

> ive been contemplating getting a palm pilot, because i use a small
> black book for #’s and its classier. the women love the little book
> cause its like damn you have a little black book haha.

I strongly advise against advertising your “black book”. Not cool.

of course i
> pull out the previous #’s. i do get the ocassional wtf you dont have a
> cell phone? but they realize im not like every guy whos dependant to a
> cell phone plus im usually so busy with school and work that there’s
> no point for people to call me and bother me. let me know what you
> guys think…

If *I* didn’t think I needed a cell phone for my own reasons, I
wouldn’t have one regardless of what some chick may say.

If you want more control, give her just your HOME number.



Message: 8
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 02:59:46 -0000
From: “George
Subject: Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…

Many guys can learn from Style’s learning experience…

When he was starting out, he’d take one step learn it and use it in
the field. Then every night he’d break down his field experience and
analyze it throughly– very similar to what I had been recommending–
and figure out what he needs to do differently next time.

That’s one of the reasons I respect Neil Strauss.

This is all in The GAME. Check it out.

So this is for Chun and anyone else who is having difficulties…take
a step back and figure out –either on your own or by posting here —
what your curent sticking point is and then attack it from all sides
until you blast through it. That’s the learning curve and it’s really
not that steep once you can approach.

This strategy has worked for me, Style and countless others so far and
it will work for you too.

Keep chipping away.



Message: 9
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 22:11:51 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: Re: new technic??

yeah, when I met my ex, she told about a new job interview, in days at 1,
so after 8 days, at 12 50, I messaged her and she replied back, right away,
when she finished her interview, she called me and she took a taxi over to
my place, told me that she didn’t had supper yet, so instead of taking her
out, I prepared something fast and after we enjoyed our supper, she offered
to do the dishes, and clean up, I came from behind and kissed her for her
good behavior and that I like clean girls.

Now this girl is a solid 9.5 no doubts, she’s a model, but I treated her as
a person, and ignored her look, also I showed her my good side and that I
wasn’t interested in her for her hot body.

Right until this day, we are good friends
—– Original Message —–
From: “hotdamnmale”
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 6:50 PM
Subject: [seduction_dating] new technic??

>I created something i think…
> lets say you got someone’s number and you know they got something they
> going to be doing .. text them and wish them good luck…( or be
> creative as to why you texting )
> they’re text you back and say THanks.. who’s this…
> you can then text them and say : well you should have saved the number
> .. are you going to be at …. next ( day) … if you lucky you’ll see
> me their…
> I had this girl calling me within minutes instead of them screening
> you.. you got them screened… now my phone game sucks so i didn’t get
> far… but this seems to work great


Message: 10
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 04:50:49 -0000
From: “Steven
Subject: Other places to do pick up….instead of streets and Clubs

For many of you “new players”, new to the game, there are inherent
difficulties to doing pick ups on the street (where women are always
more cautious in talking to strangers- and where your natural fear
may hinder you in one way or another) and at clubs (which, I don’t
like as pick up places for a whole slew of reasons, briefly
discussed below). One of my favorite places to p/u women is the
local, mid-level restaurant and bar.

I pick up tons of women in “mid level” restaurants with Bars (in the
US, Fridays, Applebys, Bennigans) The advantage of these places
over “clubs” is they are less noisy, less “competition” (in clubs,
even the unattractive girls will be eventually hit on-ever heard of
Beer Goggles?- and thus have their egos and attitudes way up in the
air!); Mid level eating establishments are full of conversation
starters, say about the food, the bad canned music, etc. Often
groups of women come to the bars at these places- they seem to feel
more comfortable, more at ease than at clubs; and the regular
dinning area is also a good target (i have opened a table full of
women or a table with just two women on my way to or from the
bathroom from the bar on numerous occassions, especially after
getting some IOI, a lingering stare, a smile, etc, with a canned
line like “excuse me, but what are you eating? is that good? i am
waiting for my friend, collegue, coworker and i just could not
figure out what to eat…or negging a bit, ” you’re actually going
to eat that?” or “You didn’t really order THAT did you?” or, once
you are bold enough and get enough IOIs “Hey, can i join you for a

The food and drinks are relatively cheap at these restaurants (that
is cheap for you, as a budding PUA you aren’t buying sh#$%! for a

Also, if you become a “regular” at one of these spots, your
demonstration of value becomes very easy (you walk in the door of a
Bennigans you frequent for instance, the bar tender-not the wait
staff as they tend to change weekly!- will know your name
and “holla” at you as you walk in. People notice that
crap….especially women, but you dont want to come across as a
loser Norm, type, so tip well, and develop good rapport with the bar
staff, in addition to helping you demonstrate value, they can be a
great source of “intellegence” on the women who come in the bar”
Just remember, dont hit on any of them as that will potentially ruin
the place as a furtile hunting ground). Being recognized will also
put women at immediate ease I have noticed, especially if the bar
tender is a woman. This kind of familiarity will almost never happen
in a crowded, noisy club!



Message: 11
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 05:02:18 -0000
From: “Steven”
Subject: Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…

Gotcha, George! Thanks for the heads up…this IS a great drill if
properly done…


— In, “George”
> — In, michaelchina@ wrote:
> >
> > Tell me if i am wrong, but are you REALLY pretending to be a
> reporter? Is that what you say to the person you talk to? That you
> a reporter? Perhaps you get neg responses on occassion because the
> person does not believe you are REALLY a reporter. On the other
> if you are doing it tongue in cheek, and it is clear you are NOT a
> reporter, but you are using that just as a guise to start a
> conversation, some women, especially some of the hottest, will
> “well why didn’t this guy just come up to me and say hello and
start a
> conversation, instead of using this ruse?” Sometimes “routines”
> aren’t necessary. A simple hello and an open ended question based
> observation and study of that particular female and females
> will work…
> >
> Have you checked the drill before you made this post?
> That’s not the purpose of the drill. Go to the FILES section and
> Chun’s report to get a good sense what the drill is all about.
> Warmly,
> George


Message: 12
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 21:40:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Troy Dizon
Subject: Re: phone poll..

Ive always used my Nokia 6600 phone cuz it is so f-in cool. If you search the
net right you can download some crazy software like i can turn it into a remote
control that can calibrate almost every appliance with infrared. I also have a
lot of hilarious video me and my friend made so its an interesting start up

Robert wrote: ok so my question is what do you all
think about cell phones? they
obviously have their benefits and their downfalls. ive talked to a
couple guys who work in the field without one as do i, and they made a
good point. when you have a cell phone people tend to like to have
conversations on them, when you give out your home # and they get your
answering machine its strickly business.

ive been contemplating getting a palm pilot, because i use a small
black book for #’s and its classier. the women love the little book
cause its like damn you have a little black book haha. of course i
pull out the previous #’s. i do get the ocassional wtf you dont have a
cell phone? but they realize im not like every guy whos dependant to a
cell phone plus im usually so busy with school and work that there’s
no point for people to call me and bother me. let me know what you
guys think…


Message: 13
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 06:40:02 -0000
From: “B Wu”
Subject: Approach at Diner?

Hey guys,

i go to a university and the diner is a great place where lots of
girls are. i’m not quite used to meeting new girls here yet, it just
still feels so weird to do so. but i’m going to try because, well why
not right?

what do you think are some of the best ways to try to approach and get
numbers of girls? just say hi, introduce and ask number? try to eat
with them? also if someone is eating alone, what’s the best way to try
to join them? just ask, can i join you? but then where should the
conversation turn? should it just be where do you live (on campus?),
what’s your major, blah blah all the while teasing? i know i shouldn’t
have fear when doing it, but even just thinking about it now, i feel
like that’s so weird and out of my element although i really want to
because it’s a great way to meet people. i guess i just have to pull
the trigger and acutally just go do it, but do you guys have any


Message: 14
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 07:49:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…

— George wrote:

> Many guys can learn from Style’s learning
> experience…
> When he was starting out, he’d take one step learn
> it and use it in
> the field. Then every night he’d break down his
> field experience and
> analyze it throughly– very similar to what I had
> been recommending–
> and figure out what he needs to do differently next
> time.
> That’s one of the reasons I respect Neil Strauss.
> This is all in The GAME. Check it out.
> So this is for Chun and anyone else who is having
> difficulties…take
> a step back and figure out –either on your own or
> by posting here —
> what your curent sticking point is and then attack
> it from all sides
> until you blast through it. That’s the learning
> curve and it’s really
> not that steep once you can approach.
> This strategy has worked for me, Style and countless
> others so far and
> it will work for you too.
> Keep chipping away.
> Warmly,
> George

Hey George, thanks for the encouragement. Yeah, I’ve
been stuck before and have figured things out, and
this time it’s no different.



Message: 15
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 08:20:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Re: Reporter Drill Day 3…

> Tell me if i am wrong, but are you REALLY pretending
> to be a reporter? Is that what you say to the person
> you talk to? That you are a reporter? Perhaps you
> get neg responses on occassion because the person
> does not believe you are REALLY a reporter. On the
> other hand, if you are doing it tongue in cheek, and
> it is clear you are NOT a reporter, but you are
> using that just as a guise to start a conversation,
> some women, especially some of the hottest, will
> think “well why didn’t this guy just come up to me
> and say hello and start a conversation, instead of
> using this ruse?” Sometimes “routines” just aren’t
> necessary. A simple hello and an open ended question
> based on observation and study of that particular
> female and females generally, will work…

I am already finished with the reporter drill. Right
now I am experimenting with different types of
indirect openers. What you are saying COULD work but I
am approaching primarily in malls (a rather fast pace
environment). Also my understanding is direct openers
works better with singles than with groups.


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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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