Style Life World Conference Review/Insights/and My Thougths on Style

I vaguely follow the whole Style life wingmen series. Its not that I don’t think that it probably has some value to it, its just that I’m kind of Neil Strauss’d out right now. His book was great, I’ve never sarged with him but from what people say he was an amazing pickup artist, maybe even the best. Well, I guess it is because I never got to see him in action that I’m skeptical about how good he really was. I know I’ll probably get a thousand emails telling me he’s the man, I’m half the PUA he was or is, blah blah… thats not point at all. Im not bashing Neil. I’ve praised him enough over the years on this blog. My point is just that I haven’t exactly been excited by what he has to say anymore.

Which is why I was kind of happy and humbled to read this report by RazorJack on the Stylelife world conference. This report really contains the essence of Neil Strauss and why I believe he has become the icon he has. Razor Jack does a good job reporting on the event. And while most of the tips and insights he includes are things that most of should know by now, it is always worth freshening up on some of the basics.

Stylelife Review by RazorJack

Reading descriptions of Neil by his peers makes you really believe that he was as good as they say. I mean I’ve yet to hear someone come out and discredit him. Everyone that talks about seems to agree that he comes off as a natural charasmatic guy. I’d like to think that when they talk about Old Bobby Rio they say the same thing lol

Anyway, instead of posting the entire report (it is quite long) I thought that I would post what I found interesting from it.

“Watching Style work the room at Amalia had to be one of the highlights of the night. Style’s charisma doesn’t have Jim Morrison intensity or George Clooney cockiness. His charm is a sincere focus on those around him. Style becomes a reflection of his audience, allowing them to open up and be their best selves, making each interaction between Style and his new acquaintance special. This was evident by the way women could not take their gaze off him throughout the evening. Sitting next to Style for 5 minutes will teach you more than any PUA ebook ever written. At the end of the night, those of us not in the Elite Boot Camp parted ways, watching Style leave the club with several beautiful women in tow. Our minds racing, ready to get the first workshop started so one day that could be us.”

“A common misconception is that women prefer “jerks” over “nice guys.” Style dispelled this myth by pointing out that most “nice guys” are really weak men who are seeking acceptance from women to feel better about themselves. “Women want a strong man,” Style said, “one who possesses confidence and knows what he wants.”

” Style suggested that when calibrating, push it up to “plus 2.” If you reach a red light, back up and figure out where you are at in the courtship model, and go from there. Besides calibration, Style discussed combinations of indicators of interest (IOIs) to look for, as well as ping tests to perform to see if someone is attracted.”

“Style discussed Dr. Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,” an invaluable text that should be absorbed by any aspiring PUA. Cialdini outlines the key elements of persuasion such as reciprocation, liking, and scarcity by providing real examples from his research to validate his theories.” (I’ve read this book and agree with Strauss)

“When we returned to the conference room, Evolve discussed being cool. Being playful, asking questions, and reframing certain aspects of your life in an interesting way, are all great ways to be cool. He went on to say, “Anything you’re passionate about will be attractive to girls.”

“Laughter is the best seduction.”

– Razorback


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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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