I love New York 2 “20 Pack” AFC of the week
As Bobby might have mentioned on the past, I am a bit of a VH1 Reality freak so I decided to write a new section called AFC of the week, actually I was inspired. Watching these shows you may not learn too much of what to do, but you can definitely learn what NOT to do.
So my first [[[AFC]]] (Average Frustrated Chump) of the week is 20 Pack from “I love New York 2”. He pulled one of the all time worse moves I have ever seen. In last episode he was alone with Ms. New York on a date and she asked him to kiss her. He leans in and says, “you sure?” I mean WTF! This guys profile says he runs a male review, so he has enough balls to dance practicality naked in front of strangers but not enough to kiss a woman on live TV!
Well he was kicked off that episode, obviously… and he says in the aftermath “If she wants a guy who is not going to go slow then she is just going to get hurt like the last time” Oh please!
Stoute Out!
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.