How to Disguise a Beer Belly
I was flipping through pictures from our recent DR Retreat and had to make the honest realization with myself that I am currently rocking a beer gut. These things tend to sneak up on us.
I used to work hard labor doing contracting… until recently quitting to run this website full time. Now instead of being on my feet all day lifting heavy objects… I sit at the computer. Even worse… now that I don’t have to be up early i am up later guzzling beers and eating late night snacks.
On top of that I’ve been traveling non stop for the month of August… which all has led up to the inevitable beer gut. Sure, I’m slowly getting back to the gym, refining my diet, and doing my ab exercises… but it takes a lot less time to grow a beer gut then it does to lose one.
So in the meantime, it is important to know how to hide a beer belly.
If you’ve got a gut there are certain clothes that you should not be wearing. Under no circumstance should you be wearing a snug fitting short. In fact, avoid short sleeve shirts altogether. I made the mistake of wearing a muscle shirt down in the DR to disastrous results. You also do not want to wear pants that fall below the gut.
A general theory is that the less in shape you are… the less casual you can dress.
Dressing to hide a beer gut requires that you spend more time structuring your clothing. This means wearing more layers that blend together to create a nice look. You should make sure you wear and undershirt tucked in. This will hold some of your fat in. If the temperature allows it, always try to wear long sleeves for proportion. Long sleeves will generally make you look slimmer. You want to make sure that you pants are worn to your belly button.
Ultimately, the best tool for hiding a beer gut… is to get rid of it through diet and exercise. But in the meantime you should always try to dress to impress.
There is a term used to describe certain fat people “they carry the weight well.” This just means that they are dressing in a way that is flattering to them.
If you’re completely clueless about fashion then you should read some of our fashion articles?to get your bearings together.
You don’t have to have abs of steel to look good in clothing.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.