Turning Rejection into Seduction

Caitlinf you’ve ever had someone you’re attracted to give you the cold shoulder, only to turn around at a later date and BEG to be your willing love slave, you’ll know what I’m talking about today.

And if you haven’t had that happen, by understanding & applying my “Reversing Strategy” you’ll see it start happening for you!

Even if you’ve had that happen in the past, you may not know WHY it happened, and thus you were unable to re-produce the same event.

Here’s the magic formula for having it happen, and getting it ALOT:

What happens is that when you Emotionally Respond to any circumstance or agitation (such as “rejection”) you are failing the test and confirming to them that you are not worthy of being surrendered to!

Does this make sense? The feminine giving in to the masculine is a form of “surrender” of emotion and body.

If your emotional capacity is reactive in any way other than the complete and total “Confidence of Abandon”, thousands of years of genetic design screams out to her subconscious to say “nnahhh, I don’t think so.”

So, pass the test by being ABOVE it!

Can you imagine having a real true heart-felt LAUGH when someone says “no” to you?!

Don’t you think, just for a moment, they’ll doubt their choice?

Of course they will!

Your laughter must not be forced, faked or feigned. Genuinely see it as funny. It’s a subconscious form of slight condescension, as if you’re looking at her as just slightly clueless (rather than as most men see pretty women: all-powerful and all-knowing)

Subtlety is key here. You don’t want to come across as a snob. “Reversing” works like magic if it is SUBTLE. Here’s why:

When you ever-so-subtly act as if you know something they don’t, there is a transference of energy. Remember Mr. Bolan’s golden master key for persuasion & seduction:

Your Emotional Response Transfers Control To Your Target!

By not responding in the typical way that she is used to, it creates an “energy vacuum” where SHE emotionally responds to fill in the gap. Thus control is transferred to YOU. That’s the beauty of “reversing”!

In that moment they may begin a bit of nervous laughter themselves, and then, you’ve hit the “start over” button and you have another chance.

Then comes Anchored Comfort, and you’ll find the cold shoulder turning into the lusty vixen.

Are you getting it yet? (pardon the pun) If you’re ready to go full-out and live the life of a warrior king once and for all, start using the “reversing” strategy whenever you’re met with rejection. You’ll soon find it turning into seduction!

To Your Success,

Scott Bolan

Here is another article related to the subject: https://www.tsbmag.com/2013/11/25/what-to-do-after-she-rejects-you/


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Scott Bolan A pioneer in the fields of NLP, Persuasion & Influence, Hypnosis, Kahuna and Martial Arts Mastery, Scott Bolan distills it all down to instantly effective methods you can use to Dominate Life Like a Pitbull! Scott Bolan

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