Annoying Pest…

Annoying pest… to welcomed guest

Two girls are standing together in a bar talking about their upcoming vacation. They seem really into the discussion and barely break eye contact with one another. They are obviously in deep rapport, and quite enjoying each other’s company.

Is this an ideal set to approach?

It all depends on your offer.

The other day I was walking through the mall. In the mall there are a hundred or so kiosks spread and you can’t walk by without one of the sales employees trying to get your attention to sell you some skin cream or embroidered baseball cap. Generally, I walk as far from these stands as possible, as I hate to be interrupted in my shopping… and even worse, hate having to escape the hard sell.

I had been on my cell phone, not paying attention, and the next thing I know I’m walking smack into the dragon’s layer. Before I could swerve left to avoid her, I’m stopped by a girl who wants me to look at this appliance that supposedly takes wrinkles out of your shirt in seconds. I’m all set to make my excuse, tell her I’m in a rush, when she rubs the thing against my wrinkled shirt. She smiles. I look down and the wrinkles on my shirt are gone. I regain my composure, and I’m about to tell her I’m not interested… but before I could get the words out she says “Its only $10.” I was sold.

The point of this story?

Most guys get intimidated by delivering an opener to woman they are interested. Why? Because they are worried about interrupting her, bothering her, or getting rejected.

Try comparing your opener to a salesperson sticking his foot in the door, buying just enough time to deliver one or two sentences that will melt resistance, create interest, and elevate his status from annoying pest to welcomed guest.

If you’ve got a solid product (good game) even those two girls talking about their vacation, deep in rapport, eyes glued on each other… will welcome a chance to talk to you.

How do you become a “welcomed guest”… ?Use the Triangle of Tempation

  • Create a connection
  • Have fun with them
  • Illicit a sexual response

==> the steps are laid out in THIS VIDEO

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  • The Secret to Making “Small Talk” Sexier
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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