Cool Shit: Putt Up or Shut Up Rug Kit
Want to practice putting indoors, but think that the traditional indoor putting greens are tacky? FLOR came up with something pretty nifty. This rug comes in smoother and shaggier tiles that you can arrange. It also has a map to help you make par 3, par 4 and par 5 configurations. Now that golf season’s started it might be a little late to work on your short game, but it give you something to do on rainy day’s and drunken nights. You can pick it up at for around $140.
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About PeteTheFreshman Finding hot chicks, gadgets and hanging out with bands is a tough job, but someone has to do it... Self proclaimed gonzo journalist, tech monkey, and lush, PeteTheFreshman writes the posts that require the least amount of writing skill.