Somebody Actually Made This: Techno Nirvana
The post over at Coilhouse that alerted me to the existence of this video starts off by saying “This is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.” And I, for one, cannot disagree with that sentiment.
The video is from Chilean singer Abigail who, according to Wikipedia is known for her “deep, smooth, evocative contralto singing voice”. And, judging by her below remake of Nirvana’s iconic “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, completely ruining good songs. Now I’m no huge Nirvana fan here – while they are in my “wheelhouse” of early-to-mid 90s grunge, I was always partial to Pearl Jam or Alice In Chains – but, my god, who can be the audience for this horrendous techno-remake?
Go ahead and watch it. If you dare!
Only thing worse than this would be if someone somehow made a video game version of Kurt Cobain and had him singing a bunch of shitty songs by Bon Jovi. Oh wait:
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.