Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests


The 7 Seduction Archetypes

img Posted August 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The dandy attracts a woman by being ambiguous. He doesn’t fit the stereotypically masculine ideal. He can’t be categorized. He clearly likes women, but gives off a homesexual vibe to most that encounter him. He even seems to indulge in that vibe. The dandy fashions his image to be a bit mysterious by going above

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The Shit Test Formula

img Posted July 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Pass a Girl’s Shit Test What’s the right attitude for responding to a “shit test?” How should you respond when a girl throws one at you? This is a question I get a lot when I’m working with one of my private coaching clients. “Should I appear angry?” “Should I laugh it off”

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How to Arouse a Woman: The Secret to Sexual Attraction

img Posted July 9, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The Secrets to Making Her Horny and Aroused There are few things that empower a man more than his ability to arouse a woman sexually. But not every guy knows which buttons to push, since there seem to be so many, and each chick is wired differently. So to make things manageable, I present to

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How to Appear Less Needy When Talking to a Girl

img Posted June 7, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : I used to get really confused why a girl would so quickly go home with one of these guys. And I was always obsessed with figuring out “what did he SAY that was so special?” I’d watch them talking, and I’d see her reacting to him in a way girls NEVER reacted to me. It

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How To Get A Girlfriend

img Posted June 6, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Find and Keep a Girlfriend You Really Want DISCLAIMER: Why do you want a girlfriend? Do you feel lacking inside, and hope a woman will complete you? Are you lonely and lost, and seek companionship and direction? Do you believe it?s the thing to do because all your friends are doing it? Well,

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5 “Nice Guy” Texts That Lead to the Friend Zone

img Posted December 8, 2014

In this video Bobby and Rob discuss 5 texting mistakes that lead to the friend zone and hurt your chances with a girl. If you’ve ever had a girl go cold or stop answering your messages, chances are you were making at least one of these deadly texting mistakes. Discover the Key Lock Sequence Now

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How to Appear Wanted By Other Women (The Power of Pre-Selection)

img Posted December 1, 2014

In this video Bobby and Rob teach the powerful concept of “pre-selection” and why it is important for girls to think that other girls want you. How to give off the “I get laid” vibe. They also teach some easy ways to eliminate “needy” behavior so that you don’t come across as too try hard

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Eliminate This Needy Behavior (Quit displaying these attraction killing traits)

img Posted November 24, 2014

In this video Bobby Rio and Rob Judge outline three behaviors you must avoid if you want to turn a girl on and get her attracted to you. By avoiding this “needy” behavior its much easier to get a girl to want to sleep with you or date you. Check out this video to learn

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#1 Reason She Won’t Hook Up with You (even if she wants to)

img Posted November 17, 2014

It’s not a good experience when you’re at the peak and she’s going to say YES, but suddenly all was coming down to nothing. You know she wanted it to happen, but what’s the main reason a lady won’t hook up with you? Is the problem with you or is it with her? It is

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3 Reasons Girls Go “Cold” (When She Seemed to Really Like You)

img Posted November 10, 2014

Ever wonder what you did wrong with a girl, when she really seemed to be into you? Learn the top 3 reasons girls seem to turn ‘off’ when they seemed to really like you. Discover the secret to knowing how to get a girl and keep her interested in you. Once you know what ‘not’

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2 Ways To Gain Upper Hand With Girl

img Posted November 3, 2014

Have you ever wanted to get the ‘upper hand’ with a girl? There are two simple, yet effective techniques to do just that. Regardless of what a girl may say, they love it when a man takes charge and when you learn how to get her thinking about you constantly, she will jump through hoops

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These 3 Deadly “Seduction Sins” Are Secretly Killing Your Chances with the Girls You Really Like

img Posted October 27, 2014

Have you been in that situation wherein you’re confused and you’re wondering what’s wrong with you? Girls just leave and dump you for reasons you don’t know and not aware of. Man, that’s bad if you don’t know what’s really going on! You’re maybe doing a lot of things that you thought was okay, but

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8 VERY Common Behaviors That Make You Look NEEDY

img Posted October 20, 2014

In a relationship, when a man looks needy the ladies start to hold power and take control. It’s a great disaster for your manhood! So how does this situation start to manifest in a relationship? Your behavior towards your relationship is the main key. You thought it was a good thing to do, but not

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#1 Secret to Playing Hard to Get (…and make her chase you)

img Posted October 13, 2014

Ever thought of that wonderful feeling when girls chase after you and they just can’t get enough of you? Hmmmm… Sounds fun right? Turn that dream into a reality! Learn the secrets and learn how to do it effectively. Playing hard to get is not just exclusively for the ladies. Men too are capable of

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4 Attraction Building Benefits of “The Pull Back”

img Posted October 6, 2014

Is it possible for you to be wanted and needed by a woman so badly? I’m glad to tell you that it is possible by doing “The Pull Back”. Have you heard about it? It’s a technique that is super effective to the point that a lady will do anything just to have you and

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How to Gain the Upper Hand with a Girl

img Posted September 29, 2014

Here’s the trick on how to gain the upper hand with a girl. You should know this trick and don’t let her figure out that she has more power over you, because that would be the end for you and it’s actually a total disaster for men. Just be unpredictable and don’t show her everything

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